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"......She was a Hale. Daughter of Talia Hale. And older sister of Derek and Cora Hale" I widened my eyes. No, that's not true. She told me she was Willson.

"Anna, your father told you once about alpha powers. I know he did. Let me tell you a story of your life because your father replaced your memories with memories you have now" wow.

"Deaton, but everyone in the Hale family is a werewolf and I was human. That's not making any sense" I told him.

"Listen closely. Your mother was never a werewolf, but she was also never human too. Talia before she had her was dating a wizard. Not a wizard you see on the TV with a bunny. He was a supernatural wizard, who was born like one. Talia got pregnant with him, but she found out when she broke up with him. She was cheating on him. Your mom was born on the full moon as a witch. She was never human, but never werewolf also. She was learning spells, with a little bit of my help, and once she found out there is a spell that will confuse werewolves, because you will smell like human no matter if you're werewolf or not. She made it herself. 'Semper humano' always human. With this spell you can be whatever supernatural creature. You will have scent of human. Werewolf can't smell if you're werewolf or not. You will smell like human for them. She caused this spell on herself to protect her. Witches were too powerful for werewolves so if a werewolf killed a witch he would be an alpha. Or stronger than before. She found your father when she was seventeen. Derek was one when she was that age. Three years later they fell in love and got married. When she was twenty-one she got pregnant and nine months later we got you. A beautiful girl, no one knows if you're a witch or werewolf. When you were two your eyes started glowing golden, beautiful color and then everybody knew you were a werewolf. Your mom did the spell on you. To protect you. She knew you would be alpha. She could see the future. But when you were eleven. The fire took your mother. She saved you but she couldn't save herself. And she would rather die that will let you get hurt. She sacrificed herself for you. You may wonder why she did the spell on you. Peter Hale. He never liked you or your mother. He didn't know you were a werewolf. Your mother said that you are a witch. She knew how to steady her heartbeat, so he took the lie. But.... after the fire. Your dad didn't want you to know about the supernatural. He took your memories and replaced them with memories that you have and take the power of changing. But the spell. The spell basically makes you smell human. Like, you're not a werewolf. You're basically human, but you are a werewolf. Nugitsune is possessing humans. Yes, you are a werewolf and supernatural but the spell destroyed it for some reason when you sacrifice yourself for your dad. Like the bite never happened. So that's why you were possessed. Because of the spell that Cassidy Hale/Edwards causes on you to protect you. Because she loved you. She would be proud of you, don't dump that" he finished talking and not gonna lie a couple of tears escaped my eyes. I'm part of the Hale family? I'm not an orphan anymore?

"So, I'm a human, but a werewolf. Well, it makes sense now. So, I was a human for the nugitsune and it didn't know I'm a werewolf? Why did I lost my power then?" I asked. Maybe I understand that shit or I don't understand shit.

"Yes, basically yes. And the spell is suppoused to just cover your scent and make every werewolf think you're human. You can ask Scott if he can catch your scent and if you even smell like a werewolf. But after the sacrifce the spell did something. It got stronger and it started to change you into human even when it's not suppouse to. Nugitsune even when it was in your head, it didn't know. And the spell destroyed your powers and that's why you lost it. The spell that had to protect you made a perfect way for nugitsune to possess you" he explained.

"So I'm a part of the Hele family? Wait, Deaton... ugh. I was at the fire and my mom died there saving me? I was a werewolf my whole life?" I asked, genuinely confused and don't get me wrong it is confusing.

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