↬့◗Diluc | The Eternal Flame Ꙭ

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Special : Diluc Birthday

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Special : Diluc Birthday

Happy birthday!!!

"You should give him something unique like no one ever have done before

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"You should give him something unique like no one ever have done before." I sighed while looking at Mona eating her salad.
"Yeah, like what ? You're a magician give me advice." We were sitting in front of Sara good hunter eating breakfast.
"Uhm... what does he like ?" I shrugged, "all sorts of things... I mean he never complain when I give him gifts." Mona nodded and stood up, "where are you going ?" She walked closer to me and whispered. "Hey that's a great idea ! But are you sure it's safe ?" She quickly give me thumbs up. "90%" I frowned, "where's the other 10% ?" She smiled, "burned, but just give it to me when you found all of them, I know magic." She winked, "thanks for the food y/n and goodluck !" She walked away leaving me alone eating the rest of my chicken.

"Mona's idea isn't that bad." I walk around Mondstadt trying to find something that caught my eyes or something new and unique for my boyfriend birthday but unfortunately I didn't find anything. How about wine.. no he already have plenty of that....cake ? Of course I'll make him one but what else ?
I sighed, "I never thought I will do what Mona said to me."

"Mona said what ?" I scream in shocked hearing Diluc voice suddenly appear next to me.
"Sorry I didn't mean to scared you." He laughed and placed his hand on top of my head, "what are you doing here ?" What am I suppose to say ? I'm a bad liar !

"I just walk admiring the view." Admiring the view !? Really y/n ? "Really ?" I nodded, he pull me closer to his arms and spin me around before he hug me.
"Since you're here, I want to go on a date with you this evening, what do you say ?" Date this evening, it might be the right time for me to celebrate his birthday.

"Yeah sure, what time ?" He let go of his embrace and stare at me. "Uhm.. 7 ?" I need to walk around gathering his gift, not to mention they're everywhere and I need to bake a cake for him... "What's wrong ? You already have a plan ?"

"Yes... kind of ? No.. I mean yes I already have a plan today, I don't know if I will make it or not, how about 8 ?" The look of his eyes changed, he look sad and angry at the same time.
"Okay... I'll see you at 8 this evening in Monstadt bridge." He hugged me before he left, I feel bad for changing the schedule.

The mission looking for flaming flowers begin. I hope Mona's idea will work out, flaming flowers bouquet sounds challenging. I begin my destination to Dadaupa carrying a bottle of water to reduce the fire. Time passes by I already got a lot of it, now it's time to go back to Mona's place.

"Monaa !" I knock on the door, not long after she opened it and look at me with her sparkling eyes. "Whoa ! You did great ! Come in." I walked inside with my hand full of flaming flowers. "Just put it on the table, I'll work right away. I need two or three hours to finish it." I looked at the time and I have plenty of time to bake the cake and wait for Mona.
"Okay Mona I'll be right back, I need to do something first." I put my serenitea pot on the floor and get inside.

Once I arrive in my mansion I immediately went to the kitchen and make the cake batter. I spend about two hours or more to make it and decorate it perfectly. I left my tea pot with the cake that I just made, I appear in Mona's place. "You come just in time ! It's done !"

I put the cake on the table and I saw the flaming flower bouquet that she made. "Oh my ! It's awesome !" The flaming flowers neatly placed in the bouquet and the flame didn't burn the paper that wrapped it. "The fire won't dissapear so it will be like that forever."

"You are a genius Mona !" I hug her. "Hey hey, don't forget my payment okay ?" I laughed, "okay okay ! Thanks !" She nodded proudly staring at her work. "Now go ! You boyfriend already waiting for you, I'll put element of surprise later near the bridge." I bring the cake also the flowers and leave Mona's place.

I walk to the bridge and I saw Diluc staring at the lake, he tied his hair up and wear a different outfit, I stare at him for a while before continue to walk. "Diluc !" I called his name, his eyes glued to the flowers I carry. "Whoa where did you get that ?"

"Somewhere." I give the flowers to him while I hold the cake. "Happy birthday." Suddenly fireworks light up the sky. So this is the element of surprise. "You prepare all of this ?"
I nodded, "with a little help from Mona." He kissed my head. "Thank you y/n, you're the greatest person I ever met."

ELYSIAN; Genshin Impact OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now