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Hair grew up on Derek's face and his fangs popped as he growl at them. I let my fangs out too and growled a little bit louder.

Derek and I began running to their direction punching them into stomach but nothing happened. I furrowed my eyebrows as only one move with their hand and I was slammed against the wall.

"That's not how I want to be against the wall" I said under my breath. That got somehow Derek distracted and he looked me, twins grabbing his neck slamming him against the wall next to me. "Not the good time, right?" I asked. He looked at me. That look can kill some people and he definitely wanted to kill me.

Scott now in his sexy wolf form roared and jumped on the wall. Twins quickly turned to him as they began to fight. Scott got pushed to the wall and twins turned to Cora's body.

I jumped on them, punching them as hard as I could trying to distract them. They pushed me against the wall roaring at my face. I roared back, Scott jumping so I can breathe since they were chocking me a little bit. But just a little bit.

Twins held his neck tightly. "Ethan, Aiden stop! You don't know what you doing!" I'm pretty sure they know Scott.

"All we want is her!" Twins roared. You can't have her I need to find my father. End of discussion.

They let Scott fall and they turned to Jennifer's direction. I ran to her with Derek as she ran towards the elevator. Derek dragged me to the hall.

We got in the room and Stiles stopped as we ran pass him. A loud roar were heard and I turned to Stiles. He walked besides the door as twins got in and he slammed my wooden bat against their head, shattering into peaces. Do I need to remind him that it's just wood? He probably know it by now.

It did absolutely nothing and he just made them even more angry. They growled at him and dumbass aka Stiles pressed his back on the wall slowly walking to us.

I stayed with Scott and Derek to fight them and Peter got into the room with unconscious Cora and Stiles. We ran towards the room closing the door behind us.

"Where's the big guy?" Peter asked.

"Close dear" I said. Scott looked at me with confusion. "Close asshole. Better?" he smiled. "What about Mrs. Blake?" Stiles asked looking at Scott and me. We only shook our heads.

"Shh, quiet" Derek groaned. I held Scott hand for comfort and he pulled me closer side hugging me.

"Me be quiet?" Stiles look at Derek. "Me, huh? Are you telling me what to do now? When you psychotic mass murdering girlfriend, the second one you dated, by the way, have Anna's dad somewhere, tied up, waiting to be brutality sacrificed?" When he said that my eyes started watering. Derek was getting pissed but I'm really close to mental break down.

"Stiles they still out there" Scott said. Stiles looked at me as a tear escaped my eye.

"An- and..... And they want her right?" he asked with softer expression on his face looking at Scott now. "Which means we don't have her either" Stiles turning to Derek again. "So Anna's dad and Cora are both dead!" If Scott wasn't side hugging me I would be on the floor with mental break down. I gasped leaning to Scott with more weight. Stiles looked at me with hard expression which turn into soft again.

I started sobbing. I'm strong woman but this is too much. He said it like it will happen, like he could say the future, confident about it. More tears escaped my eyes with imagine of my father dead.

"Not yet" Scott said gently letting me go so I wouldn't fall, making his way to Peter. "Is she really dying?"

"She's definitely not getting any better"

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