↬့◗Various Characters | Trace Pt. III ⾎☽︎

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Thriller, AUWarning : language

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Thriller, AU
Warning : language

Thank you for everything.

I was lying in a vast field of tulips looking at the beautiful blue sky, but I smelled something burnt from a distance and splashes of water dripping down my face

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I was lying in a vast field of tulips looking at the beautiful blue sky, but I smelled something burnt from a distance and splashes of water dripping down my face. "What the ?" I opened my eyes and saw Zhongli holding a glass filled with water. "Dude !" I sat down and wiped my face using the shirt I was wearing. "What the hell !?" I glared at him grumbling, he just looked at me with a straight face and walked into the kitchen to take a plate, from a distance I saw food on the plate, I don't know what it was but it looked familiar to me.

"Here, I made toast." It looks beautiful and perfectly cooked, then what was that burnt smell that I smelled earlier in my dream ? "Did you burn something ?" He looked away when I looked at him. "I left my toast in the pan to go to the toilet for a while." I shook my head then told him to sit beside me, I divided the toast I had into 2 triangles using my hand by tearing it apart then gave him one. "Eat."

"So ? What's the plan for today ?" I bit into my toast while thinking of plans for today. "Go with the flow, I can't think." I took another bite of my toast then swallowed without chewing too much until my toast was finished. "I gotta go take a shower." He stood up from his spot and walked into the bedroom.

"Okay I'll wash the dishes." I brought the dirty dishes to the kitchen, soon Zhongli came out with a towel around his neck and also a shirt and pants in his hands. "Scream my name if someone try to kill you." He tapped me on the shoulder 2 times before going to the bathroom, I could only wash the dishes while chuckling because of what he just said.

It only took about 3 minutes for me to wash the dishes. I decided to go out of the house while waiting for Zhongli to finish his shower. I walked out and the weather was sunny as usual, the farmers were planting rice, I also saw residents harvesting tomatoes and some children were playing kites.

The more I walked closer to the village chief house, I saw a boy about 6 years old sitting staring at a well covered by wood. I decided to approach him and sat next to him, he just kept silent staring at the well. "Hey, is there something wrong ?" He stared at me blankly then pointed his finger at the well.

"I heard a ghost crying last night, over there." My eyes were immediately fixed on the well, my mind was thinking everywhere whether it was possible that all this time I was looking for was in that well ? "I'll go check, can you go and tell my friend that I'm here saving a ghost ?" He nodded, "which one is your friend ?" He looked around thinking my friend was around me.

"He's not here now, just look for someone tall, handsome, brown hair and his name is Zhongli." He nods understanding who he should be looking for. "And just in case something happened to me, can you tell me I love him ?" He smiles giving both of his thumbs up then he runs away. I can do it, there's nothing to worry.

I exhaled before opening the wood and putting it aside, I looked at the bottom of the well but I couldn't see anything, but I heard the sound of running water below. I took a stone and threw it into the well to see if it was deep or not. I heard the sound of a rock hitting the ground, "not that deep." I stood over the well and jumped.

I landed on my feet even though it ended in pain and I fell, the running water soaked my clothes but that didn't stop me from continuing to investigate this suspicious place. I walked following the direction of the flow of water, this narrow path was getting wider and wider and not only that, lots of blood spots on the walls and also an unpleasant smell like carrion started to kick in.

I heard someone crying not far from where I stood, I approached the source of the sound and then I found a little girl tied by a rope in her hands, her legs and her mouth covered with cloth. The smell of carrion was getting thicker as I got closer to the little girl, and sure enough when I looked up at the ceiling there was a corpse that was still in the process of decomposing hanging above using nails to stick it to the wall.

The thick smell almost made the toast I ate this morning come out of my stomach. "Let's get you out of here." I untied the rope, she immediately hugged my body tightly while crying. "Not so fast y/n."


While y/n was in the well freeing a little girl, on the other hand Zhongli was chatting with a little boy who suddenly came to the yard when Zhongli was about to go investigate the river. "Hey little boy, can I help you ?" He ran to Zhongli and tugged at his clothes. "Whoa, what's wrong my friend ?" Zhongli held the child in his arms. "She said she love you." 'She' that the boy called for some reason Zhongli immediately knew that it was y/n.

"Who is she ?" He asked to reassure himself. "A...pretty princess who's saving a ghost right now." Ghost ? Is it  a code ? he put the child down and his gaze turned serious. "Where is she ?" The little boy fiddled with his finger then looked at Zhongli. "In a well near the big house." He smiled at the boy and stroked his head. "Thank you little boy, you're a hero now go back to your mom and dad."


"So it was you ?" Shogi point his knife at me while smiling like a psychopath. "Yes and a no, I only continue what my father did." I looked at him confused, continued what his father had done ? so his father was also a killer. "He begin the terror in this village, I watched him killing people, his face was happy and thrilled."

"And you kill people because it's fun ?" He laughed evilly while nodding many times. "Yes ! Yes ! YES !" He ran towards me, then I pushed the little girl in my arms to run away. I can feel the sharpness of the blade as he slowly presses it against my neck. "You know how hurt it is to kill your own father ? I love him but he gets on my nerves one day so I had to stick him on that wall and watch him rot everyday."

"You sick son of a bitch !" He grabbed my hair and brought my face closer to his. "I never thought you will return to this village y/n, do you know how much I wait for you ?" He sniffed my neck and licked it. "You taste sweet." I growled and spat in his face. "Fuck off !"I kicked what's between his leg and he winced in pain, I crawled away picking up a rock and throwing it at his head. "You bitch !" I tried to stand up but he stabbed my right leg and I fell again. he crawled to me and held me down, blood kept flowing from my right leg, it felt numb.

"You have a beautiful face y/n." He slashed my left cheek then licked the blood that came out of my cheek. "You're so delicious y/n." I screamed as loud as I could, then I heard a gunshot, Shogi fell down next to me. "Stay away from her." Without further ado Zhongli walked towards me then shot Shogi 5 times right in the head.

Tears rolled down from my eyes, no matter how much my leg hurt, I stood up and fell in Zhongli's arms. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I'm late." He stroked and kissed my head many times in his tight hug. "I already called Childe, he will arrive soon. Let's get you out of here."

He carried me bridal style and we came out of the cave with the little girl I saved through the door that connected to the river bank. "So you got my code huh." I chuckle and he smiles shaking his head "I love you too." That kid...

"I know this isn't the right time to say this but... can I be your boyfriend ?" I hit him on the shoulder "of course stupid ! Not let's go back home to Tokyo, I want bamboo soup."

ELYSIAN; Genshin Impact OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now