Season 3 - 12

198 8 2

(Hasn't been re-read)

Condensation dripped down the window of the four-by-four as Tasha whizzed over red lights and I anxiously bit my lip the closer we got to the canal. I KNEW this was Cook. There surely wasn't enough bad luck in the world to stretch this far. He left the map on purpose surely.

We pull into the car park which had one other vehicle in. It was surrounded by pitch blackness, you could just about make out the metal gate which obviously led to the canal. "C'mon," I said, dragging Tasha and he hopped out of her car and locked the door.

I pulled her towards the metal gate and yanked it open, too on edge to take in the coldness of the steel against my hand.

There was a path that split off into two ways.

"We have to split off," I say.
"What? no-" She begins.
"It's the only way," I say. I look down to the ground and see a pile of rocks, I furrow and pick up two heavy enough to cause some damage if swung and someone. I pass one to her. "A hundred steps forward max, we can hear each other if we scream," I say. She nodded uneasily.

No time to dwell I pace forward.
Nothingness, trees and branches.
Great I've stepped in a deep puddle.
I'm deeper in now, I can't see anything at all
It's cold. I need to turn on my phone flash.
Did I crack that twig?
The air seems damper, I must be close to the canal.
I nearly trip over an alcohol bottle.
I snap my head around sharply.
I'm frozen, but I move immediately, not letting fear fill my body to drown me.
I sprint towards the noise, not caring that I can't see where I'm going.
"INDIA!" I'm getting close to the sound but something grabs me by the hood.
I'm falling.
No one grabbed me.
I got hooked on a branch.
My head collided with what felt like a rock.
Hot liquid dripped down my face as I stood to my feet,  probably too quickly. I wiped chunks of mud off my coat.
"INDIA!" Tasha yelped.
I was close this time.
I sprinted again, desperation eventually helping me reach Tasha.
She was shivering when I saw her.
"What happened to you?" She said eyes widened at an obvious gash that was on my head.
"I got hooked by a branch and tripped, whacked my head." I panted as my head throbbed.
"How didn't you pass out?" She asked.
"I don't fucking know, why did you call me?" I hissed.
She nodded to my right.
I turn my head and see a colossal warehouse.
It was a big black shelf made out of corrugated metal that had corroded away in some areas. Gargantuan metal doors were sealed with multiple wooden planks. I stare at the building in shock, ignoring the blood that was dripping down my head that was oozing in pain.
"We have to check in there," I whisper.
"I know." She nodded. Swallowing.
We decided to go together to look for a way in, trying to be as quiet as remotely possible.

"There's a hole here!" Tasha whisper-shouted a little too loads for my liking, causing her to get a serious glance of displeasure from me.

To be continued...

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now