Season 3 - 5.

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(haven't re read - chance of mistakes)

I've been locked up in my room all week apart from work, I could barely look at Freddie, feeling sick with guilt for fucking him knowing he was Effy's only love.

I knew Effy well enough to know that she would be like "I'm dead, fuck who you want." and make a joke about how I'm the only girl she'd let me share her men with. But I felt awful regardless.

I decided to visit Naomi and Emily who has katie over so I left the house without saying goodbye to Freddie and walked to Naomi's.

When I reached there, Emily answered the door and ushered me into her and Naomi's apartment, sitting me down on their living room sofa.
"So we have some news." They smiled excitedly.
Me and Katie looked at each other.
"Well go on then!" Katie exclaimed.
"We're pregnant!"
Everyone jumped up and down excitedly.
I remained very, very still, the word pregnant floating around my head.
I held my tummy and stroked my thumb over the tattoo I got for my miscarriaged baby.
"India?" Naomi said.
"I'm so happy for you guys." I grinned, holding back ulterior tears.
"Aww she's crying happy tears for us!" Emily exclaimed as Katie shook me excitedly.
"Cook is coming in a sec, we're going to tell him too!" Naomi said excitedly, waving her hands through the air that was getting harder for me to catch as I attempted to breathe.

I excused myself as I heard the door knock, speed walking to the toilet. I nearly crashed into the sink as I stumbled in, I had to clamp my clammy hands to the bowl in desperate attempt to stable myself. I touched the cold, metal tap and twisted it desperately until water came cascading out. Feeling hotter than ever, I splashed water onto my burning scarlet face to cool myself down. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and saw mascara all down my face. I scrubbed it away with rough, dry tissue and entered the living room to cheers and celebrations.

Cook was perched on the arm of the chair, face like he'd seen a ghost. He eventually snapped out of his gaze and did a low cheer before tuning his eyes to me stood in the door frame, a miserable expression across his flushed face. I couldn't help but notice him glimpse and my hand which was rested on my stomach.

"Me and Cook will go and get a bottle to celebrate." I perked up. Cook nodded and stood up, following me as I strutted out of the front door.

"Look I'm sorry about the other day, Tasha likes to over exaggerate things." Cook voiced after a few minutes of silence.
"I thought you'd have known me well enough to know that I wouldn't bother being rude to her, I'm an adult now, I can accept that things change." I replied, kicking a pebble and watching it disappear onto the road.
"I know, I'm sorry." He muttered.

I wanted him to say that he'd fully break up with Tasha and get back with me, and that we could be happy ever after. But he didn't.

"Why are you with Tasha, she's a knob, and why didn't you tell me about her that day we bumped into each other, you felt sad when I lied to you about me having a relationship with that guy." I blurted out.

"She's been there for me I guess, and I know, I'm a cunt." He muttered, placing a cigarette between his lips as she strolled to the shop underneath the amber glaze of the street lamps.

I didn't dare argue that I'd been there for him too, that I'd been through stuff with him.

"You with Freddie now then? I feel like I can't even be mad at him for it because I did the same to him all those years ago, I guess he's getting his revenge."

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now