↬့◗Xingqiu | Book and Best Friend ◑

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Brings back memories doesn't it ?

"Oi Xingqiu !" I circle my arm around his neck

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"Oi Xingqiu !" I circle my arm around his neck.

"What ?"
He answer me with his eyes still focus on the book that he read.

"Watcha readin' ?
He shows me the cover before reading it again.

"That book again." I close my eyes and smile.

"Brings back memories doesn't it ?"
I nod, black and gold book that he hold it sure is bringing back memories when we first met.

Me and Xingqiu are bestfriend since I met him in book festival called 'Sheet will Guide Lost Souls' I pitcure it very clearly in my mind, it was the brightest day that happened in Liyue, I was with Paimon back then chiling and feel the fresh breeze.


"Mmmmm, what should we do paimon ?"
I stretched my arms while laying down under a huge tree somewhere in Nantianmen.

"Y/n~ Paimon heard that there will be a festival called sheets will guide lost souls."

"Oooh, tempting, where is this festival you're talking about ?"
I positioned myself now sitting staring at Paimon.

"Liyue harbor."
I stood up and stretched my arms once again before drag Paimon wrist to run with me.

"Let's go !!!"
What a right place, right below me is Liyue  so I just jump with Paimon screaming to my ears.

"AAAAAHHHHH Y/N !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I just laugh looking at her face that now she hide it on my robe, I plunge safely to the ground several second later.

"Now you can get off of me Paimon."
She won't let go so I decided to push her away gently but then she just dropped to the ground ×_×

I blow her up with anemo well I use a tiny bit of my power but she flew high.

I run to her but she wake up and fly on the air.

"I hate you y/n, bye bye !"
She pissed off and dissapeared just like that 💀 no shit, well it's fine at least she already told me where the festival going to be held. I walk to Liyue harbor just a couple of minutes and arrived there.

A lot of people already there so I guess the festival is starting right now, I see a lot of shelves filled with books.

Sheets will guide lost souls... sheets... oh I think it's a reading festival.

Something caught my eyes from where I stand, a shining book with a gold and black colored.

That's interesting.

I walk closer and grab the boom but instead of the book, I grab something soft and warm.

Oh ?

I look to the left and I see a boy with blue hair color, he's wearing well I couldn't lie, he's wearing a royal clothes.

Damn he's rich.

"Are you going to read this book ?" I let go of my hand and shook my head.

"N-no, you can read that one uhmmmm... I'll read this one."
I grab a random book that I can reach with an interesting green jade colored flower as the cover.

"Interesting taste." He only said that and left.

Boy what ? 👀 never mind

I look for a bench so that I can sit and read but nope I found nothing.

You want me to read standing up ? Ain't no way.

I rolled my eyes and someone tap my shoulder.

"Yes ? Oh ?" Is that boy again.

"You looking for a seat ? I know a place, follow me."
He grab my wrist and I walk with him, well we walked away from the crowd and ended up in the rooftop.

"Oh, is it okay for us to read the book up here ?"
I said while looking for a nice spot to sit.

"It's fine as long as we return the book again before the festival finish." 😯 I nod and sit.

"Can I ask your name ?"
I ask him while he about to read the book that he chose.

"Xingqiu, what's yours ?"
Instead of reading it, he close the book again.

"Y/n." He smile.
"You have a beautiful name." I blush and look away.
"Thank you."

Since that day we become best friend, we read books together, strolling around together and share stories until now.

"Y/n ? You there ? I called you several times, are you going to come or not ?"
I have no idea what he meant.

"Huh ?" He rolled his eyes.
"Let's grab a lunch together." 😯 I nod and smile.

I hope our friendship continue until the end.

ELYSIAN; Genshin Impact OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now