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We were in front of Allison's house. Scott wanted to get off his bike when I stopped him, getting off, and sitting in front of him on the bike. "What are you doing?" He asked. I put mine and his helmet down.

"We don't have alone time. Since I'm involved in supernatural. Come on Scott I miss our time when I was in Eichen house you know? Me and you. Cuddling. Having good time" I said getting closer to his face.

"Kiss me Scott" I said and he imediently smashed his lips to mine. He put his hands on my waist and I put mine on his face.

A kiss turned into making out. I don't know how long we were in front of Allison's house or how long I was sitting like that. But I don't want it to stop. But because we are also human being, we have to breathe.

We pulled away for air, breathing heavily.

I had closed eyes, so I don't know if he had opened or not. I opened them just to see him staring at me with swollen lips. I bet my look the same.

"You stole my chopstick" I said.

"You're lips taste good. Can we kiss again?"

"As much I would like that we have to go. Allison, remember?" I said, trying to get off the bike, his hands still on my waist, he grabbed me, making me sit on his lap. My legs on the both sides. I felt it don't worry.

He smashed his lips to mine again. But now.

It was war of tounges.

He grabbed my ass, pulling me even closer. I put one of my hand on his chest while another one was on his cheek. We pulled away again. "Scott, I love this and I don't want it to stop but Allison is waiting. And I  don't want my best friend to wait" I said.

"You need to wait a little longer for me" I said getting closer to his ear to whisper.

"Puppy face"

~3 pov~

They followed her into her room. "So I was looking through one of these drawers and I found this" Allison said, holding something, but before they could see it, they heard elevator. That meant only one thing.

Allison's dad is home. "He wasn't supposed to be back yet" raven haired girl said. Scott and Anna panicking. "What do we do? What do we do?" Scott asked in panic. "First of all calm down" Anna said to Scott and partly to herself too.

Allison opened her closet, pushing couple in and closing it. Couple had to squeeze, so they could fit. Allison found a place to hide too. Scott and Anna looked at each other in silence, but Anna saw Scott holding his breath. She felt something against her thigh, she widened her eyes, but then smirked at the boy, who's erection was against her thigh. "Someone's horny?" her smirk got bigger when she saw how embarrassed he look like. "Maybe?" she wanted to tease him, pressing her thigh touching his erection more. He softly moaned and whispered. "Anna not the right time" "Oh, I think it's very good time" she whispered back with even bigger smirk on her face. She reached her hand touching him. He moaned again but a little louder. "Anna please" he begged her to stop even when he loved it so damn much. She needed to stop or Allison's dad will hear them.

"Okay" she whispered and put her hand what was on his mountain down there on his chest. "Puppy face" she added. He knew, that she knows what this nickname doing to him. "Let me turn-" "No, that's gonna be worse" he said quickly.

They heard door close and, and Allison opened the closet. "Are you two good?" she asked. "Yep" blonde girl said smirking. Anna and Scott got out of the closet. They followed Allison to her father's office and Scott was fixing his pants. Anna chuckled and Scott looked at her, having to fix them again. Anna smirked and looked at the desk.

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