↬့◗Lyney | You, Me, Cards and Magic ⬡❤︎

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Adventure, fluff

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Adventure, fluff

Don't promise things when you can't guarantee it.

I was waiting for my boyfriend Lyney outside the Opera, yesterday he told me he wanted to try new magic tricks, I hope it wasn't a bad idea

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I was waiting for my boyfriend Lyney outside the Opera, yesterday he told me he wanted to try new magic tricks, I hope it wasn't a bad idea. "Oit Y/n!" He walked through those doors with a bunch of cards in his hand. "Hi Lyney!" He only took two cards and make the rest dissappear. "Choose one." I didn't know what he trying to do, I can only see the back of the card.

"Okay I choose this." I pick a card on the left, "go on, read it." I did what he said, I look at the front and there was a word written there. "Fruity trio." Suddenly the card in my hand dissapear, "okay let's go." He hold my hand, his hat flew around us creating red glitter dust.

One second after, both of us arrived in front of café Lucerne. "Whoa! That was amazing, how did you do that!?" He laughed and snapped his finger, suddenly he grab a rainbow rose from my hair. "For you madame." I gasped in surprise, I know he always do that but his magic really amaze me everytime. "Thank you monsieur."

Both of us eat our food, after we finishe snapped his finger and two cards suddenly appear in his hand. "Again ?" I chuckled, he shrugged," it's a card date, you won't get this kind of dating with someone else, it's uhm VIP experience." I laughed and pick a card, "ooh aircraft."

He took my hand and again both of us dissapear using his magic. "I need to get used to this." Once we arrived he fixed his hat, "hehe, yes you must, we will do this again in the future princess." Both of us walked to the aircraft and start it. "Where did you get this idea ?" I asked him as I lean over to look at the view. "It's just appear in my mind like magic." He put his hat on me and stand up next to me.

"I have this magic show tomorrow night and I want you to be there." I looked at him surprised, "bold move of you after the incident that happened last week." Last week was terrible, he was falsely accused thank goodness if not because Aether he might be in prison.
"I know, it won't happen again I promise."

"Don't promise things when you can't guarantee it." I sighed, "don't worry 'll be there tomorrow, front seat."

After our date end, Lyney used his magic to teleport me home. "Thanks for today, I promise I'll be there tomorrow." I kissed his cheek and walk into my house.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Lyney and Lynette with their spectacular magic show !" I watched the show and it went great till the end, I went to the back stage, "whoa you did great !!!" I hugged him and he spin me around, "thank you for always be there ro support me y/n." I nodded, "anytime."

I let go of his hug and intertwined our hand. "Well who's hungry ? My treat."


I SUPPOSE TO PUBLISH THIS WHEN LYNEY FIRST ARRIVED 😭😭😭 but I'm out of idea, and I know it's short, I'm too carried away with college, I will start publishing story again

ELYSIAN; Genshin Impact OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now