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Day one in Eichen house.

I just got here and I'm already at some stupid talking season. Like I have to tell my problems. Why would I tell them about my problems?

"Anna is your turn to tell us how you feel, so go on, don't be shy we don't bite" ye you don't. Someone else does.

"What should I say? I feel stupid for breaking my teachers who is.....was my coach too car and attacking my dad when he told me the truth. I have I.E.D and I can't control it anymore. And because of it I have no friends at all" I said. I'm really not feeling stupid for it, I just had to lie 'couse they know what happened.

"You was angry. It's not ok but it was out of anger a-" "So it is ok when it is out of anger or not?" I asked bit annoyed. I'm scared of myself. I can get really angry and I can attack even my dad. That's not ok.

"No. But we will help you with your anger" then she said we could go to our rooms so that's what I did. Went to sleep my anger out.


I was sitting on my bed just thinking what's happening to me when some doctor come up to my room saying that I have someone who wants to see me and I was happy to see sarcastic king and puppy face. They had sad looks on their faces. I feel bad for leaving them. While I have to be in this shit hole.

"Hey! How you feeling?" I was just looking at him. I didn't say anything. He know what I did to the car and my dad.

"Stiles not really good question. She stuck here for one year and that sucks" Scott told him calmly and softly at the same time.

"I feel like shit for what I did to dad. He's still an asshole for working with Peter. What happened to him? Peter" I was just curious. It's not like I'm scared for that bitch is just curiosity.

"Don't worry about him and your dad is fine.... Let's talk about something else, like that bed looks uncomfortable..." Stiles said and then jumped on the bed while me and Scott laughed.

"I bet it's comfortable, isn't it?" Scott asked jumping on my bed too.

I just laughed. It's good to laugh. It feels nice. "What you two creatures are doing in this shit hole. Wanna join me here?"I asked while they laughed again. "No we don't. The people here is weird. And do I need to remind you that he is not a creature but human?" Scott asked and Stiles nodded his head.

"No need puppy face. How long will you be here? I don't want to be alone now" they looked at each other and then again at me.

"They will let us be here ten minutes then we have to leave. And your not alone you've got me and Scott. Besides you guys are still creatures and I'm human" we all laughed at Stiles as he that.

We were talking what feels like ages. The doctor told them to leave.

"We'll miss you and we will come back, and you ..... don't you dare think you get rid of us that easily"Stiles said making me and Scott chuckle.

He hugged me while we both said the same thing named 'hugie hugie'.

Then Scott came up to me and hugged me tightly in his arms. Stiles left to go and wait in the Jeep for Scott. I wish I can go with them.

Scott then said quite sorry. I didn't know what is it for but then...... He kissed me.

I felt the sparks and fireworks in my stomach. I....I love him. Such a cliche that one kiss will make you realize that you love someone isn't it?

I kissed back. Obviously, why wouldn't I he's Scott McCall. Puppy face.

"Sorry I wanted to do it long time ago. I just ..... your different.... not like Allison your....... I..... better.. your better in every way possible... and it's making me crazy since the day we met in the woods" I was looking at him with shocked expression on my face.

I didn't know he felt that way. But even when I didn't thought about it I did too. It was a while we knew each other.

"I just hope you feel the same way as I do and I'm sorry letting you be her-" I shut him up with a kiss. He talked too much. As we pulled away from the kiss a doctor come back saying that Scott have to go.

"I'm taking that as we are together now" "Good... now you have to go she will come again but with the guards" I said and he walked out. Still shocked what just happened u sit on my bed. Thinking again. But now about Scott.

Now I'm alone again. And what are most people doing when they're alone? Sleep.


It was a month now what I'm here and Scott, Stiles sometimes Allison and Lydia.... well mostly Scott giving me company and updated. Dad never come once.

Now the kanima is here, Lydia was having situation in her head aka hallucinations or whatever, Allison being incredible with bow, Scott being better with control and Stiles being....well Stiles.

Peter being dead man, Derek being alive still with whatever look he had bit some girl Erica, boy Isaac and I don't even know if he bit the third one what name I don't know what is.

So he have pack now. Ye some guy was stalking Allison and Jackson was hitting on her. Poor girl. His name was Matt I guess and I don't know if he died or he's alive but I rather have him dead I don't know how but you.

And Matt was controlling kanima aka Jackson now he have someone else to listen to. I didn't told ya that Allison's grandpa is her new school principal did I? Well you know now.

When I asked about more informations they told me not to worry about it.

But I'm ok. I'm better.

An: I don't know but we are going a bit too fast aren't we? Anyway so...


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