↬့◗Albedo | Visit Liyue and Boom Shaka Laka ❤︎⬡

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Fluff, Adventure

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Fluff, Adventure

Are you kidding me !?

First thing I woke up from my bed I heard my boyfriend Albedo let out a heavy sigh on the balcony while sitting on a chair

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First thing I woke up from my bed I heard my boyfriend Albedo let out a heavy sigh on the balcony while sitting on a chair. "Albedo ? What happened ?" I tied my hair to a messy bun and sit on his lap playing with his cheeks. "So.... what happened ?" He buried his face on my neck and said, "I want to paint but...there's nothing great about the view here."

Well I can't blame him, Mondstadt rarely has a good scenery.

"So, how about we go to Dragonspine ? Maybe you can find something there." He shook his head, "I already explored every corner of that place, nothing."


"How about Liyue ? You never been there." He look at me with sparkling eyes, "yes let's go !" He stood up and carry me back inside, he dropped me on my bed. "Go go, get ready !"

Talking about impatient.

He throw me my clothes and carry me to the bathroom. "Go go !" This guy, thanks to the Archon that he's my boyfriend if not I already throw him from the balcony.

After I finish clean myself, Albedo already waiting for me in front of the bathroom door. "Are you really that excited to travel Liyue ?" He nods, well the journey to Liyue starts now. "So if we go this early maybe we will arrive on the harbor in the afternoon.


"Tell me about Liyue." I shrugged my shoulder, "I know some uhm let see.... while Mondstadt ruled by the Anemo Archon Barbatos and his divine ideal is freedom but Liyue ruled by the Geo Archon name Morax, his divine ideal is contract and Mondstadt have favonius knights while Liyue they have Adeptus." He try to understand what I'm saying and then he ask again about Adeptus. "What is Adeptus ?"

"Uhm, Adepti kinda looks like uhm magical beings I guess, they are very strong, they protect Liyue." I explained everything that he wanted to know well almost everything, but thankfully all of this conversations makes us forget that the journey from Mondstadt and Liyue was so far away and yet here we are standing in front of the Liyue harbor entrance.

"So this is Liyue." Liyue...everytime I visit, this place always full of crowds like today, all of them looks busy getting ready for lantern rite that will be held in a few weeks.

"Now you have your perfect view Mr. Albedo." He gently hold my hand and we walk together under the beautiful sunset skies. "I want to enjoy this moment, let's forget about painting stuff, so.... are there any good food here ?" I nod and bring him to Xiangling father's restaurant.

"Here we are the one and only, Wanmin restaurant." I look around but there's no sign of chef Mao, we walk inside and I only saw Guoba. "Oh my, what is that ?" Albedo staring at Guoba and Guoba staring at Albedo.
"Ok so, Guoba this is Albedo, Albedo this is Guoba."

Where is Xiangling ?

"Y/n !?" Welp there she is. "Xiangling ! Ganyu also Keqing ?" I thought they will be busy since lantern rite about to come.
"It's rare to see both of you walking around here." Keqing shrugged, "well I want to take a day off before tomorrow, I will be busy until lantern rite arrive so I want to have early holiday."

"Looks like Guoba likes him."

Him ? Albedo ?

Guoba smiling on Albedo shoulder while doing a little jump. "Oh yeah, everyone this is Albedo and Albedo the blue haired girl is Ganyu, the purple hair girl is Keqing and-

"I'm Xiangling ! Nice to meet you Albedo, looks like Guoba found another favorite person ! Anyway y/n I'm sorry I wasn't here, well my father he is not in a good health and I went to bubu pharmacy." She immediately walk to the stove and light it up with Guoba fire.

"So what would you like to order ?" I gave her a smirk and raise my eyebrows, "ehhe, got it." She start cooking while Abedo and me sitting with Keqing and Ganyu looking at chef Xiangling.

"What's that red thingy ? she add two handful of it." He look shocked by the amount of jueyun chili that xiangling add to the chicken. "Uhmm those are local berries in Liyue, it taste sweet."

The smoke started to fill the room, "what is she cooking ?"

*Cough cough*

"The berries uhm they release this spicy sharp smoke which is felt like cooking using chili, first time she cook it for me I cried but it's totally fine."

Not long after Xiangling serve us 4 plate of jueyun chicken, "here you go, four boom shala laka." Me, Keqing and Ganyu dig in but Albedo he frown looking at the dish, "this dish look suspicious." He grab a spoonful of it and shove it to his mouth.

"Hmmm..." he look calm at first but that calm and cold face turns to red and full of sweat. "WATER !!"

*cough cough*

"WHAT IS THIS !?" I use my spoon and take a piece of jueyun chili from my plate and show it to Albedo. "This is jueyun chili."
He staring at me and I don't know what is this but I felt like black aura surrounding him.

"Y/n....I swear to Archon I'll give you punishment to walk on the highest mountain in Dragonspine."

Oh boy, I shouldn't have done that

ELYSIAN; Genshin Impact OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now