↬့◗Diluc | Because You're Not Here 𝆕☽︎ (✰)

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Songfic, AU

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Songfic, AU

The green season and the warm wind, it doesn't mean anything. Because you're not here.

"Diluc, we will always be together forever

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"Diluc, we will always be together forever."

At least that's what I thought until one day,
"y/n, let's break up." I feel like the world around me has stopped for some reasons, his word ringing over and over again in my head. "Why ?" I asked him, he said he want to break up but his eyes tell me otherwise.

"it's just didn't work out for us." My eyes starting to get blurry with my tears that begging to flow.
"Did I do something wrong ?" He shook his head with a sad smile, "no, I did." With that last word he left me, that was the last time I saw him.

It's been a week after that day and I've been doing well for a while, today I'm in a cafe that I use to go to with him and well I still remember our memories here.

I'm such a liar.

I was wrong....I'm not doing well, everywhere I go it reminds me of him it reminds me the memory of two years dating with him, it was such a perfect relationship that I thought it will last forever.

I'm wrong.

I drink my vanilla ice latte and I heard a song that they play, it was the song that both of us always listened too in a car or in his house but it sound sadder than it used to be.

Why breaking up with him leave a hole inside my heart ?

I sighed and walk outside, I didn't realize that it was raining I didn't bring my umbrella so I choose to walk under the rain, sometimes rain help me to clear my mind or maybe helping me to died down this burning feeling inside me.

As I walk around the street while the cold wind and water that keep hitting me I only let out a sigh and stare at the sky.

Why it hurt so much ?

I walk and keep walking didn't know which way to go, I only let my feet dragged me, I feel lost without him I feel like everything doesn't mean anything because he's not here with me.

At first I wander around the street to make me feel better without realizing that now I'm standing across his house in front of it and something came up to my mind.

Only you that can heal my heart.

His house was full of light and I know he's inside because I saw his figure on a window, I really want to knock on the door and hug him tightly never let him go but all of that seems impossible now.

I take my phone from my coat, I search his name in my contacts...I want to call him so bad and say that I miss you more than you could ever know, but my trembling hands and my lack of courage I didn't do it.

I continue to walk the other way, to a park that we use to go to, I remember the day when both of us running around here like a kid and eating gelato on summer day and the day where we gave each other a present for our second year anniversary, a box that we buried in this park I still remember where we put it.

I walk to where that box is and I dig it using my hand, a brown wood box with a cecilia flower carved in the middle of it, I open it and I only saw one bracelet.

"He took it ?" I take the bracelet that he gave me and put it on before I buried it again. I walk back home and I pass by his house again, I look straight to his house and the door is open.

A tall figure with red hair wearing a plain white shirt with long black pants and the bracelet that I gave he wear it.

I'm glad you love it.

I keep staring at him and then he knows that I'm here, our eyes locked each other, I miss him, his scent, his warm hug and his voice but that's all in my dream now, I thought after we broke up I can endure the pain but as a time goes by it doesn't work, my feeling to him it's just grown thicker everyday I always think that I'm such a fool to live a life like this, living a life that always look back to the past and hoping that all of this didn't happen because I couldn't let him go, I couldn't erase him from my head.

I'm not ready to leave, not yet...

I can feel my eyes starting to get watery and I felt this heavy weight on my chest we just stare for a while and he look to his phone and my phone rings, when I saw the caller it was Diluc.

"Y/n ?" I heard him, his trembling voice. The voice that I miss but I don't have the courage to talk with him.
"I'm sorry, my parents set me up on a marriage and if I didn't follow what they said, they will hurt you."
I look his eyes, he cry while looking at me.
"It's okay, take care of her and love her more than me, goodbye Diluc."

I end the call and nod to him while mouthing
'it's okay, I'll be alright.' I give him my last smile before I walk back to my house and pretend that I never met him or know him.

It's heavy to walk forward and forget all of this, he's the man that I love for a long time and now let him go will always leave a huge hole in my heart that no one can fill.

Y/n, it's time to wake up and leave this past behind.

ELYSIAN; Genshin Impact OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now