↬့◗Bennett | Happy Level Up Darling ♥︎☽︎

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Fluff, AU

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Fluff, AU

Thank you Bennett

ꦽꦁ︧⏤့̣̣֯💮 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘳 azumiOnlineHappy birthday 🥳

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ꦽꦁ︧⏤့̣̣֯💮 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘳 azumiOnline
Happy birthday 🥳


"Y/n !"
"Huh ? What ?" My friend Lisa calling my name and tap my shoulder. We are sitting on a bench watching basketball club playing, Lisa waiting for her boyfriend Kaeya while me eating chips and mesmerizing my crush who happen to be my friend, his name is Bennett.

"Look at you with that lovey-dovey eyes, you can stare at him but don't forget to blink !" She hit my head lightly using her notebook.
"Ouch ! Thank you ma'am." I shove few of my chips to her mouth.
"Oi-oi, uo riitle."
"What ? I don't get it." She chew and swallow everything, and glare at me.
"You little !" I laugh and run while Lisa trying to catch me.

We run and run but eventually I fall and lay down on grasses and second after that, Lisa touch my right hand and lay down with me.

"I got you."
"Hey that's cheating, I lay down that means we're on break." She roll her eyes and both of us laughing till our stomach hurts.

"You know, you've been staring at him and like him since last week, if you're sure about him just ask him out." I let out a sigh and she turn to look at me. "What ? Did I say something wrong ?" She sit and look at me.
"I think it's weird, I like someone and I confess first ?"
"What's weird with that ?" I roll my eyes and flick her forehead for a second and lay down again.
"Ouch !"
"I'm a girl Lisa, girl should wait and let the boy confess first."
"Uh I mean times change y/n, there are a bunch of news that girl confess first to their crush also there's a few girl who propose to their boyfriend and get married." She sigh and lay down next to me.

"It's not that easy Lisa, everytime I want to say it, my emotions mixed up and I don't have the courage anymore."
"So you're saying that you're afraid if he reject you ?" I nod.

The sun shines to our face as I heard footstep approaching and a face block the sun.
"Y/n, Lisa get up your uniform will be dirty." Me and Lisa stood up and brush our uniform using our hands.

"Oh ? Kaeya ?" Lisa immediately run to the bench and grab her notebook and bag.
"Well we gotta go, see you on Monday birthday girl." Lisa hug me before she left with her boyfriend Kaeya.

Oh yeah, almost forgot my birthday is near....

"Hey y/n !" I turn to look at Bennett who's waving at me on my seat, he grab my bag and I walk to him.
"You finished ?" He nod and carry my bag.
"Wait, what are you doing ?" He smile and grab my wrist.
"Let's go, I want to take you somewhere."

I swear to god that my face feel hot right now !

We walk to a bus station and then he take me to a mall, still in his basketball jersey he take me to one of a gift shop.

"What are we doing here ?" He smile
"Play a game." I tilted my head and he open his bag, he give me a blindfold.
"Okay...? What's that for ?" He gently cover my eyes, now all I see is black. I can hear his footstep fading away for a minute but he come back.

"Don't ask, just choose left or right ?"
"Uhm...right." his footstep fading again, I heard a sound of glass shatter to the floor.

Oopps, I hope Bennett didn't do that.

"Sorry, I'll pay for that snowdome later."

I let out a small laugh, and then I feel a hand tap my shoulder.

"Left or right ?"
"Right, and please tell me what am I doing ?" He laugh and whisper to my left ear. "Just for fun." I lightly hit him. "Oi, that's my head." I'm mouthing 'sorry'.
"Okay last one y/n, left or right ?"
"Left." After a few minutes, he finally take off the blindfold and we walk out of the shop with his empty hand.

"Where are the things that you bought ?" He pointed his backpack. "Can I see ?" He immediately say no.
"Why ? I'm your best friend."
"Its fragile."

Okay what ? Fragile ? What kind of nonsense is that ?
"You mean ! It was yours so why I can't see them ?" His face shows to me that he's nervous right now.
"Nope it's not, ehm, it's not mine...uhm I will give it to so-someone."

Wait what ? He... what ? I'm speechless I can't say a word, he will give it to someone but who ? No wait why I'm so curious all of a sudden ? I'm just his friend nothing more, yeah friend...I have no right to be jealous.


Nope nope I can't throw my thoughts of Bennett and the gifts, well it's okay if he give it to his friend but a boy okay, if he give it to a girl I'll be jealous. It's already Sunday and my birthday is tomorrow, I hope everything will be fine and I want to not think of that day but it keeps coming back.

Calm down Y/n it's just a gift and nothing more, you don't have to be jealous over a small gift. I keep repeating my words over and over in my head until I fell asleep.

Time skip, Monday

I woke up in the morning preparing for school, while I'm heading downstairs to eat my breakfast I heard a knock on the door. Who come to someone house at six in the morning ?

I open the door and I immediately see Bennett standing there with his school uniform and smile widely to me oh my, cute boy.

"Good morning." He suddenly give me a cute decorated huge box that he hide behind him.
"What is th-" before I finish, his face move closer to mine and he kiss my forehead making me blush like an idiot. Did he-HE KISS ME !

"B-Be-Bennett ?" I could feel my face burning all of a sudden but he's not finished yet, he close the distance between us and hug me tight . "Happy birthday y/n."

"The gift that I bought in the gift shop when I'm with you, it was for you, sorry I was nervous I don't want you to know, also I decorated the box myself."

I smile and give him a hug. " I love your decoration, thank you Bennett."

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