↬့◗Zhongli | Earrings ⬡𔓕 (✰)

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Adventure, Crack

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Adventure, Crack

I'm not Geo Archon, not anymore 😉

I just went to the bank in Liyue to take some of my mora about five hundred thousand but not for me 🙂 yeah you read that right, five hundred thousand mora in my pocket that I'll give it to Zhongli

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I just went to the bank in Liyue to take some of my mora about five hundred thousand but not for me 🙂 yeah you read that right, five hundred thousand mora in my pocket that I'll give it to Zhongli.

I heard some people murmured that he's been eating and take everything without paying 😭 since Tartaglia is absent for a month to go to his homeland Snezhnaya, I guess I have to take care of him until he's back.

"Let's go find him !" I walk downstairs as soon as I arrived I saw him running around making shield while looking to the ground 😒 what the hell is he doing !? Some people sees him and staring at him in confusion.

I rolled my eyes and walk towards him.
"Oi, Zhongli !" He turn to look at me, oh my Archon what the hell's wrong with his eyes ! Pandas eyes !

"You good ?" I furrow both of my eyebrows. He nodded
"Seriously ? From the look of your face you seem....troubled ?"

He sigh and nodded, he walk closer to me and shows me his right ear.

( I see it from the front ok 👌🏻 so it's right, if from his pov it'll be left 👌🏻 )

"Why you showing me your ear ? You want me to bite it or what ?" I said bluntly, he clicked his tounge and shove his ear closer to my eyes.

"There's something missing." I rolled my eyes and examines his right ear until I realize his face is like five centimeters away from mine so I can feel his breath on my neck.

"An earring ? He pull back and nod.
"I need to buy new earring." He cross his arm and close his eyes.

He's thinking

"Anyways, how can you lost your earring in the first place ?" He opened his eyes and his brown beautiful eyes staring to me.

"It's an interesting story actually, I was sleeping under a huge tree and suddenly my earring got snatched away with hilicurls, I thought it was a dream so I went back to sleep but when I woke up, my earring is gone."

"That is the dumbest story I ever heard, you are a geo Archon who built Guyun but you can't even sense hilicurls came close to you !?" I facepalm and he gave me a disagreement face.

"I am not a geo Archon anymore okay ! Let's go buy earrings." He walk passed me with crossed arms, this guy is unbelievable.

"With what you're going to pay Mr. ? You don't have mora." He turn around and grab my wrist.

"I know you have some, so let's go." I rolled my eyes, anyways who sell earrings in Liyue harbor ? I never seen one before.


We look everywhere but didn't find anyone who sell earrings and ended up I paid everything that he bought without paying from several days ago.

"See, no one sell earrings here ! Let's just get that earring back, after all it was only hilicurls right ? Nothing could go wrong."


"It's a Lawacurl dumbass." I mad at him with whisper.

"Wait, lawacurl snatch your earring but you didn't know !? What kind of an Archon are you !?" He rolled his eyes at me.

"At least I'm not an Archon that obsessed with eternity." Ok now he talks about Raiden Shogun. He keep talking and talking while I sneek in behind the lawacurl, there I see it in front of the lawacurl, all I have to do us to-

"ZHONGLI !" I don't know what the fucks worng with him today but I bet his braincell completely lost right now.

The lawacurl stood up and this is the moment where I sprint and snatch the earring also drag Zhongli.

"Let's get out !!!" I drag him by the wrist and damn he's heavy, I keep running and running but suddenly I feel my body being lift up.

"Zhongli ! What are you doing !?" He put me on his back so now it looks like piggyback ride, he hold both of my feet protectively and started running in full speed, I hold on to his neck gently because I'm afraid I'm gonna choke him.

"AAAAAAA!" Zhongli accidentally trip over and now we're rolling from top of the hill.

"You.are.an.archon.so.act.like.one." I said while rolling and rolling, I started to feel dizzy.

"I.drank.too.much.wine.from.bar.ba.tos." his face turned pale and from his mouth I could see it that he's going to puke, oh no please don't. Suddenly my body hit a tree.

"ARGH!" My stomach got pressed by it and damn that hurts like hell. I slowly stood up and I heard bone cracking that's not good. I search for Zhongli well it didn't take long until I spot him near a lake puking I guess ? Ew that's just displeasing to the eye.

"You okay Zhongli ?" He nodded and turn to me, I walk towards him and signaling him to shorten his height same level as mine. I put on his earring and he smiled at me while our faces only three centimeters away. I look away avoiding his gaze then I feel large hand on my head.

"Thank you Y/n."

ELYSIAN; Genshin Impact OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now