↬့◗Venti | The Eukaryotic Project ☽︎◑

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AU, Random

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AU, Random

Prof. Zhongli will kill us

I sit down quietly in my class when prof

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I sit down quietly in my class when prof. Zhongli explaining about eukaryotic cells.

"Okay so now I'll make groups, one group consist two people." He write all our names on the whiteboard and she paired me with Venti.

Venti ?

I never talk with Venti so I don't know him well but what I do know, he always prank students and professors, I'm just hoping that nothing bad will happen.

"So what you gonna do is to make replica of eukaryotic cell from clay, hand it to me this week on Friday, if the replica you make exactly like the cell, I'll give you A+ and I hope there's no student here get F, so goodluck this week Friday I'll be in my office, class dismiss."

Today is Wednesday so he gave us two days or maybe three days with today to build eukaryotic cell, well this shouldn't be a problem.

I packed my books and Venti approach me.

"Wanna start today ?" He asked me and with no doubt I said yes, if we do it today we can save time.

"Let's go buy some clay shall we !" We walk outside from class to the front gate.

"You bring a car, bike or maybe motorcycle ?" I shook my head.

"I went to univ with bus so I left my car in my house, kinda dumb but for me bus is way more fun than car." He nodded and asked me to wait for him.

"I won't be long, just wait." He run to the underground parking lot and not long after he appear in front of me with his car.

"Get in." I do what he says, he start the engine.

"Do you know a place where to find clay ?" I shrug my shoulder.

"Art and supplies shop ?" He nodded and search it on the navigator.

"Ooh, found it !" He start the engine and drive the car. Along the way we share stories and listening to a loud music but suddenly the place around us was crowded like really crowded.

"What is going on ?" Venti parked his car and we go out, everyone walking to a park near our destination.

"I'm curious.... wanna go and check ?" Venti asked and he grab my hand. I heard people cheering and shouting, I smell grilled foods and boiled foods everywhere.

"I never know there's a place like this near our univ." I said with my eyes darted to grilled ribs.

"You want grilled ribs ?" He walk to the food truck while still holding my hand.

"Two grilled pork ribs please." He ordered, while we sit down on a chair front of the truck.

"Venti, wait here I'm gonna go buy clay." Venti nodded and I walk back to where he parked his car, I found the store and I step my feet inside.

*ding ding ding

A cute bell sound could be heard when I opened the door, I look around and no kidding this store is freakin' huge. There's crafting materials, cute plushies, stuffed animals, wood toys, wool, and varieties of colorful paper, cute tape, ribbons and so much more.

"My dear, what are you looking for ?" A granny voice came from the cashier asked.

"Oh, I'm looking for clay ma'am." She slowly walk to me.

"Follow me, I'll show you the way." We walk near the entrance door and there's a sliding drawer made out of glass.

"How much do you need ?" She asked.
"Let me take it myself ma'am I-

*ding ding ding

"Y/n ! Here's your pork ribs- oh ? You found it." Venti stood in the entrace with two portions of grilled pork ribs in his hand, the old lady stepped away and I take the amount of clay that we need.

"Venti, is this enough ?" I grab the huge one with white color. "We can color it." Venti nodded, we walk to the cashier and pay.

"Granny, do you want some pork ribs ?" Venti asked and the old lady shook her head with a laugh.

"My dear, all of my teeth almost gone, I can't chew pork ribs." She laugh again.

"You two such a sweet couple." Me and Venti stare each other with wide eyes.

"N-no, we're not-we're not couple." Both of us said in unison before we left the store. I heard my phone vibrates.

"Oh, a message from professor Zhongli in group chat." Venti take a peek of my phone while eating pork ribs.
"Read it."

"Attention students, there's a change schedule for the eukaryotic project, give me the replica WHAT !? TOMORROW !? BECAUSE I THINK FRIDAY IS WAY TOO LONG, WHAT !?" I look at the time and it shows 5:00 PM.

"We're dead." Venti said with his lips full of sauce that came from the pork ribs. I sigh and grab my pork from his hand. We found a bench near the store and decided to enjoy our pork ribs there.

"If we don't want Prof. Zhongli to kill us, we must do it now after we finish this delicious pork. Your house or my house ?" He tapped his own chest.

"My place." Hearing his answer I immediately call my mom.

"Mom ? I will do group project in my friend house if it turns out I finish it at eight or nine I'll just sleep over okay ? There'sa lot of weirdos these day" She answered okay without hesitation and told me to be careful before she end our call.

"Nccccha, let's go !" Venti stood up excitedly.
"Oi, I haven't finish my ribs."

Well since that day, me and Venti become close friend after the eukaryotic project, it was fun even though we got A on this project.

ELYSIAN; Genshin Impact OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now