4. India and Eff, against the world.

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Panda had invited all the girls to a slumber party. I had convinced everyone to go.
"Don't be evil guys, Panda wants us to tell her how to 'do sex'." I say.
I turn and see a sign with pastel pink balloons on saying "Panda's party"
"I think it's here guys." I say, giggling at the sign.

After meeting Panda's mom we usher upstairs as quickly as possible, Effy and Katie staying behind.

"C'mon guys, we need to get dressed into the pyjamas me and mum made!" She says.

I internally groan. Dreading to see the pyjamas.

She pulled out a pile of clothes and handed us a folded item each. I unfolded the item in my hand to see some kind of dress sewn together with an array of different fabrics.
"Wow Panda!" I say politely, trying to hide my real emotions towards the ugly night dress.
Effy, Katie and Panda's mom walk in with a tray of brownies.
"Wow! Can you hear the music?" Panda's mom says, staring into the distance
"What the fuck?" I mouth the Effy, who mouths back:
"MDMA." pointing at the brownies in Panda's mom's hands.
We all giggle and grab one. I shove it in my mouth before turning around towards the window and pulling my top off.
As my top falls to the floor I look out the window to see Cook's head peering around the wall. He was staring directly at my tits.
I smirk, realising I have no bra on.
Before anything else could happen I saw him fall to the ground with JJ.
"What was that?" Naomi said.
I pull my top on and turn around.
"My tummy...I'm hungry," I say.
"Eat up!" Effy says, pointing at the brownies.
I giggle and pull my pyjamas on, grabbing a brownie in each hand.

As the buzz kicked in I realised Panda was missing, so I searched around her house for her, until I reached a closed door. "Panda!!" I said, pounding on the closed door. "Please let me in!" I say.
"No!!!" She sobbed in between tears.
"Come out, please!" I plead.
"No! this is my party and we were meant to eat jelly, and play twister and you were all meant to teach me how to do sex, but it's all ruined." She sobbed.
I sit by the door pleading with her for half an hour
until I eventually give up.
Effy comes out of the room and sits on the landing with me.
"What's up?" She says.
"Panda." I reply. 
She huffs.
"I don't want Cook anymore." She says out of the blue.
I look at her.
"I see the way you look at him." She says.
I don't say anything again as I'm lost for words.
"Don't worry, we don't like each other, we're both just bored." She says, leaning her head on the bannister and looking up.
"Go get him Indie."
I'm not sure I want to get him, as Freddie had told me he was fucking another girl too, but I decided not the mention that.
"I-I Eff what the fuck?" I say, shuffling towards her and leaning my head on her shoulder.
She was so inexplainable, the way Effy acts barely made sense half the time.
"Love you Elizabeth." I say looking at my best friend.
"Love you India-Rose" She replies.
I cringe at my full name.
Just then Panda's mom tumbled out of Panda's room and into another room.
I follow after her, Effy staying to plead with Panda.

As I walked into the room Panda's mom got in her bed and began snoring immediately. 
Then I hear movement in the wardrobe.
"What the?" I say to myself, slowly pulling the doors open.
"Ello Spicy!" Cook's voice emerged from the wardrobe.
"Cook! for fucks sake you almost made me shit myself!" I say, hitting him in the arm.
He laughs at this.
"Effy doesn't want me anymore." He says. 
"I know," I reply.
"That's cool with me, but know the cookie monster doesn't have a fuck buddy." He says.
"Thought you had a mystery one?" I say raising my eyebrows at him.
"Camille Jiff from college? Pfffft no, ditched her last week'" He said.
I rolled my eyes.
"Looks like you'll have to find one," I say. Pulling him out of the wardrobe.
"Indeed." He says eyeing me up and down.
"Not me though." This hurt to say, but I didn't want to be Cook's disposable fuck buddy.
"You're too special for that babes." He said, before tucking a hair behind my ear and walking away, leaving me alone with Panda's mom who was snoring rather loudly.

After my conversation with Cook that left me as dazed as ever, a full-blown house party had broken out. I walked around frantically trying to move all valuables out of the way so they weren't destroyed. Katie's stupid boyfriend and his shit footballer mates had crashed Panda's party.
I saw JJ walking around frantically trying to find someone he recognised.
"Hey JJ!" I say loudly over the music rubbing his back to calm him down.
He didn't say anything, he just shoved his phone into my hand.
"Uh...hello?" I said.
"India!" A voice I recognised as Freddie spoke down the phone "Where is Cook?"
"I dunno." I replied
"Fuck, I'm coming now okay?"
"Meet me out front okay?"
"Okay." I said. 
The phone ended.
"Come on J!" I said, leading him into the front garden.

Five minutes later, Freddie jumped out of a taxi which drove off.
"JJ! India!" He said. Rushing over to us.
"Hey, Freds!" I say giving him a hug.
"You coming back to mine?" He whispered in my ear.
"No, I think Effy is ready for you now." I said in a lowered tone.
He looked at me and smiled.
"I do love you," He said, pulling me into another hug.
"I love you too," I said.
"I'm not happy with Eff at the moment, she knows I like her and she goes and fucks Cook, who also knows I like her." He says.
"Mhm." I say, not wanting to talk badly about Effy.
Then Effy came scrambling out of the house.
"Freddie! You came! Cool." She said.
"Hi." Freddie said dryly.
Effy looked at me then JJ.
"What's going on?" She said.
"Freddie came to take JJ home." I replied.
Freddie pulled JJ off the wall and began walking.
"Cya." He said.
"Bye Fred-" I was cut off by Effy calling after Freddie.
"I- I don't do it on purpose Fred's, my parents, t-they split up!"
I look at Effy confused.
"Sorry to hear about that!" Freddie called back, still walking away before turning a corner.
Effy slopped down on the wall and I plopped down next to her.
"So? you do like him then Eff?" I say looking at her. 
She nodded.
I hesitate.
"Well I-I need to tell you something-"
"you've been fucking him?" she cuts me off.
I pause.
My brown eyes meet her blue eyes.
My face dropped.
Effy's face was sincere.
We both burst out laughing.
"Fucks sake, why is it always us!" She says between giggles.
"How do we end up screwing the wrong ones!" I giggle before leaning on her shoulder.
"Oh Eff." I say, I turn my head to see a full bottle of vodka hidden in a bush. "WAHEEYYY!" We both cheer as I pull it out and wave it around.
I open it and take a swig. And pass it to Effy.
"To India and Eff!" I say.
"To India and Eff, against the world!" She cheers in her drunken mind, swigging the vodka as the people across the road peer through their curtains at us in disgust.

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now