↬့◗Various Characters | May You Blessed With Dreams 𓁹

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Sweet dream everyone

There's always goodbye in every hello, after so many places I visited, after so many sacrifices I made to help my friends, unfortunately I have to say goodbye, I won't be seeing people from Sumeru again for quite a long time for I must continue my...

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There's always goodbye in every hello, after so many places I visited, after so many sacrifices I made to help my friends, unfortunately I have to say goodbye, I won't be seeing people from Sumeru again for quite a long time for I must continue my mission and go to Fontaine. I plan to leave tomorrow morning, so today I'm going to visit my friends to say goodbye, I hope no more problems will harm Sumeru again.

"Paimon hate goodbyes." She sighed while looking disappointed. We are now right in front of Tignhari and Collei's place, unfortunately when I stopped by Tignhari wasn't there. "Sorry y/n, master Tignhari is away." I guess he's also busy in the weekend. "Do you know when will he return ?" Collei shook her head, "he left with Alhaitham, Cyno and Kaveh."

"Alright then, just tell them thank you for everything that they did to me while I was here in Sumeru, and thank you Collei." Collei furrowed her brows, "you want to leave ?" I nodded slowly trying to hold back the tears that begged to fall. "Wait....I know where they are, you better tell them yourself." Collei took my hand and we both walked to The Palace of Alcazarzaray. "Collei I think this is a bad idea."

"It's fine, besides you're not gonna see us again for a very long time right ?" I was silent, her words were true I might not meet them again, it didn't feel right if I didn't say goodbye in person. "Well there they are." I hid next to the bushes when I saw them eating together while playing cards, Cyno with his cheerful face that I rarely saw talking to Tignhari, Alhaitham who seriously listened to Kaveh's story even though he didn't seem to care but he still listened to his best friend.

"Come on y/n you can do it, I'll be waiting here with Paimon." Collei whispered into my ear then pulled me out of the bushes. "ok I will try."

( I save it from Kaveh's hangout, because it looks beautiful 😍 what a rare sight )

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( I save it from Kaveh's hangout, because it looks beautiful 😍 what a rare sight )

"Oh ? Y/n ?" Tighnari waved his hand towards me, shit what do I do !? I gulped and walked closer to their table. "I uhm I have something to tell you." I looked at each of them in turn before I looked down at my own shoes, this was harder than I had imagined. "I'm leaving tomorrow...to Fontaine." I shifted my gaze, looked at them and for a moment they all fell silent, did I just ruin their meal !? I looked at the bushes and mouthed to collei "I'm dead." Using my hand to do cutting the throat gesture.

"I just want to say, thank you for everything that you did to me while I was here, you helped me and I can't thanked you enough, I learned a lot from you guys, I hope we can meet again in the future." I'm not sad but I feel nervous because they just silently look at me without answering anything, I really don't know what to do now. "Guys say something anyone ? Anything ?"

It didn't take long for Tighnari to stand up and stretch out his arm to shake hands with me. "I'm very happy to know you y/n, I hope you get what you're looking for." instead of shaking hands with him I immediately hugged him, "thank you."

Kaveh got up from his seat and hugged me after I let go of Tighnari's hug, "if you come here again, I will build a special place for you to stay." I chuckled "you are the most talented architecture I've ever met, I'm gonna miss you Kaveh." I let go of my hug and looked at Cyno, Cyno's face turned red, "don't even try." he stood up to walk away but I managed to hug him. "Bye bye general mahamatra, I'm gonna miss you, and don't be so hard to Dehya and Candace."

He let go of my hug and his face was very red, "I won't...uhm me too, I'm gonna...miss..you too." He immediately sat down and covered his face with cards, very cute. Alhaitham got up from his chair and silently looked at me, "I-" he pulled me into his arms, "thank you, I will miss you...if you want to meet me you know where to find me." I nodded, "You know what ? You are the second smartest person I've ever met."

"Second ? Who's the first ?" I shrugged, "Zhongli." He chuckled as he stroked my head. after I said goodbye to them I went back to Sumeru City to say goodbye to Nilou and luckily Nilou was with Dehya and Candace at Grand Bazaar. "We will miss you Y/n! Take care on the road, don't forget about us and don't hesitate to visit." the three of them  hugged me and Paimon while sobbing, Paimon also cried until her snot came out of her nose.

After saying goodbye to them, we both went to the top place in Sumeru City to say goodbye to the last person. "And the last is.." I stood in front of Sanctuary of Surasthana ready to knock, "Nahida." I knocked on the door and it slowly opened, Nahida was inside right in the middle taking care of her work as usual. "Nahida, sorry to disturb you, but I'm here to say goodbye." She smiled and nodded "going to Fontaine ?" I hummed.

"I can't thanked you enough y/n for what you did to me and all people in Sumeru, I owe you. If you need help you can come to me." when I saw her, all the memories that I had made at Sumeru seemed to be repeating themselves, I couldn't hold back my tears, I hugged Nahida and said thank you over and over again. "Visit me whenever you like it, you are welcome here."

After I finished saying goodbye to Nahida, I went outside and saw a dark sky surrounded by stars. "Finally, our time in Sumeru is over." Paimon flew around while smiling in relief. yes, our time in Sumeru is over, good night everyone have a nice dream.

I can't believe it 😢 almost Fontaine, I can't move on from Sumeru 😭😭😭 favorite nation after Liyue and Mondstadt, I'm gonna miss all Sumeru quest 😔 anyway I got the title inspiration from random reels this morning.

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