Part 1

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Chicago had fallen into disarray years ago and we were what was left of the city, surrounded by high walls and unanswered questions. Abnegation was a plain place to grow up. We were selfless, the ones who were trusted to run the government and take care of the factionless. But the grey walls grew boring after sixteen years and while I loved helping people and being someone that was dependable, I was itching to get out of here. I had often admired the other teenagers when we would mingle during school hours. I would watch the Dauntless jump from the trains, the loud and honest Candors laughing with each other, the Erudite managing good grades effortlessly and the Amity always showing affection like it was the easiest thing to do in the world. I envied every single one of them, craving to be all of those things but not willing to give up the part of myself that made me an Abnegation.

At sixteen it was almost time for my Choosing Ceremony. My one chance to get out of the dull grey walls that held me back from what I could be. With a few weeks left before the aptitude test I had made up my mind to start to prepare myself for whatever my future might hold, despite the fact that it was frowned upon. I began waking up early in the morning and running through the Abnegation housing blocks avoiding anyone who might possibly tell on me. I found an abandoned place to work on pulling myself up the way I had seen the Dauntless do. I worked out the way I watched them playfully competing with one another, getting stronger each day. I picked up books the Eruditie left behind and read them fervently before I could get caught or they came back for them. I found myself craving more and more knowledge, and late at night before bed I would practice telling the truth. I would say what was on my mind out loud in my room or in the reflection in my window.

The weeks passed by quickly and before I knew it I was standing in front of the mirror watching my mother cut my auburn hair that had gotten lighter with the amount of sun I had recently gotten and my skin had gotten darker for the same reason. I took the opportunity to check the color of my eyes again, I often forgot what color they were since I only saw them once a month. A stunning blue green. My mother closed the mirror as I fixed my hair into the traditional bun. The day of the aptitude test had finally arrived. I lined up with the other kids of my faction, behind the Priors. We were not friends, as it was frowned upon to create friendships in Abnegation but Caleb was cute with dark hair and green eyes while Beatrice was shorter but still striking to look at with grey blue eyes and blonde hair. The Prior children were by no means unattractive compared to some of the people I had come across in my sixteen years. Beatrice and I were close in height. I was taller but not by much and while she had a thin, child-like body I had what my mother in hushed tones had told me was a woman's form and urged me to wear a loser fitting dress a year ago.

I waited for my name to be called. I was not nervous, I knew no matter what my test said I would be prepared. I was called into a room with a Dauntless member, a beautiful woman with dark eyes and black hair that I noticed was streaked with grey which I found peculiar.

"My name is Tori. I will be administering this test." I nodded, keeping quiet in true Abnegation fashion. I sat in the chair as Tori set everything up, I ignored the urge to glance at myself in the mirrors that fill the room. I focused instead on my nails, as if they are the most interesting thing in the world. Tori cleared her throat and I noticed her standing in front of me. I glanced at her hand and in it I found a small glass filled with a water-like substance. I glanced at her and took it into my own hand.

"What is it?" I asked. My voice sounded odd to me, soft but strong. Tori raised an eyebrow at me and motioned for me to drink it and lay back. I did as instructed and wrinkled my nose at the taste. I laid back and closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes I was faced with two tables, one with a knife and the other cheese. I moved to examine both but did not make a move to pick up either one. Suddenly a woman's voice yelled at me to choose but I refused, I did not know what these are for but surely neither was a good option. A sudden growling behind me indicated that something had changed. I whipped around to find a dog, one that looked ready to attack me. I was not afraid of this dog and held my hand out to its nose while not making eye contact to allow it to smell me. I was pleased to feel the dog lick my hand gently. As I went to pet the dog I heard a young girl call out "Puppy" and watched in slow motion as the dog whipped around to attack the girl. Without a second thought I threw myself between the girl and the dog, tackling the little girl to the ground with my back to the dog, I trusted it not to bite me.

I fell through the floor and I was suddenly on a bus. I noticed a man on the bus reading a newspaper. The headline of the paper read 'Brutal Murderer Finally Apprehended.' with a picture of the man. I felt familiarity creeping up in the back of my mind the longer I looked at the picture and missed the question the man had asked me.

"I'm sorry, did you say something?" I asked.

"Do you know this man?" He asked again. This time looking at me, a sense of dread filled my body.

"And if I do happen to know him?" I questioned the man, who stopped for a second almost as if this was not how it was supposed to go.

"Then you could save me." He yelled at me, reaching out to grab my arm.

I was startled awake and found myself back in the chair and feeling sick. Tori looked shaken up and was mumbling to herself. I caught a few words along the lines of "I can't believe it. Two in one day". I groaned and sat up running a hand down my face and rubbing my neck which was now hurting.

"You have to go." Tori grabbed me and began to shove me out of the room. I was a little shocked but nodded.

"I'm not normal, am I?" This caused her to pause and really look at me.

"No, and you can't tell anyone about this. We call it Divergent and it puts you in danger. I entered Dauntless for your test. Go home." With that she shoved me out of the room. 

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