2. Cook's birthday.

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I had a shit first day at college. My lessons are boring as fuck, the food was shit, and the building could do with a fresh lick of paint.
At the end of the day, I scurried to my locker where I
had left my bag.
"Hey, Spicy!" I hear the boy from earlier call. I had known he was talking to me but I pretend to not hear him.
The boy flings his arm around me and walks next to me. "You and your mates coming to my Uncle Keith's Pub for my birthday later? We'll have a right laugh." He says.
I know my mother wanted me to be home early, but I couldn't give two fucks about her new boyfriend.
"Sure." I say.
"Tidy!" he replies, smacking my bum as he walks off.
"You cheeky- meet outside yeah?" I shout after him.
"Alright love." He says giggling. Turning a corner in the corridor.
I huff and tug my bag out of my locker and head out of the college.

At the front stood a girl I recognised to be Naomi Campbell, who I went to primary school with. Then I saw two girls with red hair, they were twins. One turned around and gave me a girly wave, I shoot back a fake smile which makes me realise that Effy and Panda are there now as Effy is laughing at my sarcasm. I walk over to the group.
"Hi I'm Katie Fitch, you must be India Jones, Effy's mate." The one who gave me the odd wave jumped in front of me, all bubbly.
"Hi." I say trying to look friendly.
"This is Emily, my twin, she's totally drab though," Katie points at the other girl with red hair who offers me a weak smile, I return it.
I pull the spliff I had rolled earlier out of my pocket and placed it between my lips.
"Alright, Naomi?" I nod at the blonde girl I had known since primary school, who Katie had completely blanked.
"Hi, India." She says back shyly.
"So you know the muff-muncher then?" Katie says.
I just glare at her.
"Eff, got a light? that Cook didn't give me mine back." I say.
Effy threw her lighter at me.
"Cheers," I say, lighting the joint and inhaling the weed into my system.
"Wheeey Ladies!" I hear behind me.
I turn and see Cook, Freddie and JJ walking towards us.
"Where are we going?" Panda said.
"A pub." I say back bluntly as the girl was playing with my hair.
"Panda!" I say in annoyance, snatching my hair out of her hands.
"Sorry, it's so blooming lovely your hair," She says.
"Thanks, P." I say. Now feeling bad for being mean.
"Ladies, follow me!" Cook says.

After a 15-minute walk in the cold, we finally reach a building painted cream on the corner of a street. I knew this was the pub because of the pungent scent of piss and lager filled the air. Inside I could hear football chants.
"Do we have to go in there?" Katie says with an unrecognisable tone of revulsion in her voice.
"Yeah it's fucking mint in there girl!" Cook said, shaking hands with a fat bloke who had greasy grey hair.
"Ya'alright mate - bought all your mates I see - just got back from a fishing trip with the Mrs, didn't do much fishing mind." The greasy man said, roaring with laughter and pointing at his crotch.
Cook roared with laughter along with who I presumed was his Uncle Kieth. I feel my face cringe with disgust at his comment.
"Kieth this is Freddie and JJ, my bruvva's for life," He pointed at the boys, "Effy and India," He continued. I nod at Kieth as Cook says my name. "Katie, Emily, Naomi and the weird one, Panda."
Panda waved at Kieth enthusiastically.
"I've come to get off my face then eat doughnuts," Panda says.
Uncle Kieth roared with laughter.
"I like er' she's funny, anyway Cook, gotta go see a dog about a bone." Uncle Kieth roared.
"Alright, see ya big man!" Cook said patting him on the back and walking through the pub door.
"What a fucking legend!" Cook said.
"A legend to who?" Freddie said.
"Me." Cook replied.
"Alright love, we'll have 18 shots of vodka!" Cook said to the bar lady who nodded in agreement.

I walk to a table in the corner not wanting to stand anymore. The group followed as I slumped into the manky old pub sofa that was probably covered with beer and sick.
Cook sat to the right of me, trying to carefully balance the round of shots he just ordered on a tray.
Everyone grabs one and drinks to Cook before downing the hot liquid.
"Right whose having another?" Cook said.
No one replied.
I grab one and down it.
"Go on girl!" Cook said.
I shoot him a look.
"This is kind of..." Naomi started
"It's a bit..." Emily then started too.
"Dead?" Me and Effy finished.
"Well, we're only just getting started!" Cook said, downing another four shots. Me and Effy had the last few shots between us.
"Careful ladies, bet you're lightweights." Cook teased.
"Shut up, Cook." Freddie said yawning.
"Well come on then! Let's partayyyyy!" Cook said. Everyone looked monotone.
"Let's play truth or dare!" Katie said.
"How old are we two?" Naomi says, making me and Effy giggle. Katie glares at Naomi.
"Why have you come anyway? To gay us up?!" Katie sneers.
Cook kicks his head back with laughter.
"Hey Naomes, I know the cure....it's my cock!" Cook says.
I nudge him.
"Okay then, truth!" I say, desperately trying to get the party going.
"What's your body count?" Freddie said.
"Hmm?" I think to myself "2."
Everyone looks surprised.
"What the fuck guys, I'm not a tart!" I moan "Go on Eff, your go!"
"Flash us ya tits!" Cook voices. I nudge him again.
"Down a pint!" I say giggling as I know Effy can't do it.

Thirty minutes later we were enjoying a fun game of truth or dare, and we'd all seen Cooks's tattoo on his bum which made Panda's drink come out of her nose.
"Okay, l-last one!" I say, now slurring my words slightly. "Tr-truth."
"Who would you wanna shag the most out of the boys?" Emily says.
I look at the boys who smiled at me, there was JJ who was too cute to fuck, Cook who was full of himself and Freddie was quiet.
"Freddie," I say. "Or Cook...sorry J." I say guilty. JJ hadn't noticed as he was too busy staring at Katie who was readjusting her bra. Freddie smiles and I feel Effy shuffle beside me.
"You know it's me really girl!" Cook says, dry humping the air.
I pull a disgusted face.
"Thanks." Freddie says.

An hour later we left the pub and walked to a rave that happened every Tuesday. I could feel the bass of the music from up the street so I knew it was gonna be good.
"Got any spliff!" I say, cooing at Freddie who was helping me and Effy me walk.
"I dooo." Freddie says, pulling a spliff from his back pocket and waving it in my face.
"Can I have some?" I say, looking at him brightly.
"It's my last one." He moaned.
"We can share." I coo.
"Fine." He says, lighting it and placing it in my mouth.
I puff and blow it in his face, he breathes in my second-hand smoke and looks at me.
I break away the eye contact, taking a couple more puffs and passing it to Freddie.
"LET'S AV IT!" Cook said, bursting into the rave and immediately disappearing into the crowd along with everyone else.
I stood on my own next to a table. Finishing the spliff off. I didn't mind being on my own, I quite enjoyed people-watching. I kept seeing Panda reappearing and disappearing with a kind-looking boy who looked of African descent. I saw Effy and Cook. Dancing on each other. I caught Cook's eye, he winked at me cheekily. I smile a very small smile at him before I lose them in the crowd again.
Emily and Naomi were dancing with JJ and Katie I laugh at JJ who doesn't know where to put his eyes. Eventually, I see Freddie standing on his own staring at Cook and Effy. I go over.
"Hi." I say.
"Hi." He replies, breaking his gaze at Effy and Cook who were now dry-humping in the middle of the dance floor.
"You like her." I say.
He looks at me, perplexed but doesn't usher a word.
I nod my head knowing I'm right. I grab his hands making them dance. He laughs at this and begins to move to the music. I begin to dance too.

After five minutes of dancing together, me and Freddie were passionately kissing. I couldn't tell you how this occurred. I hadn't really fancied him that much, I mean yeah he was fit but the initial attraction wasn't there. I continued to lock my lips with his, eventually slipping my tongue into his mouth. He grabs my bum firmly as I wrap my arms around his neck.
"Let's get out of here." I say into his ear.
Freddie picks me up and leads me to the doors, flagging down a taxi on the street which took us to where I presumed was his house.
As soon as we got out of the taxi he pounced on me, kissing me all down my neck whilst ushering me to a gate which I presumed led to his garden.
Before I knew it I was in a shed that stunk of weed, laying on a sofa.
We tore off each other's clothes until we were naked, only breaking our lips apart to remove items of clothing.
Freddie breaks the kiss and adjusts himself to my vagina.
"Ready?" He grunts. Before I could answer we ploughed inside of me.
I arched my back in pleasure.
"Oh fuck!" I moaned, biting my lip.

When we finished, Freddie picked up my clothes and threw me over his shoulder- carrying me up to his bedroom.
He carefully put me on his bed and put a duvet over me, before clambering in next to me.
I probably should've put my arm around him or something, but instead, I turned around and fell into a deep slumber.

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now