↬့◗Xiao | Our Ending 𖧑☽︎

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Drama, AU

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Drama, AU

Then I don't have to regret this

Do you ever love someone so bad but then you realize it's impossible to have him ? I did once, it was dumb actually, I already know it was impossible for us to be together but we forced it anyway

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Do you ever love someone so bad but then you realize it's impossible to have him ? I did once, it was dumb actually, I already know it was impossible for us to be together but we forced it anyway.

It was all started last year when I first went to college, that day was the most perfect day I ever had, the weather was great not too cold not too hot and people were nice to me and my overwhelmed feeling when I first enter my class.

I still remember that majestic hallway and that wooden door frame before I stepped my feet inside the class, and also that was the day I met him, a boy with black green hair and golden eyes that matched his face perfectly.

"Hi everyone ! My name is y/n, and uhmm I hope we all can be friends." Now that I think of it, my introduction sounded like a naive six year old kid who had just started elementary school. We started to know each other since the day I sat beside him and he told me his name was Xiao, we get along pretty well after three weeks until there was this math project and I did the project with him in his house.

It was great at first, we did everything and done everything in ten minutes so we decided to share stories while eating caramel popcorn, after a few stories were told he move the bowl of popcorn to where I couldn't reach. He move closer to me and turned serious all of a sudden.

"Tell me y/n, do you have a boyfriend ?" I didn't know why he asked that but I answered him anyway. "No." He sighed in relief and said, "then I don't have to regret this." He leaned forward and closing our distance until I could taste his lips, we had passionate kiss but-

"Xiao !? We're home !" Two voice of male and female along with a door open made our face shocked in terror, we immediately stood up and to avoid this awkward moment I decided to went home.

"Uhmm, Xiao I gotta go home but I call you later or text you later I guess, thank you for uhmm letting me come here." I put my books to my bag and went to the front door, "Xiao parents, I'll take my leave....thank you." I smile towards them but they didn't, they look at me with disgusted face so clear that my eyes could saw it before I walk out through the door and closed it.

No one ever saw me like that, it did hurt but I tried to forget about it a lot but I can't, late night on the same day my phone rang and the caller was Xiao.

Oh yeah, he kissed me.

My mind filled up with my feelings toward him and his parents popped up again in my mind, I didn't answer him and decided to tell him how I feel tomorrow at class. Or that was I thought until I found out that Xiao changed schedules.

Huh... that's weird.

I was going to ask him but he texted me to meet him at the rooftop asap. I head to the rooftop through the stairs, after a minute or two I saw that gray doorframe and I open it. The sun shines from outside towards me and I saw him stood there looked at the great blue sky.

I took a deep breath getting ready to tell him how I feel.
"Ok, y/n you can do this." I walk through those door and called his name, "Xiao !" He turned around and walk fast towards me. "About yesterday I-
When our gap were close, he pulled me to his arm.

"Xiao ? Wh-what happened ?" I pull him away, "I was going to tell you how I feel and then your schedule changed and it seems like you avoiding me and-
"My parents."

Huh ?

"My parents did that, they change my schedules so-

my feelings were right, they didn't like me.

"So that you never meet me again." He sighed and touch my cheeks. "It's okay I'm not a kid anymore, I can choose what I want and I choose you."

Since that day we got lucky, even his parents against us but we choose what we wanted and this is it, we got our happy ending.

ELYSIAN; Genshin Impact OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now