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Today was photoshooting what I hated and  Sam looked like she was excited about. I was taking her with my Jeep today and because I'm Liam neighbor too I just turned my head to my right and I saw how is dad and him are sitting in their car. I know his dad is working as doctor so me being nice -for once- i offered myself taking Liam with me.

"Hey Li coming with me today? I know how much you wanted it before!" His face light up with cute ass smile while he looked at his dad asking for permission. His dad nodded and he came running towards my Jeep sitting on the back seat as Sam sit next to me. Me obviously being the driver.

We came to school and to be honest seeing how people looked at me without being discussed is making me cry of happiness. Well until I saw Brett the little shit.

I'm not even month here and he's getting on my nerves.


So about what happened. Liam and some kid had a fight and him being I.E.D like me you can imagine what happened. He tried to punch the kid in the face but Hayden being cute and adorable pick up girl what I hate the most had to get right in the fight tried to stop Liam to punch someone but what you could think of before she got the present. Broken nose from Liam. And Liam being idiotic he got one from Hayden too. So now both of them have brocken noses on the photoshoot day it looked very pretty.

Me and Sam was laughing at Liam photo about minutes. Hey if you saw it you have to say it was funny how both of them look like.

Sadly because our laughing at him made him not talk to us whole day. Hayden was destroyed too 'couse whole day she was made fun of. Until me and my cold blooded heart came and no I didn't tell them I will rip their heads of if they won't shut up about it. Definitely not, what do you think of me?


I came home and to my surprise Scott was front of my door waiting for me.

"What happened why are you here?" He didn't say anything. "What do you want?" he just innocently smiled and he looked adorable. Sorry but it's true you can't blame me.

"Oh... come on in" only if you hear happiness in my voice. He was just still smiling like an idiot remind you adorable idiot and happily came to my house after me. I knew he wants coddles I could smell it. Literally.

By the way my werewolf abilities are just fine I could control myself at last full moon and Scott told me he did too. More than once 'couse he have Derek. Missing that sexy son of a bitch. We went to my room and Scott being a child aka puppy himself he jumped on my bed facing the madres.

"Looking confotable over there" he just hummed to reaction. You probably thinking he got over Allison quickly, well you are lying to yourself. He didn't. When I jumped on the bed he with tears in his eyes cuddled  me and quietly cried on my shoulder like yesterday.

"What should I do to make you feel any better? Some show, movie, food?" He looked me still in tears in his eyes and hid in my shoulder again not responding to my question.

"Maybe if you just be with me here and cuddled me would be probably good." "Should a kiss on the forehead will make you feel a tiny bit better that just cuddle?" He looked me with shocked expression but nodded and lay down on my chest.

I kissed his forehead as he closed his eyes and fell asleep. I realized he stopped crying when I kissed his head. It made me feel better that he stopped because of mine kiss.

While he was sleeping 10 minutes straight I welcomed dreams as an old friend too. Even when it was actually my best one along with Liam, Samantha, Stiles and dearest one Scott.

You can't blame me. When we got bit first thing he did was helping me even tho he didn't know me. And he's hella good friend of mine. I just wonder why he picked me to calm himself down and why he picked mine shoulder to cry on. I guess I will know when I ask.

An:awwwwwwww.... I'm not usually thinking like that what happened?


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