Part 25 (Start of Insurgent)

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I followed the train tracks until I reached Amity. There waiting for me were my friends and the Amity leader Johanna, she was a short woman with dark hair and a long scar from one cheek to the other.

"Four has told me what happened, the Abnegation members we have here all spoke very highly of you. I have agreed to let you all stay for the night. Tomorrow the faction will vote on whether you can continue to stay with us. But first let's get you cleaned up and fed.'' Johanna motions for us to follow her and like puppies we followed her.

Tris and I followed Johanna as she led us to a house, guiding us to the bathroom and showing us how the showers worked in Amity. Tris and I stripped down quickly and enjoyed the feeling of the blood and grime washing away from our skin. After several minutes someone entered and called out to let us know that they were leaving clothes for us. As we dried off and got dressed Tris turned to me holding a pair of scissors.

"I want you to cut off my hair." She demanded of me, I hesitated for a moment before I took the scissors out of her hand.

"How short?" She motioned to her jaw line and in a few seconds her hair was on the floor between us. I finished getting dressed in a loose yellow cropped tank top from Amity and my tight black pants I had taken the liberty to wash and leave out to dry before taking a shower. I tucked my necklace back into my shirt and headed out in search of a bed. I was lucky enough to run into Johanna who directed me to a bed before I could be stopped by any of my friends. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out cold

I was stirred awake when I heard sobbing coming from another part of the room. It had already gotten dark by the time I felt rested enough to hear anything going on around me. I rolled over to face the rest of the room before sitting up. I found Tris on the other bed sniffling to herself, it crossed my mind to ask her what was bothering her but I watched her father die and could only imagine watching her mother die too. I decided it was best to leave her to grieve in private. I made my way out into the dark of the night, Amity like many other factions had very little light during the evening. I walked towards the only other source of light that I could see, it was a barn. There was light coming from the top half of the barn, what looked like an office. I made my way inside and heard voices. I made out Four's voice and what I assumed was JohaI moved closer, I wanted to hear what they were saying without being caught.

"They will come looking for you. Jeanine will not let you go that easily." I barely made out Johanna's voice.

"I know, I have to protect them. Eric might spare Wren, she wasn't seen by Jeanine and her brother has a lot of support behind him even though he isn't a leader. They might think we kidnapped her. They'll kill Tris and I, maybe Peter can talk his way out of it. Abnegation should be able to hide well enough among your people." Four let out a rather large sign. "If they come here Wren will fight them. That will surely tip them off that she wasn't taken against her will. I hope that I can get her out of here before they see her."

I moved away from the barn, my head was swiping with this new information. Four had been right when he said I would fight them. I walked further into the compound taking in the open space and clean air. That's where Peter found me, consumed in the full view of the stars.

"What are you so preoccupied with that I could sneak up on you?" Peter breathed out in my ear. I jolted back to reality as his warm breath fanned across my neck and face. I shivered and Peter wrapped his arm around my waist, looking up at the sky as I turned to look at his face.

"I don't know where my parents are, Tris is having nightmares, I just need to breathe. This just allowed me that moment to forget everything that happened today." I leaned into his body as he hummed in response. I looked at his face again this time taking the opportunity to read his face. His normal smirk and cocky facade was gone.

"Peter, are you okay?" I turned to look at him and touched his face. He lowered his gaze to meet mine. Green eyes meeting my own blue green. He released the breath he was holding.

"No Wren I'm not. I'm scared they're going to come for us. No matter what happens we aren't safe here. Tris and I hate each other but I would do anything to protect you. I know it seems crazy but you have been the only person that took the time to give me a chance." He shook his head. "I know you have feelings for Four but please don't count me out just yet. I can change, I promise I can be better." Peter was now pleading with me, I could see it in his eyes. Four was probably a lost cause now, he had chosen Tris so I allowed myself to nod.

"Show me who you really are and we'll talk." I whispered playfully before pushing up on my tip toes and kissing his cheek. "Have to catch me after that though." And I took off running through the compound laughing lightly as Peter chased after me. My heart felt light for the first time in days, I was safe for now and I was damned if someone was going to take away my chance to be carefree even for a moment. The breeze picked up and I felt it rush around me as if it too was in a playful mood. I revelled in this moment, free at last. I heard footsteps coming towards me fast and dodged them as I opened my eyes to find Peter out of breath with a smile plastered on his face.

"Why do you have to be so damn fast?" He gasped out as he made an attempt to catch me again. I danced around his grabbing outstretched arms once more.

"I think the question is how do you expect to catch me with you being so slow." I laughed again. I failed to notice how close I had brought us to the barn Four and Johanna had been in earlier, or the fact that the light went out as I continued to dodge Peter. 

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