Season 2 - 15.

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It's been two weeks since Effy left us. I've cried myself to sleep every night, but it does not help with the pain..

I made myself a cup of tea and sat in my kitchen. No mom, no boyfriend, no best friend.

I let my mind shift to a dark place as I sit and wonder just why Effy took those pills.


I strolled blankly towards the bereavement centre through the long hospital corridors that seemed to go on forever. It felt like someone else was controlling my body as it stepped closer to the uncomfortable waiting room chairs once I'd pushed through the huge doors. I sat and stared at the floor as Cook took a seat beside me, rubbing my back.

I couldn't understand what was going on. Effy? dead? I breathed in and out calmly, attempting to keep the tears in.

I received the phone call off Anthea 15 minutes ago and I rushed to the hospital immediately. I'm not sure why I rushed, maybe a small part of me hoped that there was a chance that she could be bought back to life. I still did not believe that Effy was no more. I didn't even say...goodbye. I mean, there was so much to tell her.

"India Jones?" A nurse in blue scrubs emerged from behind some doors further up the corridor. I stood up hesitantly, wiping my sweaty palms onto my jeans.
"Want me to come?" Cook asked.
I shook my head and strode forward, my hands glued to my side and my eyes focused on the doors.
"Is there?" I turned to the nurse, she smiled weakly and nodded.
"I'll leave you to it." She said softly, pushing the doors open so I could walk in.

As I stepped into the room, my mouth went dry. A figure was lying on a hospital bed with a sheet laid over the top. I scoffed thinking it was a sick prank and it was a mannequin under the cloak. I strode forwards and yanked the covers back only to be sent back a few paces in sheer horror. I grabbed the bin near the door and projectile vomited into it, my eyes stuck on the girl on the bed.

It couldn't have been my Effy, her lips were not blue and her skin wasn't white. I tiptoed back over slowly, looking at the girl in the bed in complete and utter horror. A sudden devastating realisation shuddered through my bones.

But. It could be makeup right, like in the lipstick and white foundation?

I shook her slightly, jumping back an inch as her skin was awfully cold. "Eff, wake-up! shows over now, you won, best prank ever." I said, forcing a smile onto my face. I expected the Effy smiled to occur, but it didn't. Horror panged through my existence as I felt a huge crack break through my life.
"No, Effy, please wake up now..." I spoke.
Effy laid still.
"Please!" I sobbed, holding her hand and collapsing to the floor.
"Effy!" I cried loudly.
Cook came rushing in.
"She's gone." I spoke.
He pulled me up off the floor and onto my feet, wrapping his arms around me. He felt warm unlike Effy who lay dormant next to us very much alive people.
I could not lose one more person. I pulled away from Cook, looking him in the eyes.
"I cannot be with you anymore." I spoke seriously.
"Don't say that stuff, you're scaring me." He said, searching through my eyes.
I breathed and ran my fingers through my brunette locks.
"No, Cook...I can't-" I whimpered, near to hyperventilating.
"India." He said dryly, his getting glossed with sadness.
I nodded, he embraced me but I did not embrace him back, I was frozen.
I loved him so much but I did not want to have something bad happen down the line. He held his eyes a certain way so tears didn't come trickling out.
"You don't have to do this India, I know why...I'm not going to d-die...or leave're all I've got...please?" He sniffed.
I looked at Effy's blank face.
I looked back to Cook and shook my head.
He backed away slowly.
"Goodbye." I whispered.
He nodded, turning around and disappearing out of the room.

(end of flashback)

I clutched the warm cup in my hands. They day had actually come, I needed to get ready for Effy's funeral. I cried silently for a while before putting the tea down.

I went in the shower and let the warm water do the job, just standing there and watching droplets drip down the white tiles. I clutched my tiny figure Id barely since...

I got out and pulled on my underwear and dressed into my funeral clothes. I never thought I'd be attending my best friends funeral. Me and Effy always agreed that I'd be the one to die first because she was the stronger one.

I didn't bother doing my makeup. I blowdried my hair quickly and left the house, stepping over the wall to knock for Anthea.

The blonde lady came to open the door, offering me a weak smile before stepping to one side. I saw Freddie sat on the kitchen table so I walked over and sat down opposite him.
"Hey." I whispered.
"Hi." He replied, looking up at him.
"We've got this." I said, holding his hand across the table.
"The hearse is here." Anthea called.


Walking into the church was haunting. Someone was sobbing painfully loud. The heart wrenching cries echoed across the church walls. I searched around to see who it was, feeling sorry for them. Then I
realised, I was the one sobbing. People were looking at me with sorrow as I walked up the aisle behind Effy's coffin.
I took my seat at the front next to Tony who let me put my head on his shoulder.
I clenched my eyes shut as the ceremony started, attempting to wish it away.
Half way through I plucked up the courage to turn around and see who'd came. My eyes searched the room of familiar faces before they locked at someone who was stood by the doors.
A rush of affection rushed through me, I so badly wanted to be comforted by him, but I couldn't let myself near him so I didn't hurt.

I turned around again 10 minutes later and he was gone.

That was the last time I ever saw James Cook, the love of my life.

"Now we have Elizabeth's best friend, India Jones, to read her eulogy."

I stood up, swallowed walked to the stand, facing everyone.
I took a deep breath before I spoke.
"Elizabeth Stonem...Effy stonem...was one in a million..."

(End of season 2)

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now