↬့◗Various Characters | Welcome to The Nation of Justice ⬡

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AdventureWarning: Archon quest spoiler, bad words

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Warning: Archon quest spoiler, bad words

Justice my ass

"Are you ready, Paimon, to seek answers on our journey to Fontaine?" She nodded in excitement, oouu!! I can't wait to try their food!"

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"Are you ready, Paimon, to seek answers on our journey to Fontaine?" She nodded in excitement, oouu!! I can't wait to try their food!"

"Oh ? Y/n and Paimon." I turned around, and I saw Dehya waving towards us. "Dehya!" Paimon flew very fast and hugged Dehya, saying, "I will miss you and the others; I feel like it was yesterday we arrived in Sumeru." Paimon sobbed on Dehya's shoulder. Dehya turned to look at me while hugging Paimon and mouthed, 'What's wrong with her?' I shrugged and said, "Mood swing."

"I'm going to miss you too, Paimon and Y/N. Visit us anytime you want, and I'll treat you with good food later." Paimon nodded, rubbing her swollen eyes. "Take care, Dehya." We both left Sumeru and started our journey to Fontaine.
After some time, we finally arrived in Fontaine. "Whoa, the city sure is awesome; I feel like I'm in the future." We just arrived at the entrance using our boat, and then I saw a girl with cute ears and a tail near the water. "Oh my! Is she going to jump? We better hurry!" Paimon flew ahead of me while I ran, trying to keep up. "I know life is full of problems, but don't end it!" Here we go again, overreacting Paimon.
"Who are you?" Her ears twitched. "Don't drown yourself!" Paimon hit her shoulder! I face-palmed and said sorry to her. "Anyway, I'm Y/N and this is Paimon; do you perhaps know where the hydro archon is?" Before she had the chance to speak, someone interrupted us. "Lynette there you are, let's go we need to prepare for our show." Lynette rolled her eyes. "Meet my annoying brother, Lyney."
"Oh ? New friend?" Me and Paimon introduce ourselves to Lyney, with our purpose being to come to Fontaine. "Oh, I see. You want to meet with Lady Furina; she will be in our show. Why don't you come with us?" We decided to follow Lyney and Lynette; things are getting better in Fontaine, or so I thought until guards surround us. Shit, am I a fugitive again?
A girl similar to Hu Tao's posture walked on top of the balcony, "There's no way she's the archon, right?" Paimon whispered to me, and somehow Lynette could hear us: "She is the archon." What !?
"My dear people, rich and poor, raise your hand in lieu. Two travelers have arrived in our nation; let us make a toast to them who traveled from distant lands." She is the archon of Fontaine! Bruh, I'm going to kill myself.
"I, Focalors, hereby welcome you to the nation of Hydro!" Everyone clapped their hands while me and Paimon, on the other hand, stunned because the archon herself was easy to find unlike the others. "Uhm, how did you know we were coming!?" Did Paimon just ask that?

I saw the look in Furina face, her smug look return. "Don't forget that even gods can be divided into mediocre and excellent. I suppose it's only natural for you to be awestruck by my abilities." I scoffed, "feels like she can't get over herself." After a lot of blabbering she suddenly wanted to duel with me. "Bring it on !" I draw my sword, the guards starting to surround  me but the audience they seem to enjoy this kind of thing. 
"Hmm ! Are you not afraid? Might I remind you this is a duel against the divine!" I stare into her eyes and smirk, "Like I care, Raiden terrified me more than you." I can sense Furina being irritated by my behavior, but who cares? She started it. "As the god of justice, I shall face this traveler with another kind of duel—a duel in court!"
God of justice? Justice, my ass, if I'm not here for the purpose of seeking the answer of my brother, I won't step foot in this nation.
"We just arrived here, and you want to put us in trials!" She smirked. I swear, I want to punch that face. "It's obvious in Fontaine law that no one is permitted to release any flying objects within Fontaine city limits during the first three days of each month." Flying object!? She mean Paimon?
Lyney helped us, and he did a magic trick, revealing the orange thread that connects me and Paimon. Thanks to him, we're out of this trouble. After Furina left the scene, I thanked Lyney and Lynette. Four of us headed upstairs, waiting for a boat called Aquabus. To be honest, Fontaine itself was stunning and breathtaking; too bad the archon spoke so highly of herself.
"Well, that was a rough start. Let us treat you to a very nice place to eat in the city." With that we walked to an outdoor Café after we arrived in the city. "Please order anything that you like." I looked through the menus and something caught my eyes, "I want conch madaleine." Me and Lynette order the same food while Paimon order Ile flottante and Lyney order Pate de Fruit.

"Sorry, Lady Furina sometimes can be complicated." I shrugged, "it's totally fine." No it's not fine, I hate her already. "Well as a welcome gift I will buy you two tickets to watch my magic show tonight, how's that?" Since me and Paimon never been to magic show, both of us couldn't contain our happiness to hear such a kind word from him. "Of course!"

Lyney stood up taking off his hat and put it on the table, he snapped his finger and poof there are two ticket on the table. He handed them to me and Paimon. "Welcome to Fontaine Y/n and Paimon, I hope you enjoy your stay here."

ELYSIAN; Genshin Impact OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now