↬့◗ Scaramouche | Gnosis 𖧑 (✰)

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Take it from me, you won't make it alive

I heard that fatui harbingers make a move, collecting all gnosis that Archons have, I heard a news from one of my minion that Venti gnosis was taken by La Signora and Raiden Shogun gnosis, Yae gave it to Scaramouche willingly to protect a traveler...

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I heard that fatui harbingers make a move, collecting all gnosis that Archons have, I heard a news from one of my minion that Venti gnosis was taken by La Signora and Raiden Shogun gnosis, Yae gave it to Scaramouche willingly to protect a traveler without vision, I also heard that this traveler fought with Raiden Shogun and even ruined the vision hunt decree.

Raiden place is not far from me, I believe one of the fatui harbingers on its way here to me.

I'm as strong as Zhongli or maybe a little bit stronger than him, he's the geo Archon that built Guyun just by dropping his spear, while me, I'm the Archon of balance, the yin and yang who can nullify all the elements that exist, it is incredible but all of it has cost, flawless power exchange for a soul.

There's a limit, if I use too much of my power I could lost control and darkness take over me forever.

"Tsaritsa what are you planning ?" Taking all Archons gnosis for what ? She's an Archon she also has gnosis too, so that means she also took her own gnosis ? It's so confusing.

Gnosis is very important for Archons, gnosis can help us gain energy directly from Celestia...I completely losing my mind thinking all of this and-

I heard footsteps getting closer and closer inside my sanctuary, that's what I like to call my place. I sense unfamiliar energy getting closer and closer, while I was sit down on my chair I immediately stood up to see him the sixth of the eleven harbingers of the fatui Scaramouche.

"You arrive early than I expected." I tried to be calm as water but inside my heart beats so fast.

"As expected from Archon of balance, always calculating things." He gave me a psychopath smile and walk closer to me.

"So you know why I'm here right ?" I answer yes and he laugh at me like a psycho, things are going to be insane here.

"Why she want my gnosis ?" He drag one of a chair and sit there in front of me.

"Burning away the old world." I frown my face 'burning away the old world' what is that even mean ? Is that her exact plan ? Her exact goal ? Burning away the old world does that mean she wanted to end Celestia ?

"It's useless, you won't find the answer." From his tone I could heard that he's mocking me.

"And it's also useless to take my gnosis because that ain't happening." I crossed my arm and stare him, his face turns from psychopath to anger.

"Give me your gnosis ! And it's an order from Goddess Tsaritsa ! He hit my wood table, I heard a tiny crack from it.

"Did Tsaritsa ever mention to you that we aren't that close ? She hates me and I hate her, every Archon knows about this, so no, I won't do what she says."

I sit down on my table with my leg swinging back and forth.

"She should've know that a weak person like you won't be able to make it out from here alive, I thought she's smart."

He destroy the table where I sit and I immediately grab his jaw harshly and move it inches away from my face.

"You make a big mistake kid, big mistake." I dig my nails to his jaw and suddenly I heard a female voice laugh echoing through the hallway.

"Well, well, well." I remove my nails and push him away I could see my nails mark on his jaw and he bleed a little, I turn my face to the grand luxurious door to see Tsaritsa standing there.

"I've been waiting for you, Tsaritsa."

ELYSIAN; Genshin Impact OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now