↬့◗Razor | Family ⬡

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Then, you're my family Y/n

It's an ordinary bright sunny day in Mondstadt but with a hot air that came from a pot filled with meat and veggies, here I am standing in front of the stove waiting for my Adeptus Temptation to finish

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It's an ordinary bright sunny day in Mondstadt but with a hot air that came from a pot filled with meat and veggies, here I am standing in front of the stove waiting for my Adeptus Temptation to finish.

"Paimon, let's share this food with Razor okay ?" Paimon nods, I open the lid and voilaa Adeptus Temptation ready to eat.

"Wolvendom here we come !"

With my tiny feet and flying Paimon, we go from Mondstadt to Wolvendom carrying Adeptus Temptation for lunch together.

The sight of livung trees turn inti several dead trees with stones that has claw marks all over the place meaning both of us have arrive in Wolvendom.

"Razor !!!" Paimon shouted and after that I hit the back of her head.

"Stop shouting ! Every creature can hear you !" Paimon rolled her eyes.

Wait she did not just, SHE ROLLED HER EYES AT ME !

"Oi Paimon ! I swear-
Before I finish my sentence, Razor appear from top of the hill and plunge to the ground in front of me.

"Oh ! It's Razor !" Paimon fly excitedly to Razir side.

"Razor, I bring Adeptus Temptation, let's eat together !" I grab his hand and we search for a nearby bonfire, I warm up the food and we eat it while it's hot.

"So Razor what were you doing ?" He sigh and look at me.

"Y/n, do you want to help me ?" He stood up.

"Help you with what ?" He didn't say a word, he grabbed my hand and force me to run with me leaving Paimon by herself eating the food.

What is he doing....

We arrive outside the Stormterror lair and we meet Bennett.

"Oh ? Bennett ?" Razor run towards him and out of nowhere he ask 'what does family mean to you ?'

Ok what !?

"The meaning of family....hmmmm oh ! Family is a person who wanted to go adventure with you !"

No wonder he answer that.

"More..." Razor said and Bennett point a direction to the other way.

"More opinion ? Hmmmm, I saw Amber and Eula near a lake not far from here, they were fishing, I guess they're still there." Razor nodded and off we go to Amber and Eula.

Here we go again.

"Why you're searching family meaning ?" He stop his track and loom at me.

"Because I'm still confuse."

Huft, I can't do anything about that.

I grab his hand and walk together with him

"Let's go talk to Amber and Eula."


Just like Bennett said, we saw Amber and Eula fishing together.

"Amber ! Eula !" Their eyes turn to us and wave.

"Y/n ! Razor !" We walk closer and take a look at their bucket.

Wow, I don't know they're good at this.

"What are you doing here ?" Eula said and Razor ask them the same question.

"What does family mean to you ?" Amber think hard so Eula answer first.

"To me family means a person who you share memories with, whether it's good or bad they won't let you down, they will always support you, loves you and do everything for you."

Wow good answer.

"For me well it's similar to Eula but there's an addition, family will try to give everything to you and choose what's best for you."
Razor nods and said thanks to them before we went back to Wolvendom.

"So Razor why you ask them that question ? I'm just curious." We found a spot on top of Andrius place, we sat there looking down to the empty circle.

"Say y/n, what does family mean to you ?"

Family mean to me.....

"For me family not just about mother, father, sister or brother, for me family goes beyond that I think family includes every people around you who loves you, always there for you through good times and bad times, support you no matter what, always listen to your problems and help you when the world are against you."

He smile and close his eyes.

"Then...you're my family Y/n."

ELYSIAN; Genshin Impact OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now