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Scott and I was bringing his mother diner. First meeting. Wish me luck.

We came to the hospital to Scotts mum. It's weird calling her Melissa. I never met her even when I'm dating her son for a year now. We came up to her and Scott gave her dinner.

"Oh, thank god, I'm starting" she smiled taking the dinner, pulling over the desk, and then turning around looking at him. Well I'm a ghost now. "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Thank you for bringing me dinner" she said hugging him. Then look at me. She gave a smirk to Scott. Oh I know it is happening Mrs. McCall.

"Who is this young lady Sco- wait. Anna Edwards? Your dad, was working here then left. He talked, about you with everyone. I got the honor seeing you on the pictures" hope your not surprised, he always doing it. Why I didn't thought about it?

"You know her already?" Scott asked. Mrs. McCall just nodded. I was smiling like an idiot couse I don't know what to do in this situations.

"It's an honor to meet you too miss" "Melissa. Thank you for bringing me dinner too" She hugged me. I was in shock first, but I hugged back. "Welcome"

"Is everything alright?" Scott looked around like I did. "It's not looking okay here Scotty" I said and look at him.

"Except for the half the accident victims in a 10-car pile-up rerouted here from downtown, and the ER attending not answering any of his pages? Yes, I'm okay"

Scott furrowed hi eyebrows "What does 'not answering pages' mean?"

"Nobody can find him, so now they have to wait for the on-call to get here" I answered. What dad always told me about the medicine and what means what.

"I have so clever girlfriend" Scott said looking at me with awe. Mrs. McCall was also, probably a little bit confused couse she asked Scott "Girlfriend?" Then she smiled.

"Do you want to be a doctor?" "Honestly, dad was always telling me about what means what" I said. A woman walked up to Melissa -still weird to say- and asked for something for pain "Okay, sorry but giving you something could complicate things so... we just relly need to wait for the doctors, okay?"

Then she pointed to the chairs for woman to sit. And then I got brilliant idea. "Scott take her pain" I whispered to his ear. "Okay" he told me and kissed me on the lips. Then he took her pain.

"Someone.... Someone help me!" I turned around as Scott did too just to see Ethan with Danny boy in his arms breathing heavily.

Scott looked at his mom and I helped Ethan sit Danny down on the chair. I grabbed his hand "What did you do to him?" I asked. Danny on the chair screaming in pain and Melissa checking him.

"Nothing, he was just having chest pain and trouble breathing, but it just kept getting worse" he said.

"This in not good" Melissa said. I stepped closer to him, Melissa moving to the side for me to touch his throat. "How much longer on Dr. Hilyard?"

This was everything but not good. "His larynx has shifted to the side. It's a tension pneumothorax" I said. Scott was looking at me in awe like Melissa and Ethan. "What? Did you though your girlfriend is dump or something? In Eichen house was a teacher" I added. "No, of course-" then Danny throw up some white liquid.

"Mistletoe" I whispered with Ethan. Danny needs help. Imediently.


We entered room and Danny was having more trouble with breathing that before. He is the most iconic gay I ever knew he can't die. Not now.

"Can you three go to waiting room" "No, I want to help" I replied to Melissa. She looked at me with disbelief.

"Where are the nurses and the doctors? Where is everyone?" Ethan asked.

"It's a full house tonight" great. "They're tending another patients" she replied. Double great.

"How can we help?" I asked Melissa. Scott was beside me holding my hand.

"Honey, you can't. His lung is collapsed. His heart is being pushed against his chest cavity now" Melissa said looking at Danny who was almost crying now.

"He's gonna die isn't he?" Scott asked and I shot my head his direction. I harden my grip on his hand and he did too. "He can't die" I said my eyes wide as Scott's.

"No, no, he's not. Scott grab the tape. Ethan grab thouse scissors and cut his shirt open and Anna..." I looked from the floor to her. "You help me with this" they did as she asked. Then she grabbed a needle. Pretty big needle. I knew what she wanted. So I touched Danny's chest looking for the spot.

"Mom he's not breathing" Scott said. "We know" I said pulling my fingers to his shoulders.  Mellisa took a deep breath, shoving needle on him and slowly started to pull it back taking some kind of liquid.

"Okay, here we go" she took the needle out and Danny started taking deep breaths with his eyes tearing up. "Thank you" "No problem" she replied. She smiled and look between me, Scott and Ethan.

"What?" She asked. I looked at Scott who was already looking at me giving me butterflies. "That was awesome" he said looking at Mellisa now.  "Are you sure you don't want to be a doctor?" Ethan asked me.

"Not really" I said. "You should be one babe" Scott told me and I smiled. I helped that's nothing what Mellisa did.

"Your mom saved him not me" I said looking at Mellisa. "She was more awesome that me"

"It wasn't..... no problem, you know. It wasn't a big deal" she laughed. "Can I ask you why are you nurse? You should be a doctor.
Dr. McCall" I said with smile and Scott hugged me from behind whispering to my ear.

"I have the best girl, I could get. I should do something about it" "Dirty minded ass" I whispered back as I laugh with him.

But I'm definitely agree with him.


We were now walking over to Scott's dirt bike giving me the helmet. As he wanted to put his Ethan came running toward us

"I know both of  you not gonna believe me, but I didn't do anything"

"All I know is that minute you got here, you went right for Danny. And your brother went for Lydia" Scott said.

"We're not gonna hurt him"

"Why should we believe you?" I asked. "Because we knew one of them gonna be important to him, and now we know it's Lydia" I looked Scott as Ethan said that a little bit sad.

Then we saw car hitting another car. We ran to the cars opening, doors just to see dead butterfly.

Poor creature.



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