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I was just walking. In the woods. Alone. At night. 'Couse why the fuck not. My dad is working as one of deputies and once when I was in his car, radio buzzed and another deputy said there's a dead body. Just half of a body.

So here I am in the woods, alone trying to find another half. Crazy right?

My life is boring so I don't know what I can say. I'm a loser. Even bigger loser that Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall. And yes Stiles Stilinski as Sheriff Stilinski. Best friend of my father. Ugh when I was younger my dad forced me to play with Stiles with worlds 'I will give you many candy as you want'. Annoying asshole. I don't have much friends. I'm a loner. Okay Anna stop thinking about your boring life and focus on finding another half of a body please.

As I was walking I spotted the body. Oh my god. I found it!

"Holy shit" I said together with someone else. I turned to my left and saw one and only.... Scott McCall.

"Who are you" "Even losers don't know me? What a shame" i said. Like really?

"Oh wait you're Anna Edwards right? I'm Sco-" " I know who you are" ok maybe that was a bit rude.

"What are you doing here?" "I could ask the same fucking thing" I snapped. Now I know why I don't have friends.

"Me and Stiles wanted to find the other half of a body but his father saw him and I hide. Then I ran of" he explained."Why did you went to look at the first half? Of course he saw him" I said."My rule number one:when there is two parts of a body, never go to the first one what is founded. By the way why are we- am I still here I found it I can go-"

I didn't get a chance to finish my sentence because of fucking dears. Oh dear. They ran at me and Scott. He of course drop his inhaler like my clumsy ass... I did too.

When dears ran of I stood up and try to find it. So did Scott.

And then we heard it. A growl.

"Was that you?" "No,why me? Was that you?" "Yeah it's my hobby to scare my ass and you at night when we're alone in the woods" I love my sarcastic answers.

We slowly turned to the sound just to find a wolf. It was looking straight at us and then of course it ran towards us.

We tried to run away but it jumped on Scott and bit him into stomach while I run but my asthma made me stop. Worse dessicion in my life

It ran and jumped at me and bit me into thigh as I screamed. It ran of but me and Scott was running another direction.

As we ran of we found ourselves on the road. I looked at my thigh while Scott looked at his stomach.

"Damn. That hurt like shit" "Your look worst tho" he said. Well no shit Sherlock.

"Well...... it doesn't matter right now. We have to go home. Hope the body will be there. Wait I have asthma..... shit my inhaler fuck" "Anna...... I don't have mine either"

He said as we looked at each other.

"We will find them. But now we need to go home and bandage this thing so it won't get infected" "I'll walk you home" "I live close enough to go alone" "What if it will come back?" "Good point"

I said as we started walking. We were quite while he walked me to my front door.

I saw just my black jeep so dad isn't home yet. Obviously.

"Can I have your number so we can check on each other ya know" "Uhhhh....... ok.... fine"

I said while I gave him mine and he gave his to me.

"Thanks..... Good night Anna." "Night Scott"

I walked inside my house and ran to my bathroom.

After bandaging and doing my night routine I collapse on my bed processing what happened.

Jesus..... I got fucking bit by a......wolf.

An: so idk what is that .... BUT FIRST PART IS HERE!!! It's short but whatever.....please give me some love and vote, comment do whatever you want. I hope you liked it and if you want me to continue just tell me and I will try to publish everyday (if god will give me time)



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