↬့◗Kazuha | I GUESS I'M IN LOVE ❤︎𝆕☽︎

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Fluff, Songfic, AU

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Fluff, Songfic, AU

Why do I get so nervous when I look into your eyes ? Butterflies can't stop me falling for you

You know what's great about having a best friend ? You can tell them everything that bothers you and you can tell them hot news in school also which boy you admire but this is a different story when you like your own best friend since elementary s...

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You know what's great about having a best friend ? You can tell them everything that bothers you and you can tell them hot news in school also which boy you admire but this is a different story when you like your own best friend since elementary school, I mean like of course why not ? When he has a perfect face, perfect hair, perfect smile, let's just say he's perfect in every way and he's a boyfriend material that every girl can dreamed of plus he's the head of school organization, very active and smart. What's less about him ? None.

In this beautiful Saturday morning, someone knocked on my bedroom door a few times.
"Ugh, just open the door I didn't lock it !" I cover my head with pillow but then a familiar voice talk from outside.

"It's lock Y/n." I widened my eyes because that sweet and calm voice only belongs to Kazuha.

"Kazuha !?" I jump from my bed and open the door, there he stood perfectly with his plain white shirt and long black pants.

"What are you doing ?"
"What do you mean ? I come here everyday an-
"No no, not that, what are you doing in my house ? It's still six in the morning ? I guess ?" He just chuckle and rub my hair, I swear my cheeks are red right now.

"It's already nine and I want to take you somewhere, so you better take a shower and dress up." I nod and close the door.

Oh my, are we going to a date !? What do I have to wear, what kind of make up I use today oooouuuuhhh why I'm so nervous ???? I mean this is not the first time or the second time we go out together but my heart pounding so fast right now.

I try to calm myself before I go to the shower and clean myself.

After a few minutes I walk downstairs already dressed up but Kazuha is nowhere to be seen, then I ask my mom who's chopping onions in the kitchen.

"Mom, where is Kazu ?"
"Oh, he's gone, he said he had something to do. Check your phone, maybe he left a message."

Oh yeah my phone.

I walk back upstairs and grab my phone on the bed, and I see a pop up notification from Kazu.


Hey, I'm sorry I cancel our plan today
I need to do something urgent about
school stuff for Tuesday event, I'm truly
sorry let's go out tomorrow okay ?
See you 😄

It's totally fine sure we can go out
tomorrow, see you and take care 😆

I already dress up, it's okay if I go out and enjoy my own quality time today in this beautiful morning right ? I walk out and go to a park because I heard that there's an event with lots of food truck there. I use a bus to go to that park because it's pretty far from my house. I arrive around 2 pm and without wasting time, I immediately looking around and order some food that interest me.

I see a food truck that serve dry braised salted fish Kazuha favorite food. If only Kazuha is here with me.

I go to the food truck and buy one portion, not far from where I sit while waiting for my fish, I heard a girl laughing that caught my attention, so I turn to see that girl but instead my eyes fixed to a male in front of him. Kazuha sitting with a girl and laughing together, my heart shattered and it hurts to see him with another girl and he looks happier than when he was with me.

I stare for too long until he realized that I was looking at him, our eyes meet each other and I smile before I stood up and leave the place while holding back my tears.

I heard him calling my name from behind but I ignore it until he hold my wrist.

"Stop! Please." And I stop with my back facing him.
"Turn around." He said, and I shook my head, but then he hold both of my shoulder and turn me around facing him, I couldn't hold back my tears anymore and I cry in front of him.

"It's not what you think it is."
"Then what is it ? You ask me to go out with you and you broke the plan but then here you are with a girl eating together, laughing together look happy with her and I guess she's more important than your best friend here."
He wipe the tears on both of my cheek with his hand.

"She's just a friend and nothing more, she help me with school event."

I look away embarrassed because I make conclusions too fast without knowing the fact. He just stood there and smile at me.

"Honestly, I never see you cry like this when I'm with my friends, what happen ?"

You know what's less about him ? Sensitivity. Clearly that I like him but he doesn't notice like how in the world ?

"Kazu, are you too naive, idiot or both ?" I rolled my eyes and walk away.
"Don't come tomorrow, see ya at school." After I took a few steps maybe one or two, he suddenly grab my wrist and pull me to his arm, I widened my eyes trying to let go but he doesn't let me.

"Stay." He close the gap between us, I can feel his breath getting closer and closer until his lips touch mine. Of course I'm shock by his sudden move and I didn't expect that he gonna do it, but he pull away.

"I-uhm I-
Before he could say anything, I capture his lips again with mine, he held my body tighter and deepened the kiss.

"I like you Kazu." I said between the kiss, and he buried  his face on my neck.
"Me too, me too."

Well we ended up spend the rest of the day together, although my mom mad at me because I arrived at nine pm but it was a great day. I never knew that he's worth the wait, my best friend since elementary school and now he's my boyfriend, I'm totally happy with him.

ELYSIAN; Genshin Impact OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now