↬့◗Various Characters | Camping Ꙭ☽︎

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4K reads special, AU

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4K reads special, AU

I want to go home

Near Five Lakes a camping site was ruined but before all of these happened and-

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Near Five Lakes a camping site was ruined but before all of these happened and-


That, let's go back to where they first get in to a bus.
We have, "CAMPING, CAMPING !" Bennett, well he didn't want to stop screaming camping in the bus, there's Diona trying to sleep since she stepped in to the bus with her neck pillow.

Klee making something tiny on the backseat well she's kinda suspicious, we have Zhongli listening to music in his deep sleep while Childe drawing on his face using marker.

That's not all, Xiao on the other hand he's talking to himself while looking at Bennett I heard
'shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up' I feel like there's a huge black aura surrounding him so better not talk to him if you don't want to be enchanted with black magic.

Well pretty much all of us are here except Rosaria when I come to her house this morning she said with her blank expression, "I'm allergic to sun."
and slammed the door and I was like no shit, her house looks like a cave filled with bats no kidding, it was dark, I bet she's using black wallpaper.

I sit with Sayu since she's quiet and always sleeping everywhere even in class so choosing her was a right decision. Our destination is Fuji Five Lakes near Mount Fuji and this time Xingqiu is the one who chose the destination.

After few hours on the road we finally arrive in Fuji Five Lakes, Lake Yamanaka.

"WHOAAAA !!" Bennett immediately run to the lake and play with the water while Venti, Kaeya, Zhongli, Childe and Diluc take off their shirts and swim on the lake.

"GUYS IT'S PROHIBITED TO SWIM IN THE LAKE !" Xingqiu shouted as loud as he can because all five of them already swim very far.

"No shit." I said while get back to the bus and grab my bags along with my tent but then I found Albedo all alone inside the bus sleeping.

"Albedo wake up." I shake his shoulder slowly and he open his eyes.

"We're here." I'm out from the bus and I saw Xingqiu telling all five of them not to swim there ever again. I went to Diona and Keqing, I saw them preparing stove and all for cooking.

"Keqing ! Where do you think I should build the tent ?" She points her finger to Ei.

"Just ask Ei, she said she found a perfect spot." I walk to Ei who's standing in front of the lake.

"Ei ! You found a perfect spot for the tent ?" She nods and shows me the way and it appears the spot is in the middle so we got the perfect view of Mount Fuji also the lake.

"Perfect !" I build the tent with Ei since only both of us who build the tent and everyone seems busy so we finish built the tent at six in the afternoon.

Once we finish we head to the cooking spot where everyone already there waiting for me and Ei.

"Thank you for your hardwork y/n and Ei !" They said in unison.

"Meh, don't mention it." I take a seat next to Xiangling and she gave me a food with chili.

"What's this ?" I take a bite and damn it was spicy but other than that it was delicious not gonna lie. We continue eating dinner and not long after when I washing dishes I heard Barbara scream.

"EW NO GET IT AWAY FROM ME !" She run towards me and she didn't see dishes pilling up in front of her and she stepped it causing everything to broke.

"BARBARA !" I shout with my anger voice to her but she didn't hear me and keep running towards the camping site where all of our tents was built.

"BARBARA !!!" She tripped and fell causing disaster in the campsite and Ei saw all of this she gone mad and chase Barbara.

Why is this happening !?

I saw who's disturbing Barbara and it was Chongyun, he giving her some weird bugs I don't know where did he find that 🤦‍♀️.

"CHONGYUN !!!" He turn to look at my face and run away in terror to the lake.

"DO NOT SWIM ON THAT LAKE !" Xingqiu lose it and throw rocks to Chongyun.

What a disaster.

Out of nowhere Klee shows up and throwing that small thing that she made in the bus to the lake.

"BOM BOM BAKUDAN !" And there's a huge explosion sound.

"KLEE !" Ningguang shouted and that explosion sound causing Sayu to wake up from her sleep.

After all this time she's sleeping on the ground !

"Sleep.....I want to sleep...." She walk to the bus with her pillow and I guess she's go back to sleep. I look back to Klee and I saw Thoma, Xiao, Xingqiu and Kaeya holding Klee so that she can't throw bombs again.

Not long after I heard several person jump to the lake :) well they are the same person who swam on the lake this morning except Kaeya. I sigh and walk myself to the bus and start the engine, only some of them notice what I want to do and follow me inside.

"Buckle up, let's leave them." I drive the bus away from lake Yamanaka, from the bus I look outside.

Wow, I left them 😈😈😈

I left four of them who swim on the lake + Chongyun and left Barbara, for the rest they come with me.

Finally peace.....


4K READS 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

Thank you thank you so so much 🥳🥳 I never thought it'll be this fast 😭😭😭 thank you for reading my stories I love y'all 🥳🥳

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