↬့◗Venti | Treasure Hunting ⬡Ꙭ

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Adventure, Venti birthday

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Adventure, Venti birthday

Drinks !

Hi Y/n !

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Hi Y/n !

Where do I start ? Uhm.... oh oh,
Just meet me under the tree near my statue, I'll tell you everything, and bye bye !!

I chuckled after reading the shortest letter I've ever read from venti, "What's going on with him ?" Paimon took the letter from my hand and checked the back of the paper and found nothing. "We'd better go and see him." Paimon sighed, "but I want to play cards with Diona." I nod and let her play cards with Diona while I'm going to see Venti, after all they only play cards right ? What could happen ?

"Y/n !" By the time I arrived under the tree, Venti greeted me with a smile, "oh right! happy birthday Venti." I hugged him but he dodged, "wait a minute this is not the right time." I looked at him confused by his attitude as if he was being stalked. "what why ?" he took out a folded piece of paper from his pocket and unfolded it, when I examined closely it was a map. "What is this ?"

"A treasure map. Let's go treasure hunting and split it in half." I already finished my comission today, Paimon is safe with Diona, there's nothing wrong right ?  "Yeah sure, let's go." we decided to go to the location marked on that map. We decided to go to the location marked on the map which is thousand wind temple.

"Hey y/n ? Where's Paimon ?" is he looking for Paimon ? Venti looking for Paimon ? "She's at Diona's playing cards." He gave me a surprised look "I didn't know she could play cards !" I chuckled "Me too Venti, I don't even know where she got her cards from." venti laughs, "she must have taken your card." I laughed. "It's impossible, I lost my card since-" I paused and remembered the last time I lost my card. "Forget it, looks like it's true she took my card."

We walked for a few hours until we arrived in Thousand Wind Temples. "Venti ? Are you sure this is the right place ?" He opened the map again to make sure, "yes this is the right place, we just need to-" screams were heard from the entrance under the stairs. "y/n, don't tell me it's Paimon's voice." I groaned, "Diona ! I swear I'm gonna kill you !" I took out my sword and venti took out his arrow then we both ran towards paimon scream. Inside I saw Paimon and Diona being ambushed by treasure hoarders guarding their treasure.

"Venti is that the treasure we're looking for ?" Venti's eyes lit up and nodded enthusiastically, "let's get it !" Because venti was too excited, he immediately released his anemo and the treasure hoarders flew into the wall and fainted, I hurriedly took the treasure before they got up with Diona and Paimon.

"Y/n ! I'm sorry." We were sitting in the Travern, in the corner of the second floor while enjoying our drink, it turned out that the treasure we got was true, it contained a lot of mora, we decided to divide it into 4 for me, Venti, Diona and Paimon. "It's fine, thank goodness we arrive before something happened to both of you."

When I was chatting, I started to realize that Venti wasn't around me, Paimon who seemed to realize that I was looking for Venti, she pointed at the door leading to the balcony. "I'll be back in a minute."I walked towards the door then opened it and I saw Venti sitting on the railing drinking.

"Do you forget something Venti ?" I nudged his shoulder, "what ?" I wrapped my arm around his neck, "happy birthday Venti ! Treasure hunting with you was awesome."

ELYSIAN; Genshin Impact OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now