Part 33

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Days must have passed by the time I finally woke up. The first thing I noticed was that I was shaking, or at least the bed I was lying in was shaking. I turned my head to find Four sitting next to me, his leg bouncing in a very uncharacteristic way for the ever so composed Four. Next to him is Tris whose hand is holding mine running her thumb back and forth across the top, also an out of character display of affection. I squeezed her hand lightly and watched her jump in surprise, Four jolted up at her movement and they both quickly moved their eyes to my face.

"What'd I miss?" I asked softly as the two of them jumped at the chance to hug me. Tris began crying as she sobbed out about how she thought I was dead and it was all her fault. She couldn't stand to lose another person and how she was so sorry. Four was also in tears, his voice softer and right in my ear.

"Thank god I didn't lose you."

The doors burst open and my eyes were drawn to Uriah, Lynn, Marlene, and even Hector barging in. The four surged forwards and piled into the group hug. I laughed as Four tried to detangle himself from the mess of limbs and Tris began to shift uncomfortably. When they finally all let go of me they began filling me in on what I had missed.

"Eric is still alive, some Candor saved him. Caleb and Marcus were here, they wanted to protect the divergent. Peter of course is back in Erudite." This news hit my heart, I covered it up by faking shoulder pain but I was hurt that Peter had chosen to turn from me. "Jack wants to collect more information on divergents and says there is a lot he still doesn't understand. He called Eric's attack peaceful. Can you believe that? They murdered people. These silver disks left blue dye in our skin, it hasn't faded yet and I'm convinced that Jeanine is planning a long term long range simulation." Tris finished as I nodded my head along at all the right parts.

"Not to mention We're ready to kick their asses but we need Candor's help to do it and they won't agree." Uriah huffed out. After a little more catching up everyone leaves except for Four. 

"Wren, there is something you need to know." I nodded to let him know I was listening as I traced the bandage covering my right shoulder. "Jack has tried to talk to Eric to find out more of Jeanine's plan but Eric has insisted on only talking to you." I shot Four a dirty look. That was not what I expected to come out of his mouth "We need you to talk to him. Today." And there was the stern instructor Four back in action.

"Okay, just get me something better to wear than this." I gestured down to the hospital gown I was in. Four nodded and headed out the door. A nurse came in not long after and helped me to take a shower. Christina was waiting for me when I got back to the bed, there was a pile of clothes sitting next to her.

"I'm glad you're okay. Sorry I was avoiding you. I just couldn't stand to look at Tris all the time."

"It's okay, I understand. How are you holding up?" I asked her. She shook her head and turned to the pile of clothes.

"Right now we have to focus on dressing you up nice so Eric spills all his secrets." She smirked at me and for a moment we were back in Dauntless playing dress up. I refused to wear a skirt so I was once again in tight black pants, the top was harder. Christina and I argued for a while as I tried on different tops, we settled on a white lace tank top that was low cut enough that it would peak Eric's interest but not enough to make me uncomfortable. I twirled for Christina before the nurse put my arm in a sling.

Christina did my make up and fixed my hair to have sexy waves. Lastly she insisted that I wear heels I tried to refuse but she wasn't hearing it. I groaned but allowed her to help me into some low heels. I felt like a show pony as people stopped to stare at me. I reached the room Eric was being held in, I fiddled with my necklace as I waited to be let in. I tucked it into my cleavage as the door opened for me. As the guard moved out of the room I could see the bored look on Eric's face until he caught sight of me.

Eric smirked at me as I entered the room. He was sitting on the bench, legs spread with his hands near his face.

"You look pretty good for a dead man." I commented.

"And you look incredible for someone who got shot." His smirk widened as he took me in more. "Your friend isn't a killer, her aim was off and the blade wasn't long enough to do that much damage."

"I heard you insisted on only speaking to me so talk."

"Oh sweetheart, I just wanted a reason to see you. The idea is to give you just enough information to keep sending you back."

"They'll use truth serum on you Eric, everything will come out. I don't know how long you think you can keep this charade going." I shook my head at him this time.

"They don't have cameras here, little one. I can do whatever I want in the time they give us together. Don't fight me and I'll give you some clues." Eric said as he approached me. This time however it was different. I was no longer to the middle of his chest, the heels had given me a few inches and my head could now tuck under his chin. Eric walked me back against the wall wrapping an arm around my waist and holding my hands behind my back.

"What does Jeanine want? What do you get out of it?" I whispered as he closed the space between our faces. His lips were soft against mine, less urgent now that he had me trapped alone with him.

"I get you." He kissed my lips again then kissed the tip of my nose, "The only thing I wanted in return for helping her was the promise of your safety and that I would get to keep you when all of this was over." This time his kisses trailed down my neck and I let out a small breathy moan. "You see, Jeanine suspected you were divergent but she has no proof, I took care of all of that. Your friend however has actively ruined her plans over and over again, she wants her dead and will stop at nothing to accomplish it." He pulled away to look me in the eyes, "I may seem like a stone cold killer who is only out for himself but I am not. I would have helped Jeanine because that is what Max ordered me to do, I follow orders. I'm not like you. I am only good at a few things. But you jumped onto the roof with the other Dauntless born and I could tell you wanted to jump first. You weren't afraid of me. I knew I had to have you." His kiss was filled with a passion I had not felt before as butterflies lit up in my stomach.

"How do we stop this, how does this end without more people dying.I don't want to watch anyone else die." I breathed out against his lips.

"It doesn't. Either Jeanine wins or you kill her. Already the factions are starting to split, this is going to be a war if we like it or not. We could run. I could take you out of here away from it all until it's over." He kissed me one last time before pulling away. He sat back down leaving me breathless and confused. He smirked at me as the door opened once again and I was escorted out.


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