↬့◗Childe Tartaglia | Hide and Seek II ⾎☽︎

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Thriller, AU

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Thriller, AU

You haven't change

"Collei, this is the order for table 2

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"Collei, this is the order for table 2."
"Coming right up !" She take a tray and put the coffee I just brewed and two glass of blueberry smoothie. "Be careful." While she served the order, I walk back to the kitchen to make another order. Well here I am still the same Y/n, I graduated 3 years ago from highschool and continue my study in college, I own a café two blocks away from my house and it felt amazing to have a business of my own instead of working in other people places.

While I was in the kitchen making an order for my customer I heard Collei screaming outside, I quickly turned off the stove and run to the door, "Collei !?" I saw her picking up shattered glass on the floor. "Y/n, I'm sorry I tripped." I sighed in relief, for once I thought it was something else.

After the incident that happened 3 years ago I become paranoid of everything around me, everyday I can't sleep well because of him, I'm afraid that he will return and try to kill me after he failed to do that 3 years ago.

"Y/n, are you okay ?" Amber voice brings me back to reality, "yeah I'm okay." She sighed, "you look tired, you can go home if you want, I will close the café."

I do what Amber said and walked to my house, since it was almost 10:00 PM only few people passes by around the town. I could only hear the sound of my shoes along the way but I had a bad feeling, I felt someone was following me slowly from behind, I quickened my steps and suddenly I heard someone walking behind me which was getting faster, I took a deep breath then started running while grabbing my key inside my bag.

I arrived in front of my house, I opened the door then immediately locked it and  hold the door with any table that I found. I run to my bedroom and locked myself inside, this is not happening please go away !

I sit on my bed in the corner and wrapped myself with blanket, go away please ! I sobbed under the covers until I slowly drifted to sleep.

"Y/n, you can't hide from me." I heard Childe voice echoing in this dark hallway, "what do you want from me !?" I shouted, the surroundings started to change and it brings me back to the hallway in my school where I saw him holding a knife under the moonlight, Childe run while pointing the knife on his hand, "I WANT TO KILL YOU !"

I woke up with sweat all over my body, I felt suffocated and it was hard to breathe, I kept trying to get some air until I heard a knock on the front door. It's not him right ? I open my bedroom door and walk slowly making my way to the front, "y/n ! Open the door !" I shifted the table and open the door, "what is it ?" She hugged me and cry, "Collei she-she's in the hospital."

With my yesterday outfit, both of us rushed to the hospital with my car while Amber was still crying, I was deep in my thoughts about yesterday strange event and what happened to Collei today I bet it's not a coincidence, I am sure 100% that Childe is behind all of this. I spend my life as a college student to hide away from him, from his terror, I thought he was gone.

After a few minutes we arrive in the hospital, we asked Collei room and the nurse lead us to the third floor, room number 35 Amber opened the door and there I saw Collei lying weakly on the bed. Thank goodness she's not in bad shape, if Childe behind all of this why he attack Collei ?

I sit on a chair next to Collei, then I saw a piece of folded paper under Collei arm 'meet me on the rooftop y/n' written with black ink, "hey Amber if you looking for me I'll be on the rooftop, I'll leavemy bag here." She nodded and I left the room, I knew it, it was him all along.

I use the elevator to the top floor and use the stairs to the rooftop, let's finish this once and for all. I opened the door and there he stood admiring the city view, "hey Y/n long time no see." He turned around and smile mischievously, "hey Childe, I see you haven't change a bit, still psycho as always." He laughed, "I miss you y/n." He took out a knife from his pocket, "let's end our business from 3 years ago shall we !?" He's insane !

He throw his knife at me, I'm not ready for this shit ! I run back to the exit door but it was locked, "SINCE WHEN THE DOOR IS LOCKED !?" I groaned and I felt a pair of strong arms pinned me to the ground, "where are you going sweetheart ?" He take another knife from his pocket while I saw the knife that he threw near my feet, I slowly slide the knife until I can reach it, but before I could do that, he use his knife to cut slowly through my skin.

"Wait ! Wait !" I gulped and looked him in the eye try to distract him, "why you doing this to me ? Have I done something wrong ?" He laughed and it give me a chance to quickly slide the knife and grab it with my hand, I slashed his collarbone. He whimpered, and I kick his face making him fall to the ground. "Too bad your handsome face is now ruined." With the tip of the knife, I slowly poked his cheek and turned the knife around. "You see, you're not the only one who can be a psycho." After I turned the knife, I slashed his left eye.

He groaned and pinned me again, choking me. "YOU BITCH !" He tighten his grip making it hard for me to breathe,  "do you know why I hurt Collei !? Huh !?" He banged my head to the ground making my head dizzy, "so I can meet you ! Do you know how hard it is for me looking for you !? For 3 years ! I spend day and night searching for you so I could kill you ! I-" and he fall to the ground after his left eye got hit by a stone. "Amber !?" She trembling in fear, "y/n !? Are you okay ? I was looking for you but the door was locked and I heard you shouted and-" I immediately her hand also a knife and find any empty room to hide.

"Can you please explain what is going on ?" I closed the door and turned off all the lamp, "let's just say my ex is a psycho and try to kill me." I told Amber to hide under the bed while I stay behind the door. "Oh Amber, call the police."

"Okay." She called the police and they're on their way. I can't do this, it reminds me about the past. I took a deep breath but suddenly the door burst open with Childe holding an iron rod. Where the heck did he get that !? He swing the rod, if I didn't avoid it I'm already dead. "Y/n !" Amber shouted, oops, I forgot that Amber is still here !

"Amber get out now !" Childe swing the rod to Amber but I slashed his leg first. "Too slow." Amber made it out from the room, "Amber run !" While Childe still whimpering, I took his rod and hit his head, blood flowed from his head onto the floor, he was still able to stand up even after I hit him with the iron, this guy is unbelievable, how many hits would it take for him to die !?

He turned around and glare towards me, I backed away until my shoulder touch the wall, I dropped the iron to the floor. "Go away Childe ! You're crazy !" He's getting closer and closer he give me one last smile before his face fall to my shoulder. "Childe ?" I shook his body but there's no sign from him. Is he dead ?

"Y/n !" I heard Amber shouting from the hallway with several footsteps following her, that must be the police. Amber rushed towards me and the police grab Childe body checking his pulse, "he's dead." Amber hugged me tight, "it's over y/n, it's over."

Goodbye Childe.

ELYSIAN; Genshin Impact OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now