↬့◗Shikanoin Heizou | Dreaming 'Bout You ❤︎☽︎

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Fluff, AU

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Fluff, AU

"It's a pleasure to meet you too."

˚༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰⏤့̣̣֯💮 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘳 ManusiaSetengahDory

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˚༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰⏤့̣̣֯💮 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘳 ManusiaSetengahDory

"Nonononono !" I watch my character Heizou almost getting killed by mushrooms, "no not today, not my husbu !" After I unleash his burst well thank goodness I'm alive I mean Heizou is alive. "Yes, he's save." I open my map and teleport to the nearest statue of the seven in Gandharva Ville. I check my phone to see what time is it and it shows 10:00 PM. "Damn, I need to sleep." After I teleport to Gandharva Ville I teleport again to Inazuma. I shut down my computer, I set my alarm at 6:00 AM and go to sleep.


I hear birds chirping and I feel water dripping to my face, I immediately stood up to see if my bedroom ceiling leaking or not but I found myself surrounded with trees everywhere.
"Oh my god ! Where am I !?" I look around and I'm all alone in this forest. Ok this must be a dream !

I hit my head to a tree and yup it doesn't hurt at all. "Okay thank goodness this is just a dream, I only have to wait until my alarm rings right ?" I sit down under a tree and play with flowers.

"Why this place looks familiar ?" I remove each petal of flower in my hand until I heard footsteps near me. "Who is that ?" And immediately soldiers gather around pointing their weapon to me. "What the !?" A girl with bow come approach me, and when I look at her I know that she's Kujou Sara. "Kujou Sara !?" She stare deeply to my soul. If look could kill, this is the one.
"Bring her to the Tenryou commission." Wait what !?

"No, let me go !" I try to let go of my arms when the tenryou soldiers grab me. I sigh in defeat and talking to myself that this is going to be a while to wait for my alarm wake me up. Well aside from me being a captive, this genshin world is amazing and breathtaking I feel like I live here and become one of the character. Only took two minutes maybe waking from the forest to Tenryou commission and thank goodness I finally arrive because Kujou couldn't stop staring at me from head to toe with her deadly gaze. You have a problem with me gurl ?

The soldiers let go of my arms and leave me with Kujou Sara. Not gonna lie the tension between us is no joking, she staring at me and I staring at her. "You, are you the thief ?" I try to process what she just ask me, excuse me ? "Uhm what ?" She aim her bow directly to my face, "are you the thief who barge in to Tenryou commission and took-"

Before she finish both of us heard a giggle and Sara immediately aim her bow to the roof. "Who are you ?" I look at the roof but I couldn't see his face because the sun rays block my vision until he jump from the roof and land perfectly in front of Sara. "She's with me." HEIZOU !!!! My man come to the rescue !

Sara lowered her bow, "what is her name ?" Heizou looks suddenly panicked and he stare at me and move his eyebrows up two times. I mounted my name to him and he nods. "Ehhem !" Sara move and stand in front of me, "her name is y/n."
I gulp, hoping for Sara to let me leave but she ask more questions to him.

"Are you sure that your friend here is not the thief who barge in here and take classified files ?" He nods, "she's not the thief."
Sara crossed her arms and ask him a question again,
"her appearance and details match the information given by several eyewitnesses."
Heizou sigh, "what exactly the details ar-

All of a sudden out of nowhere a soldier from Tenryou commission come in and he whisper something to Sara, I don't know what that is but her face suddenly turn towards me, after he bows and left Sara sigh, "I'm sorry, they got the thief, sorry for accusing you. You can leave." Ugh, thank you.

I roll my eyes and Heizou suddenly grab my hand,
"I'm Heizou, nice to meet you y/n." I nod and give him a smile. "Ok let's go !" I don't know where he taking me but I come with him anyway, it won't be hurt to just walk around with your husbu in your dream right ? What could happen ?


"AAAAAHHH !" yes something happened...I run for my life right now because a boar chasing me while Heizou laughing at me behind bushes. How did this happen ? Well we just wanted to help a baby boar that got trapped but a random boar suddenly attacked me, well Heizou warned me and hit my shoulder a few times but I ignored it because I almost released the trap, well yeah I made it even though it almost cost me my life. I run and run until I climb to the apple tree that I found near waterfall.

The boar hit its head to the tree but eventually give up.
"Oh thank god." I sigh in relieved and jump down. "Nice !" Heizou give me a thumbs up and I hit his arm, "you not helping !" He laugh, and wow his laugh is charming, it'll be a huge lie if I'm not blushing right now. He stop and cupped my cheek making our eyes locked. "Are you sick ? Your face look red." Of course because our face is an inch close idiot ! And your smile very addictive !

"I-uhm...I'm okay." He let go of his hand and sigh,
"I thought you might sick." He stretch his arm and walk to the river. He sit down near waterfall and I sit next to him looking at the sky. Probably my alarm will wake me up any minute now.

I turn my head to his face but he already stare at me, we stare each other in this comfortable silence under the beautiful clear sky with a great view. Can I stay in my dream and skip class tomorrow ? I really don't want to wake up.

"What's with your face ? You look sad."
"I have to go, I can't stay." I sigh, he hold my hand and sit facing me. "I understand, too bad I start to like you. But if you have to go then it's a pleasure to meet you y/n." I nod and he gently put his right hand on my cheek, "it's a pleasure to meet you too." He lean closer and kiss my cheek, "take care."

I woke up with the sound of my alarm ringing very loud in my room, I turn it off and sit on my bed. "What a great dream."

ELYSIAN; Genshin Impact OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now