Season 3 - 7.

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(has not been re read yet)

I paced around the living room as I recalled everything I heard Tasha say to Freddie.
"She's probably lying to impress Grace or something." Freddie remarked.

"Why would she lie about that? plus she looked pretty excited if you ask me, plus, I didn't know Cook lived with her!"

"He doesn't live with her India, you're seeing into this too much, plus why do you care so much you broke up three years ago."

"So you don't still care about Effy?"

"India, Effy is dead."

I paused as Freddie looked annoyed.

"You really don't care about her anymore?" I asked

He didn't say anything.


"Of course I fucking care about her, but she's dead and I've only got over that until you came back into my life, you're bringing it all back and you've dragged me into a love triangle, I feel like I'm 17 all over again." He seethed.

"Listen, I didn't tell you to kiss me in that club, You could've said no to me moving in, and Effy was the one that opened that whole love triangle square thing, not me!" I hissed back.

Freddie crossed his arm and slouched back into the chair.

"Okay, you're right - I'm sorry, look India, you're a beautiful girl, you can win Cook back easily, just for a minute I thought you and me would work out." He remarked.

I sighed and sat next to him on the sofa.

"You know that me and you couldn't work because of all the Effy trauma, we can't even look at each other when we're boning."

"I know, but you're the closest thing I have to her - you laugh like her, you dress like her, you act the same, I know you grew up together but you two could've passed as sisters..." He said, on the edge of tears.

"D-do you...imagine I'm her...when we?..." I trailed, having a sudden realisation.

He nodded, and wiped away a stray tear.

I wasn't sure wether to feel slight betrayed or feel sorry for him. I pat his back and nuzzle into his chest as he puts his arm around me.
"Cook does love you, he told you the other day, so why do you think he won't be with you?" He asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Because I'm fucking you, he's already got a relationship, he's scared I'm gonna hurt him..I could go on."

"No, Cook would do it all again with you, the fuck-ups, the shags - everything, he doesn't love that girl, and Cook would be pissed with me for...fucking you."

I nodded slowly.

"Okay...okay." I acknowledged, although I was trying to convince myself what he said was true.


A week later I had to attend Naomi and Emily's baby shower.

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now