Season 2 - 12.

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I watched Effy very carefully as she cut up her food and placed it into her mouth. She'd had an outburst.

I love Effy more than I love my life, she was like a replacement of my own sisters that my mom gave up. We've been best friends since we were 8 and we've done everything together.


I had never felt so miserable in the whole of my life as I laid my head on Effy's shoulder. Liam had truly ruined my whole life and it didn't feel worth living anymore. After I let him in and let him take my virginity, he manipulated me and dumped me with no warning. I felt as stupid as my mother, allowing a man into my life and letting him fuck me up.
"India, you're a fucking bad arse, why are you crying?" Effy voiced.
"Effy?!" I sat up and looked at my brutally honest best friend who was sat before me.
"What? it's the truth." She laughed.
I rolled my eyes and nudged her, trying to hide my smile.
"Come on, get dressed we're going to go out." She said, pulling me off her arm and grabbing my face and planting a big wet kiss on my un-expecting lips.
"Urgh Eff!" I said, wiping my mouth with my jumper.
"You've been 'Effed', you should be very very honoured!" She giggled.
I wiped my face and  gave in, chuckling at her joke.
"Can I tell you something..." I smiled.
She sat up straight and wiped her face of all emotions.
"His cock was....tiny" I confessed.
We both burst out laughing.
"Look we don't need men, I love you more than any man will, you can always count on me Indy." She smiled, placing a spliff in her mouth and sparking it alight. She took a puff and passed it to me.
"I love you too, Eff." I smiled.
She nodded. "I will always be here for you India, even when you have tiny cock boyfriends!"

I rolled my eyes and picked up the tiniest dress I could find in Effy's wardrobe, taking my pyjamas off and pulling in the dress.
"Fit." Effy said looking up at me with her big blue eyes that were now glazed with the sensation of cannabis. She pulled a bottle of cheap vodka from under her pillow, taking a money to open it and flick the lid across the room. She wrapped her lips around the bottle and chugged before forcing the bottle into my hand. I eyed it for a moment then took a deep breath and kicked my head back, glugging down the fiery liquid and letting it dance hm dow my throat leaving me with a burning sensation.

Effy did my makeup and messed with my hair as I grinded some spliff and carefully laid out rows of it along rizla. I successfully rolled the rizla's and seal the paper my licking my tongue across and pressing the paper down.
"There, expertly done hair and makeup, expertly rolled spliff, what a duo!" She hummed. Tucking the spliffs into her bra and standing up.
"Where are we actually going Eff?" I said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me out of her room.
"I'm going to show you a fucking good time." She smiled her Effy smile.

After walking for 30 minutes we were stood outside a big brick building that sounded like it was going to explode if the bass of the music inside was turned up anymore. "There's no way we're getting in there! we're fifteen!....and we're with Panda." I whispered. I look at Pandora who we'd picked up on the way, she was dressed like a 10 year old, I acknowledged her beaming at me and shot her a small smile back. Effy crossed her arms and grinned, saying nothing and confidently walking forwards towards the huge bouncer that was guarding the door.
"ID?" The tall indestructible man said. 
"Get your tits out India, yours are the best..." She whispered.
"What? Effy!" I whisper-shouted back as Pandora scared up at the night sky in her own orbit.
Effy bobbled her head at me.
I sighed and pulled my boobs out of my bra.
The guard stood very still for a second, until he nodded his head and said "Fair enough.", moving the rope out of the way so we could walk into the mysterious music.
We walked in quickly before he could change his mind, each of us grabbing Pandora's hand and pulling her in with us.
"I should call the magic tits." Effy said.
I chuckled and eyed my surroundings. The room felt like it was alive. My chest was taken over with the rhythm of the bass so overbearing it was hard to deny, it tantalised the drunkness from the vodka I had consumed to come out and play. There were performers dressed as clowns walking around on stilts as people danced wildly around them. Half naked women dancing filthily in huge acrylic boxes. The whole room had a green glow over it.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I said to Effy who nodded immediately.

Here's a list of things me and Effy did together that night:
Drank 20 drinks each
Smoked 4 spliffs
Took 4 pills
Ended up dancing in the dancer boxes
ended up on stilts
got panda her first kissed
snogged for a free drink
ended up working behind bar
got a kebab
threw up the kebab
got dropped home by a random bloke in a van


"Manic Depression is like...bipolar...isn't it?" I said after a few minutes of silence and awkward eating.
She slowly looked up and nodded at me, swallowing anxiously. " long have you known?" Freddie piped up.
"Since I was 15." She spoke, her voice sounding dry.
I nodded, understanding why she wouldn't tell anyone this.
"It's okay Eff, I will always be here for you." I said, clutching her hand which felt cold across the table.
"I am trying guys." She sniffed.
I sensed that she was holding in tears. I fixated my eyes on her, but she showed no sign of emotion. I breathed a breath and continued to eat my food.

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now