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Author :: JintaeRJ

Reviewer :: wuwtaetae

First impression :: 6/20

The cover was too crowded, not at all appealing, and not something that'd make me click and read the book. The reds there, they're too distracting and there are just way too many characters present on the cover. I get
that there aren't just two to three protagonists in the story but putting all of them in the cover just isn't the
right choice. You're gonna have to choose to put only one to three people on the cover so that it doesn't look
crowded. Choose the characters who play a bigger role than the rest and put them on a cover with a proper,
simple background. I mean, if you can find someone who can make a cover which includes all the main characters without it looking crowded then good for you, go for it, but I personally don't think it'd work. The font looks very basic and I'm not a big fan of that. I just think that since the book leans more towards the emotional side of things, a cursive, styled font would look better than the bold ones. I can't see what you've written under the title and that's because the cover is extremely crowded. Keeping it simple helps
sometimes. Not only in covers but just about anything.

About the title, I don't understand it. I don't think it fits the story in any way and generally, it's not very appealing and something that'd get me excited. The blurb was great though. I loved it. It was very intriguing and the first thought that popped into my mind after reading it was 'interesting'. I completely agree with the blurb but I had to reduce marks because it wasn't enough and it wasn't a proper blurb. Summaries or blurbs are supposed to tell you what the storyline is, the theme, the setting while revealing a little bit of the conflict of the plot, but this one just left me so clueless on what the book was about that I went in thinking Jiwoo and Jimin were gonna be lovers. I'd suggest you keep what you have and add a little more to summarize the book.

Beginning of a new start :: 3/10

It wasn't necessarily an info dumb but it definitely felt like something was being dumped in there. The pace was too fast, not at all ideal. It started with your normal daily routine: going to school, bumping into a guy; the usual cliché. There's too much going on. I couldn't focus on one thing at a time. Time was also moving too fast. Perhaps beginning from an important scene would've been a good idea. Just, we know how routines are, we know what people do daily, we don't want to see that. We readers want to see parts of life that are mostly hidden or unexplored, things that we desire or relate to. Adding in a routine and giving people a cliché isn't going to be enough.

Concept and plot :: 20/25

First of all, I understand the plot, but the conflict doesn't seem that interesting. It's just very predictable after like, five chapters. I can pretty much figure out what's going to happen next without reading, so why would I read? See, that's the real question here. What have you got to offer that others don't? I’ll tell you what Elon Musk said in an interview, yeah? He said that most startups fail because they're slightly better than
established companies out there, and you can't be slightly better if you want to succeed. There has to be such a large difference in the quantity that people would buy your product over a trusted brand. So, unless and until you're already established and big, you're gonna have to work your ass off to be better than most authors out there to succeed. For that, you need to have an amazing plot and great writing. The plot isn't something I've read before, so kudos there for the creativity, but the execution wasn't the best. There's betrayal, there's love, there's heartbreak, yes. Very interesting. But they happen in like ten chapters when each one of the fields deserve like fifteen chapters on their own. I gave you a twenty out of twenty five for creativity and originality but I had to cut marks for the execution. It’s all moving too fast. I need all the small details, I want to live there and experience it, and it just didn't give me that. I want to enjoy the plot, so slow it down.

Characters and emotions :: 2/15

I like Taehyung's character because he seems more human compared to others. Jiwoo and Jihyo are just plain. Most characters are very one dimensional and have defined characteristics. Let's take Jimin for
example, he's supposed to be the cold guy who's sweet to his sisters and that's all he is throughout. The cold  guy who loves his sisters. But humans are more than that, they are more than what meets the eye, they act differently to different people. That's how people work. There's no dimension to the characters and therefore, I couldn't experience any emotions. Characters and emotions are deeply connected and if I don't
feel any connection with the characters, I'm not going to feel any emotions. There are too many characters and I suggest you start establishing them one by one rather than just doing it all together. In that way, we'll understand the characters more, leading to us feeling whatever they're feeling.

Tone and style :: 3/10

It's very amateur and it's just such a Wattpad book, you know. You want your book to be more than that. Something that deserves a hardcopy of its own selling all over the world. That's the thing with Wattpad writers, they write for the Wattpad audience, which I understand. They write on a platform and their target audience are definitely going to be people from that platform, but the thing I'm trying to say is, aim big. Write like you're writing for it to be published. Read real, published books, do a random activity that'd help you in writing. If you're so passionate about writing, surround yourself with it and you'll see the change. I've seen the change in my writing after doing that and I'm pretty sure you will see the change too. The POV change happens too frequently and it gets confusing. Don't change POVs so often. I think you should improve your vocabulary and find a writing style that suits you and your story.

Grammar :: 3/20

The grammar was the most distracting part of all. There's no consistency whatsoever. The tenses keep changing and there is a problem with the punctuation usage. Too many question marks; too many exclamation marks. There are silly mistakes almost everywhere and I think you should take the time to
aggressively edit it, or hire an editor to edit it and then put it through grammarly. That's the best you can do. And if you can, try rewriting certain scenes and adding additional information to steady the pace.

Total :: 37/100

Total :: 37/100

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