↬့◗Xiao | A Little Help From The Other Side ⬡🂱

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Adventure, Action

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Adventure, Action

I'll help you find your way home, if you stop bothering me

I'll help you find your way home, if you stop bothering me

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Where am I ?

I arrive in a strange place after I got out from a portal yes you heard it right, I got out from a portal and I don't know where am I right now.

"What is this strange place ?"
I'm in some kind of a forest, leaves fall from the tree and wind howls, kinda creepy since I'm all by myself.

"Strange ?"
I jump a little after hearing someone talk to me.

"I never see you around... you new ?"
I tilted my head, a man wearing white attire and black with combination of green staring at me.

"Where am I ?"
I asked him, I gulp a little I'm not gonna lie but his face looks creepy and intimidating.

"You're in Jueyun Karst Liyue."
Wait what ?? Jueyun Karst Liyue ? What the heck is that ?

"What ? Never mind, do you know a way to kingdom Rai ?"
He answered my question against what I imagine.

"There's no such thing as kingdom here or Rai."
Ok so... the portal brought me somewhere else ? So there are some possibility that maybe the portal brought me to a far away place or... the portal brought me to other side of the world which is there's no such thing like that what does it call again ? Alternate universe ? Tch no way...


"It's clearly that you came from a different world."
I blink my eyes a few times, what ? That man I met earlier brought me here, well more like a palace that belongs to an elegant woman name Ningguang that stood in front of me.

"So uhm..... how do I go home ?" She sigh.
"I'll try my best...
"Y/n, call me y/n"
"I'll try my best y/n." I nod and leave, so I guess I have to wait for days or weeks to go home  what a drag.

"So y/n is your name." I nodded while both of us walking out the palace.

"I don't know your name, it's kinda rude to call you hey or hey man that I met earlier." He giggled seeing my behaviour.

"You have a great name Xia-
As I'm about to continue my words, a huge three headed snake made out of water shows up.

"What the hell....
"GET OUT OF HERE !" Ningguang shouted at me, but then something appear out of nowhere

"Fatui." Xiao run towards them and hit them using his spear. I took a deep breath

C'mon y/n you can fight, you can do this.

"Oh, I wonder...
I stretched my arms to the sky, waiting for my katana to come.

I hope it's here, please, please, please

I widened my eyes because I could feel it vibrating, yess it's here ! I run towards Xiao while my hand still in the air, I jump and right on time my katana came to me, I slash fatui head.

"You can fight ?"
"Darling, I can do more." The enemies keep coming and coming.

"We must destroy the palace, there's no other way !" Ningguang told us.

Destroy the palace.

"Xiao, cover me" I run to the middle platform and enchant my spell.

Mugen no hisui, watashi ni subete no saidai no chikara o kashite kudasai!

"Y/N ! NO!"

My katana pierced to the ground of the floating palace, I destroyed my katana along with the palace. I fell to the water, I felt I don't have any power left inside me as I close my eyes I heard someone jumped in to the water and grab me by my waist.

Xiao ?


I heard someone knocking at the door, I open my eyes and all I see is wood ceiling.


"I'M HOME !?" I immediately get up from the bed and run outside, I see my garden and all of my bodyguards are also here.

Yesterday was a dream ?

"Princess y/n ! You finally woke, we found this !" One of my bodyguards gave me something that wrapped up with a white fabric, I accept it and open it.

My katana handle.

"Where did you get this ?"

"Someone sent it at the same time he brought you here."

So it wasn't a dream at all, I hope I can go there again and meet him.


Her katana looks like this, I got it from pinterest, this art is not mine !

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Her katana looks like this, I got it from pinterest, this art is not mine !

Mugen no hisui, watashi ni subete no saidai no chikara o kashite kudasai !
Infinite jade, lend me the greatest power of all !

ELYSIAN; Genshin Impact OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now