15. Patchy red hair dye

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(A/N this is a short one x)
India kicked her head back and sighed as she walked down the path of her mother's house. She could see her mother doing her aerobics in the front room through the window. India's mother immediately spotted her daughter walking up the path and jumped for joy at the sight of her. She enthusiastically waved at India before zooming out the room to open the front door. India grimaced to herself and made a mental note to just simply call her mother the next time she had news. "Hiya darling!" India's mom called when the door flung open "Gosh aren't you getting fat!"
India scoffed.
"Hi mother," She said dryly, squeezing past her mother so that she would stop examining India.
"Where's your boyfriend?" India's mom asked, shutting the door and walking back into the living room to persuade her aerobics DVD.
"He's...busy," India said.
"Oh I see," Her mother replied, before doing an awful version of what the woman on the TV was doing. India cringed at the sight of her mother and decided to tell her mother the news to get it other with, so she could get out of there.
"You might be a grandma." India said.
India had to sit through 10 minutes of her mother talking about how much of a great grandmother she'd be and that she'd always dreamt of being a grandma.
"Oh but honey you've got to come home you can't be in the grubby flat all the time," India's mom fussed.
India rolled her eyes and walked towards the front door, calling goodbye after her.


"Oh Effy she was ever so irritating, she kept going on about herself and how great of a granny she'd be, but she didn't even ask me how I felt...all I could look at was how high up her fake tits were in that tight ass blue juicy couture tracksuit she has, I'm surprised she could breathe!" India hissed down the phone as she hauled two pints of milk into her shopping trolley.
"I was in my garden smoking a spliff earlier and she was in hers, she was with a man...again...I had to go in because they started shagging...in the garden...and I could HEAR them" Effy giggled.
"Ugh! That women doesn't care in the slightest! she'd told me she wasn't going to DO that anymore when the social came round to see wether she was fit enough to look after my little sister sometimes, you see the last time the social worker lady came round, she found her getting jiggy with it on the patio! it's so embarrassing!" India snapped, angrily trying to steer  her trolley around the shop. India had to immediately stop the trolley when she almost slammed it into someone.
"Would you watch where you- oh it's you...one sec Eff, I'll call you back," India said, ending the phone and turning to talk to who she'd bumped into.
"Hi katie," India dryly said.
"Was that?" Katie said, nodding her head towards my phone.
"Don't you worry, has Freddie dumped you yet?" India hissed crossing her arms.
"No, actually he just bought me this new beautiful promise ring, bet Cook cant even afford one of those for you!" Katie giggled, flashing her hand daringly close to India's face. India raised her own hand and swatted Katie's out of her face. Katie crossed her arms.
"D'ya know, I don't know what the hell Freddie sees in you, all I see is patchy red hair dye and how much of a mega-bitch you are through your 10 layers of fake tan, if I were a boy I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole!" Snapped India, who pushed her trolley over Katie's foot.
"Oops! Toodles!" India called, marching off to complete her shop.


"You're funny girl, you know that!" Cook said, roaring with laughter at India's recollection of running over Katie Fitch's foot in Asda with a trolley.
"It wasn't funny! she tried to call you poor" India pouted.
"Well I'm gonna head up to see your mum, catch you later!" Cook said.
"Why the fuck are you going to see her?" snorted India.
"She asked me to, catch you in a bit babes yeah?" Cook said, planting a kiss on her forehead.
"Hey, I love you, lots." He said.
"I love you more." she replies, and watched as Cook slipped out of the door.

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now