↬့◗Various Characters | Sibling Vacation ☽︎

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Just a normal sibling vacation.

"Hey y/n ! Do you know where I put my underwear ?" Did I hear that correctly ? "Of course not !" I rolled my eyes and continue chat with my friends

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"Hey y/n ! Do you know where I put my underwear ?" Did I hear that correctly ? "Of course not !" I rolled my eyes and continue chat with my friends. "Oi !" A pillow landed on my face, "don't you dare roll your eyes on me you little demon." Guys let me introduce you to my fourth brother Scaramouche. "You were the one who ask me where you put your underwear when I clearly don't know where it is ! And don't call me demon you demon !" I stood up and grab the pillow he threw at me. "Hey ! Don't you dare throw that to me !" Suddenly I saw a hand appeared behind Scaramouche and hit him on the head.

"HEY ! THAT HURTS YOU STUPID-" Scaramouche's face which was angry at first turned pale when he saw Xiao staring at him. "What did you call me ?" I saw his face getting tense, "go and find your own underwear and don't ask your sister !" Guys I present to you, my second and my favorite brother, the one and only Xiao. "Are you okay y/n ?" I nodded, "have you packed your things ?" I nodded, "okay, I'll put it in the car." He came into my room and took my suitcase, "don't forget to eat first, Venti just finished cooking." When he left my room, I walked out of the room and closed the door and headed to the kitchen.

I saw my brother Venti and Kazuha eating together. "Hey y/n !" They both called me, "come eat with us." Venti patted the empty seat between him and Kazuha "here sit here, I'll get your food." He stood up and walked to the stove. "What happened with you and Scara ? I heard him shout." I shrugged, "he asked where did he put his underwear." Venti return with a bowl of his signature dish Buoyant Breeze and a glass of water. "What a weird kid he is." He said as he put the bowl in front of me, I scoffed."He's your brother." Venti chuckled, "and he's your brother too." Guys meet my oldest and funny brother Venti and my third brother the innocent Kazuha.

"Hey y/n !" Scara annoying voice bothered me again, "if you want to fight again I'll throw you with my glass." I turned around while trying to eat my food. "Come on both of you, I'm tired of this." Kazuha got up from his seat and washed his dishes. "What ? I'm just gonna ask her if she want to sit in the front or back seat." He rolled his eyes, "of course front seat." Scara wear his headphone and left the house.

After I finished eating, me, Venti and Kazuha left the house and locked the door and then got into the car where Xiao was waiting in the driver's seat and Scara calmly sitting while listening to music. "Let's go." kazuha tapped Xiao's shoulder, "if you're tired tell me, I'll drive later." Xiao gave him thumbs up and start the car. "Where are we going ?" I looked at Xiao, but Scara being the annoying brother he is answered my question with question. "you packed but you don't know where you're going ?" Scara took off his headphones and scoffed at me, "we're going to the beach, you idiot."

I took the tissue box in front of me and threw it in his face "hey ! you two enough !" Scara took off his seat belt and about to attack me but was held back by Kazuha and Venti. "Please it's barely 5 minutes from home can you calm your ass down !" Venti groaned, "he started it !" I glared at Scara, "I'm done with this shit." Xiao turned on the music and Scara and I sat quietly in our seats again, on the way I decided to sleep until we arrived at the hotel.

"I booked 2 rooms and I know y/n and Scara will never be in one room so who wants to be with Scara and who wants to be with y/n ?" We stood in front of the hotel room with our suitcases "I will be with Scara." Venti raised his hand. "Alright, kazuha who do you want to be with ?" Kazuha pointed at me, "ok then kazuha and y/n share a room while me, Venti and Scara share a room." Xiao gave the key to Kazuha then the three of them went into room number 601 while me and Kazuha were in room 600.

"Hey bro ? What's wrong with him ? I mean he's more sensitive than usual." I lay down on the bed and kazuha lay down next to me, we both stared at the ceiling. "I heard he's having trouble at school." I rolled my eyes, "that doesn't mean he can throw tantrums at me." Kazuha ruffled my hair and stood up, "he'll be okay I guess, I bet Venti and Xiao are having bro talk with him." Not long after, there was a knock on the door Kazuha opened it and there was Xiao carrying his suitcase. "What are you doing ?" I sat on the bed and Xiao come inside put his suitcase and lay down next to me. "Scara acting weird, he's angry all the time I can't stay with him."

"Speak of the devil, we just talked about him." I scoffed ,"this vacation is more like a disaster." Xiao flicked my forehead, "You can't say something like that, let's go out to the beach and grill fish what do you say ?" Finally we all went to the beach and grilled the fish that we bought at the nearest shop of course, because it was getting dark.

The cool breeze at night and accompanied by a bonfire reversed my ruined mood. "This is nice." Xiao nudged my shoulder, "told ya." We talked together and enjoyed fish together but Scara just kept silent and this is very strange, if what Kazuha said is true that he has a problem at school, what problem would that be ? "Hey Scara, what's wrong ?" Venti asked him and guessed what ? He snapped. "Can you please stop asking that !? I told you I'M FINE ! OKAY ? NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT !"

Me, Xiao, Kazuha and Venti were shocked to see Scara who got angry and threw his fish on the sand, "I'm done." ok I can't stand this, "hey ! He asked because he was worried about you idiot ! You were angry since this morning, what's wrong with you !? If you have problems with other people don't be angry with your brother ! you freak !" Scara just glanced at me and then left. "I told you this holiday is a disaster ! All because of him !" I stomp my feet and went back to the hotel.

I lay down on the bed and screamed into the pillow, while I screamed I heard someone knocked, I stood up and opened the door then I saw Venti, Xiao and Kazuha dragged Scara into my room and took my room key then locked us both from the outside. "BROTHERS ! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME !" I banged on the door but they ignored it. "Chill out, I'm not gonna kill you." He lay down on the bed, "they say we need to get along." He mumbled but I clearly heard that, "get along with you ? Why should I ? You never tell me what's wrong." I scoffed and sit on the couch admiring the beach view from the window.

He sighed, "sorry." I looked at him, "all of a sudden ?" I rolled my eyes and focus my eyes to the view again. "For calling you demon, idiot and for ruining your vacation mood." I sighed, "sorry for calling you freak." He chuckled, "it's fine it was my fault for not open up to you and the others." He stood up and sat on the couch with me. "Actually, me and my classmate are having this drama coming up and I was the lead characters so they're jealous and said something terrible to me, I got carried away and I called you idiot." I laughed, "oh come on, don't let them get you down, you'll be great no matter what."

I gave him a thumbs up, then the door opened, Venti with the others came in, "are you guys ok ?" I smirked. "Yup, but...." I stood up and took one of the pillows, "let me hit you one by one with this pillow !" I ran towards them then they each took a pillow, "pillow fight !" Venti cheered, what a good way to end the day.

ELYSIAN; Genshin Impact OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now