Season 3 - 14.

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(has not been re-read)

The back of my head was met with a heavy clunk, causing me launch forward a few paces. Cook sounded muffled yelps through the rags that were tied around his muddy face, moving around helplessly causing the chair he was bound to, to make awful screeching noises that filled the empty room. I turn desperately to see a barrel pointed straight at my forehead. I wince as it's pressed into my previous gash from earlier, causing an immense amount of pain to flicker through my head.

"Step back or I'll blow your fucking brains out in front of your precious, Cook." A huge man with tattoo's all over his face growled at me.
I whimper and take paces back, my hands up in the air. I wait for him to tell me to stop, but he doesn't. I keep stepping, my throat clenching with fear with every movement. There's another man in the room, he's plump and smoking a cigar. The man is dressed in a 50's style gangster suit, he looked like the epitome of wealth. This was Tasha's father. I just knew it.

Adrenaline filled my veins as my heart attempted to make an escape from my chest, fear propelling through my body as if it were trying to evade my sanity.
"STOP." The man with the gun bellowed.
I flinched and stopped stepping backwards, squeezing my eyes shut as Tasha yelped from the corner of the room.
"Oh princess, isn't this what you wanted, I'll have her gone and you can have the boy!" I open my eyes to see Tasha's father waltzing over to his frightened daughter, who didn't say a word.
Cook is struggling in the chair even more now, I so desperately wanted to set him free and make a run with him, but this was impossible as the large man had a gun aimed right at my head.
Fear held me hostage with an iron grip, I so badly wanted to skip to the ending.

Can I even stand anymore?
I'm trembling so much.
"Please." I breathe. "Let us go."
Tasha's father laughed evilly.
"Kill her." He ordered.
The man with the gun hesitated.
"NOW!" Tasha's father yelled.

A piercing noise echoed through the room.
Everything froze as I saw a flash shoot towards me.
It's close to me.
So close.
There's no time for me move out of the way.

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now