Part 43

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We moved more quickly through the building this time. If Caleb had noticed us before we had noticed him we must have been picked up on the cameras around headquarters. We managed to get closer to Jeanine's lab before we ran into another snag in the plan. As we rounded the corner we came face to face with Edward. I knew instantly that Four must also be in the building with the other factionless who were now wreaking havoc in the building.

"I thought you were staying behind." He looked between Tris and I. I could tell he was slightly disappointed that we had lied to him.

"You need to let us through." I pleaded. He shook his head.

"I can't do that and if you try to force your way through I will be forced to stop you." Christina lunged for him and he immediately responded by shooting at her. She was lucky that his aim was off and he only grazed her leg. Edward was not so lucky, Christiana had retaliated and shot him too, her bullet finding its target in his side.

 "Are you okay?" Tris rushed over to Christina. She nodded her head and slid down to the floor next to Edward who was now laying down groaning and clutching his side. She handed his gun to Tris who passed it off to me. I tucked this third gun in my waistband as well.

"I'll stay with him and make sure he has no desire to follow you guys." Christina announced and she tied a cloth around her leg. I had already started moving again with Marcus before Tris tried to catch up with me. As soon as we made it into the lab we split up, each of us looked for where Jeanine had hidden the information. Tris wandered into a room and I heard the doors lock in place behind her as an automated voice announces that she has five minutes to move to the next room before she will be killed by the gas leaking into the chamber. I pounded on the doors, firing bullets into them as I tried to get her out. Marcus watches as I continue to try and find a way to open the door.

Suddenly the door unlocks and I enter to find Tris gone but the room once again locked behind me. The voice identified me and told me the same thing it had told Tris. As I moved toward the door I was faced with myself, mirroring my movements to a t. I realized Tris must have beat this by figuring out it was a simulation, I closed my eyes and tried to picture the room changing and it did. Suddenly we were on top of a building but I was no longer facing myself but Four. I did the only thing that made sense to me. I shoved Four off the building. The room changes back to its original state and I push through the door to find Tris and Tori facing off with Jeanine stuck between them.

"We need her Tori, only she knows where the information is hidden." Tris tried to reason with Tori. I took a look around the room and realized that it was covered in pictures and lab results on the divergent they had managed to track down. I realized my face was not on the wall with Tris, Uriah, and Four. I turned my attention back to Tori and Tris as a gunshot went off. Jeanine was bleeding from her leg.

"You're a traitor!" Tori screamed as Tris tried to disarm her.

"Tori I am not a traitor, I need Jeanine to search the computers for me." Tris tried to insist but before either of us could move Tori had stabbed Jeanine in the stomach. The door behind me swung open and I drew my gun as Four and Uriah stepped into the room with Marcus behind them.

"Tris is a traitor!" Tori screamed at Four and Uriah. Four shook his head.

"No Tori she isn't. My father explained everything to us." Four ignored me as we approached Tris, Uriah came and threw an arm around my shoulder as I lowered my gun finally.

"Why do you keep lying to me?" He demanded.

"I needed to know the truth." Was the only response Tris gave.

"And you expect to learn the truth from a liar and sociopath like Marcus? He would never tell you the truth." Four exclaimed.

"Well maybe your love is too weak to trust and believe in me." Tris spat out at him.

"Take her downstairs with the rest of the prisoners." Tori commanded when Four made no move to fight back. Uriah released me and guided Tris out of the room. Four finally turned to look at me. I met his eyes as he searched mine for some sort of emotion but all he found was the empty cold stare he had shown us all during initiation.

"Why didn't you come with me?" Four asked.

"Because someone had to make sure Tris didn't kill herself. Besides, you made your choice. I owe you nothing." I hissed at him and left the room. I walked swiftly down the halls to find the others. As I reached the first floor I found everyone. Christina was with Tris, I headed towards them but was stopped when a pair of arms wrapped around me from behind.

"I was so worried about you when I realized you had followed the idiot on one of her crazy ideas." Peter breathed in my ear and he pulled me into his chest. I let myself relax into his arms. Peter kissed the top of my head as everyone buzzed around waiting for what happened next. Four appeared not long after, storming over to where Caleb was being guarded.

"Disarm the security system in Jeanine's lab." Four demanded of Caleb as he dragged him away.

"What happened to you?" Peter finally asked. I led him away from the group and began to explain everything to him.

"How is it possible to force a simulation when there isn't a transmitter?" Peter asked me.

"I don't know, maybe the gas had some sort of transmitter in it?" I responded but before Peter could say anything else my attention was drawn from his and Lynn was brought down in a stretcher. "No." I whispered to myself and hurried over to her side. AAs I got closer I could see that her wounds were deadly. Uriah beat me to her side and started demanding that someone do something to save her.

"We would but the factionless destroyed the hospital floors and set them all on fire." responded one of the men who had brought her down. "She won't survive the trip to Dauntless." I sank to the floor next to her and grasped her hand.

"Uriah you have to know I loved Marlene the same way you did." Lynn started. "This is why I was so against you guys dating. I was jealous." Uriah assured her that he didn't hold it against her. She quieted down and we sat there holding her hands until her grip finally let go. I placed her hand down next to her and whipped my tears off my face. I touched Uriah's shoulder and helped him place Lynn's other hand down by her side.

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