↬့◗Childe Tartaglia | Hide and Seek ⾎☽︎

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Thriller, AU

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Thriller, AU

Ready or not here I come.

Ready or not here I come

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*wee woo wee woo*

Ambulance sirens and police officers everywhere surrounding my school, it's already twice this week someone got murdered, all of the teachers in my school suggested all of us to come home immediately after classes over.

"Childe !" I call my boyfriend name in the hallway and wave my hand to him, he smile and run towards me before hugging me tightly.

"Let's go home together." I said while hugging him, but he let go and give me a sad yet cute face.

"I can't, I need to finish my assignment today for professor Kaeya, or he'll be mad." I sigh.

"Okay, I'll wait for you." I insist to accompany him until it's done, I hope there's nothing happen while we're here.

We use his class instead of mine, his class located on the fifth floor of the building at the end of the hallway, kinda creepy.

"So what's the assignment ? Maybe I can help." He signaling me to sit next to him.

"Just stay here and watch me." I gave him a confuse face.

"Just watch you ? How can that help ?" He reach for his book and pen from his black backpack and start writing.

"It's helpful, so that I can see your beautiful face." I rolled his book and hit him on his head but not too hard.

"Choose your words before you say it ! It's not good for my heart !" I unrolled his book and give it to him, I walk to a window and took a seat there while staring outside.

One by one students went home and school getting quieter and quieter, I lay my head on the table and take a little nap while waiting for him.


"Childe ?" I woke up but I can't find him, his backpack still there along with his book but I couldn't find him, the sky already dark, every classes and hallway are dark except for his class.

"CHILDE !" I shout in the dark hallway right in front of his class. A sudden footsteps echoes from the other side of the hallway.

"Say y/n...
That voice belongs to Childe.

"Childe where have you been ?" He stopped and continue to talk something that doesn't even make any sense.

"Truth or dare ?"

What ?

"Childe ! There's no time to play truth or dare, let's wrap it up and go home !"

"Answer me first, truth or dare ?" I sigh, why he has to act like a child at this hour.

"Dare." He laugh maniacally which I don't know that he could do that.

"Let's play hide and go seek while I....
The moonlight shines to the place where he stood, he holding something shining and sharp.

"Try to kill you."


"One...two...three... I'll count to ten, if you don't hide you'll lose."

Shit !

I immediately run down the stairs to the second floor.


I hide inside the girls bathroom and lock the door.

What the fuck is happening !? My boyfriend trying to kill me, wait I can call the police !

I reach my pocket but I can't find my phone.

He took it.

I heard footsteps approaching in front of the bathroom, I close my mouth along with my nose so that he won't hear me.

"Y/n... you know the differences between love and obsessed ? I never love you y/n not even once, I'm obsessed with you and I want to have all of you !"

He break the doorknob and kick the door, I look up around the wall and there's a window.

I can fit.

I open the window and look down, I forgot that I'm on the second floor.

It's now or never.

I took a deep breath and jump but he grab my hair.

"AKH !" Now I'm outside the second floor with his hand harshly pull my hair.

"Stop! Stop!" I grab his shirt and he only laughs at me.

"Look at you, you're quite a fighter babe." He pointed a tip of the knife to my neck.

"I am a fighter !" I pull my own hair so that I can fall to the ground.


I heard my bone crack but there's no time to cry, I need to run as fast as I could. I stood up and run to the front gate where the guards are and thankfully I found one.

"SIR ! CALL THE POLICE ! CALL THE POLICE !" He grab his phone from his pocket and call the police.


"No sir ! I swear he was chasing me and trying to kill me !" I shout in the hallway where all of it first begin. The police officer nodded and went downstairs leaving me in front of the classroom.


"God, I need to take a shower." I went inside to the classroom and grab my bag but then a folded piece of paper I found on the table, I open it and it says

'I'll find you y/n, until then...see you next time :)'

And I'll be ready to kill you, Childe Tartaglia

ELYSIAN; Genshin Impact OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now