↬့◗Kamisato Ayato | Prince Ayato ❤︎☽︎

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Fluff, Au

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Fluff, Au

The prince is back !?

I woke up in the morning with my phone vibrates and filled with notifications from an unknown account in instagram named Prince

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I woke up in the morning with my phone vibrates and filled with notifications from an unknown account in instagram named Prince.

Prince 🧋

Hey y/n !
I'm back
Can't wait to see you

Uhm, do I know u ?

Oh sorry
I'm Ayato, Kamisato Ayato.

I was taken back when I saw his name on the screen, the Kamisato Ayato is back in LA ? I can't help it, my heart beating so fast because of excitement.

Prince 🧋

Wait  AYATO !?

Yes, the prince
Just arrive yesterday
Let's meet up
I never see you
Like for a decade ! 🥲
I miss you so much !

I miss you too 😭😭😭
Yes yes, lets meet up!
I'll send u the location.

Cya at 10😆

Aye, gtg prepare
Cya !

I can't believe it, my best friend Ayato from Japan decided to visit me after we separated maybe six or seven years, he was the best of the best friend everyone could dream of, it was all started when we were at primary school when I first met him here in LA and we went to the same junior high school I mean what a coincidence, I called him prince since the first day we met because he was handsome like a character that came out from fairytale and he was a hero too.

We met in the park for the first time when he saved me from bullies, I like him but well I was a kid back then so I know nothing about love but we ended up played together that day, become friends and both of us were nerd so it doesn't take too long to be in close relationship like brother and sister, unfortunately he moved to Japan because his parents wanted him to continue his senior high school there.

I never met him since then and never know where he lived or how was he doing until now all of a sudden out of nowhere he texted me, I have no idea how in the world he found my account but who cares as long as it's him.


I took a deep breath before I enter the cafe and sit down, I don't know why I feel like this right now, I mean an hour ago I was confident and I couldn't wait to meet him but now I have this mix feeling build up inside me and that feeling started to kick in even more when a figure sit in front of me and smile to me.

"Y/n ?"
"A--aya-to, uhm, Ayato !" There he is the prince who I admire, he look more mature and it will be a huge lie if I'm saying I'm not fall in love with him again.

"Hi princess." His gentle and calming voice calling my nickname from junior high makes my heart skip a beat. I got my princess nickname was because wherever we go in school, we were always together like glue and also I'm popular because I'm the smartest girl and the prettiest girl. Those were the good old days that I missed.

He called the waiter and order my favorite drink and milk tea boba for himself. "You with boba is a never ending arc." He giggled and I smile to him but all of a sudden he become silent.
"Wha-what's wrong ? Did I say something wrong ? Did you not love boba anymore ?" He shook his head.

"No not that, your smile is still beautiful as always." It's just a simple phrase actually but it makes my heart beating really fast. "yours too."

Wait what did I just say !? Y/n ! Get it together.

"So, how you've been ?"
"I'm great, I have a job as a part timer in small restaurant with my friend Xiangling she's a really great cook, she taught me some tips in cooking oh also, I got accepted to my favorite college. So yeah everything is great according to plan." I take a sip of my drink and look at him.

"But...I'm not here to talk about myself, I want to know about you I'm curious, how's everything going on ?" He drink his boba tea before talking to me about his wonderful life in Japan, he went to his favorite college and he visit LA just for a short break because his parents have business to take care, and also he told me that he found my account in instagram after he never give up searching and scroll my posts. "If you didn't post a picture with your face, we will never meet today."

"Oh my, do you think I look exactly the same ?" He quickly nod at my question, "yes, you're still the same, well not exactly the same but I can still recognize it was you."

He share his stories with me, while focusing everything that he says I also recognize that he looks very very happy. The boy that I knew have matured and I am happy for him.

After some times we come out from the cafe and he walk with me to my house under the night sky.
"Well I guess this is it, can I see you tomorrow ?" I nod, he smile at me and I walk to the front door, "oh wait y/n !"

I turn around when he called my name, "almost forgot, I want your number." He give me his phone and I type my number.
"Here you go, I'll see you tommorow then." He nod and kiss my forehead.
"Good night y/n." I swear my face is red crimson right now, but thank goodness the night kinda help me to hide it, good night Ayato.

ELYSIAN; Genshin Impact OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now