↬့◗Zhongli | Stubborn ❤︎☽︎

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Fluff, AU

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Fluff, AU

I told you to stay at home !

A voice, I heard that again the voice that always waking me up every morning

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A voice, I heard that again the voice that always waking me up every morning.

"Y/n~ wake up."
I open my eyes, instead of a bright sunlight through the curtains I saw the face of my beloved husband, Zhongli right in front of me.

"I could get use to this now." I said with a smile before I kiss him. Me and Zhongli already married almost a year and living my life with him is beyond my imagination, marrying a man that I love and learning to live a new life with him it's just perfect.

"Wake up it's monday you need to go to work and so do I." He lay down next to me with his head on my chest, I play with his hair and his face but then I feel something odd.

"You have a fever ? You feel warm, just stay here don't go to work." I get off from bed and touch his forehead just to make sure.

"I'm fine, now go take a shower." He smile and left the room.

He's sick I'm sure of it.

I do as he said and take a shower, I remember that I need to finish a design project that Ganyu ask for her company.

I work as a designer I have my own company same as my husband Zhongli with his best friend Childe, they are CEO of the company that they built together about tech stuff.

After I took a shower and dried myself also wear my clothes, I went to the kitchen and I saw Zhongli making tea for both of us. I walk to the fridge and bring out leftover dumplings that I made yesterday and I preheated my homemade steam meat bun.

His face look pale.

We sit down on dining chair and eat together or so I thought until  Zhongli receive a phone call from one of his worker that there's an issue so he need to go there as soon as he can.

"Sorry we can't have breakfast together today, but I promise I'll bring you out for dinner today okay ?"
He kiss my head and left.

I should call Childe right ? He look sick.

I grab my phone and dialed Childe number, I call him several times but he's not answering.

Seriously ? This guy is unbelievable

I rolled my eyes and continue to eat my breakfast while hoping there's nothing terrible happen to Zhongli. I finished my breakfast and washed my dishes, I try to call Childe again but he's not answering again I mean seriously it's like seven in the morning what the hell is he doing ? I decided to send him a message to call me back as soon as possible.

I put my phone un my bag and locked the door before I go to work. After I arrived I went to my office and start working on my project, as the time passes by I receive a call from Zhongli ?? Eh ? This is unusual.

"Zhongli ?" I didn't hear anything except his heavy breath. "Zhongli are you okay ?"

*beep beep beep beep*

He end the call ?

I stare at my phone and tap his number to call him back but Childe call me first.

"Hey y/n ?"
"Oi ! You imbecile, what the heck did you do when I called you like eleven times !?"
"Ouch, imbecile ? Is this how you treat your friend ? Damn I'm hurting right now."

He fake cry to my ear and his voice getting louder and louder so I tell him to shut up.

"Ehhe I'm sorry, anyways I call you because your husband here he's sick and I think he has a fever, he almost collapsed."
"What the- I'll pick him up."
"Y/n wait-

I end the call and quickly run towards my car and start the engine. Thank goodness that my place and his place is not that far away so I only need twenty or maybe twenty five minutes to his place.

I arrive in his place and a woman greets me on the entrance. "Welcome ma'am, can I help you ?" To be honest this is the first time for me to come to his workplace, I usually just pass by or wait him outside because I'm too shy to go in.

"Uhm I want to see Zhongli please." She smile at me, "I'm sorry ma'am I'm afraid I can't, have you already make an appointment with Mr. Zhongli ?"
I shook my head, "I'm sorry but I can see him whenever I want to, he's my husband."

Seriously !? Zhongli hired someone like her !?

"I'm sorry ma'am, if you keep saying nonsense like this, I need you to leave."

Ok what !? Excuse me !?

I feel both of my arms being hold and force to leave this place but then guess what a knight in a suit save me.

"Let her go."
Zhongli said with his heavy breath, his face looks really red and pale, some of his worker looking at him and the scene that I caused.

"But sir, this woman speak nonsense, she keep saying that you're her husband."
He walk closer and give a deadly stare that I never see before.

"I said, let her go."
They do as he said and he pull me to his arm.

Ok this isn't the right time for this Zhongli.

"All of you ! Listen ! Meet Y/n L/n or also known as my wife-
I grab him by the ear and I don't care if all of them looking at me.

"oww ow ow." I dragged him outside to my car.
"I told you to stay at home didn't I !? Look at you ! all red and warm because your stubborn head didn't want to hear me."
He only let out a heavy breath and his face started to sweat.

What am I supposed to do with his stubbornness, God please help me.

ELYSIAN; Genshin Impact OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now