Season 3 - 15

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(has not been re read.)

I'm on the floor.
Why am I on the floor?
Somebody is desperately screaming my name.
My head hurt against the cold floor.
I'm alive.
I think.
I can feel the dampness of the floor against my face.
As a matter of a fact, I just blinked.
I just did it again.
My. Leg. Hurts.

"Check the girl is dead." Tasha's dad spoke.
With a blur, I saw big boots clomping towards me.
A gun is placed before me as a big ugly face meets mine, the man was crouching to get a good look at me.

I don't blink.
I don't even breathe.
He turns to his boss.
"I think she's dead, sir." He grunts.
Cook bellowed. I tried so hard not to call out to him, trying my hardest to act dead.

Before the man can turn around,
I have grabbed the gun.

I'm aiming it at him now.
My hand uddered back uncontrollably as the power of the gun took me back.
The man fell limp onto my lap as a quick puddle of blood spread onto the floor.
Oh my god I just looked someone.
I shake uncontrollably as Tasha's father bellowed.
"NO!" He screamed in fury.
I'm sat up now, I build up miraculous amounts of strength and push the man off my lap.
Tasha's father had reached for his pocket.
I've aimed the gun at him now.
I pull the trigger again.

He's down.
Tasha's screamed and ran over to her father as I lay in shock.
I make an indescribable sound of horror at what's just unfolded.
I'm now aware of the pain in my leg.
I need to get OUT of here.
I need to get Cook out of the here.

There's a dead man in front of me, soaked in to a mixture of both of our blood.
My stomach churned.
I've finally managed to stand up.
I'm hobbling over to Cook whose looking at me wide eyed.
I scramble to untangle him.

Finally, he's free.
But before he can say anything, Tasha speaks.
"Y-you killed my father."
I look over at her.
She's sat wide eyed, next to his body.
I don't know what to say.
Cook stands up and slowly walks towards her, holding out a hand behind him for me to grab.
Tasha says it again, this time with a smile on her face.
"Y-you killed him."
She's now standing.
I'm sheltered behind Cook whose watching the girl in the confusion.
"I-I'm free!" She says.

Before me and Cook can utter a word, rushes of armed men enter the building, bellowing for us to get down. We lay on the floor. I'm scared again, but this time I'm next to Cook who whispers that it's okay.
"It's the police baby, it's okay, we're okay." He smiles, opposite me as the men rush over to us, and some over to Tasha and the dead bodies.
"Two males, deceased." An officer shouted.


I lay in the hospital bed as an officer finished taking my account.
"You took down the most wanted men in the whole of the UK, you should be proud of yourself." The officer said in his thick cockney accent.
"I killed two men!" I argued.
"In self-defence ma'am, it was you or them, your boyfriend is safe now." He officer smiled politely.
"He's not my boyfriend." I sighed.
I looked at Tasha who was sat in the corner of my hospital room.
"He is." She said after a while, smiling up at me.
The officer smiled, obviously realising it had everything to do with young love.
I blink over at Tasha.
Was she going to give Cook over that easily.
I waited for her to make a snide comment.
She didn't.
"He's loved you the whole time, I could tell." She smiled.
The officer left the room and stood guard outside.

"And you're going to give him over, just like that?" I whisper.

"Why would I be with someone, that so obviously loves someone else? I saw it loud and clear today." She said in a shaky voice.

I don't say anything, she continues "He loves you with everything he's got, I can tell he's loved you for years, I'll never match that." She says, head bowed.

I still don't say anything.

"I called the police, In the building, the moment my dad and his friend appeared I called them and put my phone in my pocket....I'd hoped they'd arrive, you'd already killed him when they did come, but I saw so relieved as I knew, for the first time in my life, I was" She smiled, tears in her eyes.

"I-I'm...sorry." I say, i'm shock. 

"No you're not, you don't need to be, I'm sorry, for being so horrible to you - I should thank you also, you've changed my life." She says.

I'm lost for words again.

"The police searched my car, there was a tracker on it, that's how my father managed to find us, well, he obviously got to Cook first and tied him to that chair...poor thing."

Cook entered the room, his face was now clean but still wore a few cuts and bruises. He took a deep breath as he saw me. I didn't really want him to see me like this when I first saw myself after my stitches. I had massive white crosses across my head and an ugly bandage over where they had but some funny stinging stuff over my leg, which was luckily only grazed by the bullet.

"India." He said, tears streaming his face.
He came
over to my bed and hugged me tight, I rested my face into the crevice of his neck, at peace.
Tasha stood up.

Cook let go of me and turned to face her.
She smiled bravely, then looked at me.
"Look after him, will you?" She said.
I nod.
She walked out the room, never to be seen by me, or Cook again.

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now