Season 1 - 1. First day.

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(a/n new readers. give me chance pls. it's not based on the plot of the skins series, it's my own story really - so this first day of college won't be the main character following Effy and being Effy's cousin like the other books. okay. thanks. at least read till chapter 5 before you click off. thanks babes. xx)

I comb out my bangs that have evolved from last year's shit fringe. I managed to make it out of bed today, as I had actually skipped the first day of college because I'd been out on a bender the night before.
"India! Get up daaarling!" My mom screeched in her high-pitched voice. I cringe at this.
"Shut the fuck up," I whisper to myself as I lined my lips with lip liner before putting on a thick layer of lipgloss and smacking my lips together.
Then my phone buzzed from my bedside table.
"Hello?" I say bluntly, as I stick my fake eyelashes on.
"Bitch." The voice on the other end voiced back.
"Effy, top of the morning to you too." I say, now knowing it's my best friend, who is also my next door neighbour.
"Mhmm, hangover." She says.  I roll my eyes.
"You went out without me? slag." I say.
Effy giggles then I hear a bang on the wall to my right.
We had a code since we were little girls. This developed when our parents were fighting. One knock meant come over. Two knocks meant that our parents were arguing and to come over right away.
"You're pathetic," I giggle "I'll be there in five." I end the phone.
I pull on a checked shirt, a cropped top, some jeans and a random pair of converse that had once popped up in my room. I presumed they were Effy's.
I throw my handbag over my shoulder and dash in the tobacco pouch that was sat on my bedside table, along with some rizla and a couple of roaches.
I stomp down the stairs.
"You'll ruin my brand-new cream carpet darling! Oh, don't you look stunning today ah!" She said hugging me. I don't hug her back.
She's in her pink juicy couture tracksuit and her bleached blonde locks are wound up in big pink rollers.
My mother was no angel. She gave up my little sisters to our dad who was a dick so she didn't have to look after them, just so she can have a new boyfriend to fuck every other week.
"Can I have £40?" I say.
"Oh of course darling! I'll be right back let me go grab my purse!" She said.
I roll my eyes at her over-animated actions.
At least she had money, considering she's got a beauty salon in the town centre, where she spends all day gossiping with her orange clients with big bouncy curls and long pink nails.
She comes back from the kitchen with her fluffy leopard print purse clutched between her red pointy nails.
"Here's 50 darling, get some new clothes with it," She says, eyeing my checked shirt.
"Thanks." I say through gritted teeth.
"I want you home early today please, I want you to meet my new boyfriend, André, He's Spanish," She says, cooing. 
"Yeah, bye." I say, turning and opening the front door. 
"Bye, darling! Love y-" I slam the door shut.

I can't believe she's dating already, she'd only
broke up with her boyfriend two days ago, after I begged her to when I noticed him creeping on me when I was in the shower.
I step over the brick wall and bang on Effy's door.
"Hi there India!" Anthea, Effy's mom says, letting me come into her home.
"Morning Anthea!" I nod at her.
Effy's mom went strolling into the kitchen as a whiff of bacon and eggs caught my nose.
"You want some breakfast love?" She calls.
"Yes please, my mum is on another one of those pathetic celery juice diets again, there's only celery in the fridge at the moment," I huff.
"Oh dear." She says as I hear the sound of pots and pans clinking in the kitchen.
I run up the stairs and burst into Effy's room.
"Got any spliff?" I say.
"Coat pocket." She says, her voice sounding muffled. I look over and see her head is under a pillow. I pull her duvet off her and yank open her curtains.
"Indiaaaaa!" She moans, sitting up and shoving a fag from her bedside table into her mouth.
"You've not even brushed your teeth you tramp," I say, snatching it out of her mouth and putting it in my own. I pull out my lighter which I had stolen from my mom, it was pink with big chavvy rhinestones on it.
"You bitch," She groaned "Nice lighter though." now standing on her feet.

I puff on the cigarette as I watch her leave her room and slump towards the bathroom.
"We're gonna be late," I shout after her.
"Since when the fuck did you care about college, you didn't even go to the first day," Her voice emerged, which sounded all funny because she was brushing her teeth.
I scoff and sit on her bed.
Effy walks back in rolling deodorant under her arms. She changes her undies and then pulls on a grey distressed t-shirt, fishnet socks, boots and black shorts.
"You're gonna be cold," I say. 
She sighs and pulls a hoodie out of her wardrobe and throws it over her.
"Can you plait my hair?" She asks, batting her eyelashes at me.
I huff, seating her at her desk and pulling her hair into two french plaits.
"There." I say, wrapping bobbles around her brown locks.

We go downstairs and eat the breakfast that Anthea had prepared for us whilst we listened to Jim curse about some kind of kerfuffle he got into at Sainsbury's the previous night before he was interrupted by the sound of Pandora frantically knocking at the door.
"We better go." Effy said, pulling her bag onto her shoulder. We said our goodbyes and headed for the door.

"Hi guys, I've been thinking, you guys need to give me a makeover, you guys are totally prizzly and everyone wants to surf 'n' turf you and I'm just - just grizzly," She says in a rush.
I giggle but then I realise she's being serious.
"We can do that Panda." I say, now considering the girl who was in a boring blue cardigan with pom-poms in the two bunches she wore in her dirty blonde hair.
Effy didn't say anything, she just sucked on the cigarette she had just placed between her pink lips.

The walk to college was just Panda talking about random stuff whilst me and Effy listened. I had rolled two spliffs out the of weed I had taken from Effy's pocket. I passed one to Effy and kept one for myself.
"Wheyyyy!! that's five pints in a row, bet you couldn't beat that Freds!" A voice boomed behind me.
I turned to look at the source of the sound, seeing a handsome boy with blue eyes and dirty blonde hair.
"Look lads, It's peachy, weird girl and?" The boy said stopping to look at me.
"India." I said.
"India." He repeated, eyes fixated on me.
"That's what I said." I smiled.
The boy turned on the spot with laughter.
"I like this one, Spicy." He said pointing at me and laughing. I turn my attention to the tall tan boy standing to the right of him who was staring at Effy.
That's when a hand appeared in front of me.
"Hi, I'm JJ." A stalky boy with curly hair said who was standing to the left of the rowdy boy who was now trying to light a blunt.
I shook the hand in front of me.
"Hi, JJ." I smiled. The boy turned red in the face.
He nudged the boy next to him who was still in a daze, clearly amused by the sight of Effy.
"Freddie! I think the India girl likes me!" JJ said excitedly to the tan boy.
The tan boy turned to look at me and offered a friendly, yet awkward smile.
"I don't think she does J," He said, now reaching his hand out to me "I'm Freddie," He said. As I shook his hand, he used his free one to point at the other boy who was still struggling to light his blunt.
"This is Cook." Freddie said.

I pulled my own hideous lighter out of my pocket at threw it towards the boy I know knew as Cook.
He caught it. "Thanks, babes, you can call me James though." He winked.
"No," I smirked flirtatiously, turning and walking towards the doors of the college.
"She's a fuckin' sort," I hear Cook say. I turn around and peer at him over my shoulder.

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now