Part 5

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There was a break for lunch which went by in a blur and then we were on the roof. Four had us holding guns and was showing us the proper way to hold the gun and to shoot. I copied his pose to a t and took aim at the target. I took a few shots, the recoil was harsh and hurt but I refused to let it throw me off balance like it had the others. I checked the target and saw that I had managed to hit it within the designated rings. For a first shot it was not bad and as the day went on I was able to hit the target and get closer to the bullseye. I was making a name for myself among the initiates and while I knew that wasn't the best thing for making friends I knew that I could help Tris who was struggling with everything. Eric had told us earlier that day that the lowest ranking initiates would be cut after the first stage of initiation. At the moment that was Tris. I made sure that I was next to her and gave her pointers as the day went on. Four called for the day to be over and we all filed back into the training room and put away the guns after learning how to properly clean them.

Dinner was a quiet affair and I was in bed asleep before anyone else after a quick shower. The next morning was a repeat of the same thing, waking up to Four entering the room and being ready to go before the others. I had taken to braiding my long hair instead of a ponytail like most of the other girls. We were working on throwing knives one day and again I had taken to it well, picking up the way Four threw knives. Eric had started to watch more and more of the training as we got ready to fight each other. I was too wrapped up in throwing my knives to notice Eric tormenting Al until he yelled at all of us to stop. Before I could open my mouth to stop her, Tris had opened her mouth and was standing in front of the target and Four was throwing knives at her. I growled, annoyed at her but more annoyed at Four who I knew had developed feelings for the girl. Four nicked her ear and Eric seemed satisfied with it. I however was not pleased with his disdain for us.

"Points for bravery Stiff, but not as many as you just lost for opening your mouth." Eric called as he turned to walk away. 

"Is it because she's a Stiff that you have such a disdain for her or is it because you think she's weak." I called after him. He whipped around eyes wide, as if he couldn't believe I had actually opened my mouth. I was not known for talking. I was quiet but good and I had meant to keep it that way.

"You want to repeat that." He asked as he stalked back towards me. Eric was tall like Four, I came up to the middle of his chest. I looked up at him and met his gaze, this drew the attention of everyone in the training room Dauntless born included.

"I didn't stutter." Was my answer. 

I saw the tell that Eric was going to swing on me before he actually did and it gave me enough time to duck. I fell to the ground and rolled backwards. I stood back up a few feet away and met his eyes again which were once again furious. Before he could advance on me someone came into the room calling for him, he stormed out of the room. Four dismissed us for the day and sent Tris to the infirmary to get her ear checked out but Four held me behind.

"Wren you can't be reckless like that, he controls the scores you know that." he hissed at me. I just shrugged at him.

"We do not believe silence is useful." I said as I headed back to the dormitory. I could easily find my way to four main places I needed to be in Dauntless and I took advantage of the quiet to shower. Tris had gone to get a tattoo and new clothes with Christina. While I also wanted to do that I was waiting to pass the first stage. I was headed to the mess hall for dinner when I ran into a few familiar faces, the beautiful boy from the train and the two girls who always seemed to be by his side. 

"You have a death wish." I smiled at him and shook my head.

"We do not believe silence is useful." I repeated the same thing I had said to Four in the training room. The girls both laughed and the boy threw an arm around my shoulder.

"You have to be careful with Eric" Piped up one of the girls. I just now noticed that half her head shaved, "He is dangerous." I just nodded. I already knew that.

"I'm Uriah, that's Lynn and Marlene." He gestured to the two girls as they guided me into the mess hall and to a table of other Dauntless members. 

I sat at a table with them and was handed a bunch of different types of food while being introduced to Uriah's older brother Zeke, and Lynn's older sister Shauna. They were a tight knit group and fun to be around, I enjoyed the way they joked around with each other and how close in age they were. 

"Wren, did you really ask Eric if you stuttered?" Zeke laughed as Uriah recounted the earlier interaction. I just nodded once again and laughed along with them as they all exclaimed how incredibly brave I was for that.

"Wait wait in all seriousness though Wren, you're an Abnegation transfer right? Were you adopted?"

"No, why?" I looked at Shauna.

"You look like a carbon copy of another member, his name is Wayne. But he is in his early 30's I think right guys?" Zeke finished for her.

"I do have a brother who is about 16 years older than me." I let the information slip. They all turned to look at me with surprise written across their faces. I just shrugged.

"Well he should be back from the wall in a few days. I can keep an eye out for him. Though I think it might have already reached him that you're here. He always refused to talk about his past but a few of the older members remember a baby girl in his fear landscape." Zeke informed us.

"Also what's up with you and Four?" I just laughed at that one as he walked by ruffling my hair. An act of affection that went unnoticed by the rest of the mess hall. Except Tris.

"You should laugh more often, man, that sound is magical just like your voice." Uriah said, winking at me across the table. I blushed a little and laughed again as I excused myself and headed back to the dorm to sleep. Four caught me in the hallway on my way back.

"You're drawing attention to yourself Wren." He said as I walked past him.

"Is that so bad Toby?" I used the old nickname to show affection the only way I knew how as I turned to face him.

" Wren, I just want you to be careful. You're a beautiful girl. You already got the wrong kind of attention from Eric and now the Pedrad brothers?" Four sounded exasperated and I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Toby relax, I'm not going to get involved with any of them. I'll keep my mouth shut around Eric the best I can. I have to make friends if I'm going to stay here." I placed a hand on his arm. He pulled me into a hug and mumbled into my head something I almost didn't catch.

"You don't need friends other than me and Tris." I pulled away from him and shook my head.

"No Toby, I need more than just you and Tris. I know you like her."

"What if I like you too?" He asked as he pulled away and let go of me. I paused and really looked at him. I could tell that his eyes held the truth and he really wanted an answer to his question.

"Then figure out who you like better. I don't want to be a back up plan and I don't think Tris wants to be either." With that I walked away, not knowing that Tris had heard the last part of the conversation or that her respect for me had grown. 

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