Season 2 - 1.

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A/N a month later. Cook was present after a while in the hospital, he arrived once he found out India wasn't well as JJ told him. They were both present for the birth of their baby who was almost there. You will see the effects of the miscarriage through the rest of this story. I really wanted to carry on this book, but also do my own season 2. You may recognise tiny parts of Skins Gen 2, season 2, but 90% will be my own writing.

This book will be focusing on Cook & India as well as Freddie & Effy. If you have any Ideas/suggestions for anything to happen, please suggest them! I'd love to incorporate them.

Thanks so much to all those that have ready made this far. Please favourite all the chapters or whatever it is on here.

Ladies and gents, I present season 2, starting with Effy:

I banged on India's door with my fists constantly until she opened it.
"Effy you fucking dick it's 8AM!" A shout came and the door flung open. India was stood in her dressing gown.
"Uh have you forgot?" I said, leaning against her door frame and smiling.
"Fuck!" She screamed turning away and running up the stairs. I laughed in amusement.
I stepped into the house and saw Cook in the kitchen. He was eating chips and reading the newspaper. "Hey Cook." I said, walking into the kitchen and slumping into the chair opposite him.
"Alright Eff?" He nodded.
"Chips for breakfast?" I questioned.
"Well India's gone on this whole thing of me learning to cook, so she's making me make my own food, so I just whacked some chips in the oven, they're a bit burnt like...but they do the job." He muttered skimming his eyes across the news paper.
"Ah I see," I reply, placing my feet on the table and lighting up a cigarette. "You can read?" I said, nodding at the news paper in his hand. He shot me a dirty look and then glanced at my feet on the table.
"Hey! No shoes on the table!" He whined.
"Since when the fuck did you care about shit like that?" I scoffed.
"Since India makes me clean the kitchen once a week." He replied.
I laughed. "She's got you on ropes eh?"
"Fuck off." He replied, returning to his newspaper.
I lit my cigarette and stood up to see what India was doing upstairs, but before I left I turned to Cook.
"That's last weeks issue by the way." I said.
"Yeah, I knew that." He stated, nodding his head, but his face looked slightly screwed up, making me think that he was actually lying.
I walked up the stairs and into Mae's room where she was frantically curling her hair. "I'm sorry Eff! I forgot, I was up all night wasn't I?" She babbled.
I scoff. "Yes. I heard...everything...oh! cook! right there cook!...yuck." I mocked.
She launched a magazine at me but I caught it and threw it back, it struck her in the head. I laughed as she cussed under her breath.
"We've had this planned for ages, since we were little how could you forget?" I said, now resuming on my cigarette.
"Been busy haven't I?" She replied.
It was me and India's birthday tomorrow , it was ironic that we shared a birthday, we were turning 18 and it wasn't really that big a deal, since it just meant that we can do everything we do now...but legally.
Mae watched me in the mirror in front of her.
"Ah give me a puff." She said.
"Of my cig? but you've not smoked in ages, since you got pregnant?" I say.
"Yeah, we'll I'm not pregnant anymore am I?" She said slightly snapping at me, and reaching for the cigarette I'd held out to her.
She took it and took a long drag, closing her eyes whilst doing so.
"Fag head." I joke.
"Shut up you prick, Cook doesn't smoke around me anymore, not since the-, so I don't get a chance to even ask him for a drag." She said, rushing to speak in the second half.
"Yeah I get you." I mumbled, thinking of the miscarriage. I looked the picture of the baby scan on India's bedside table. She had a box with all the baby stuff she'd bought under her bed. She's try to show me the other week, but she started to cry midway through. I could hear her sobbing on the floor as she did her hair.
"India?" I said softly, peering over to her.
She nodded bravely and wiped her tears away.
"It's okay." I said. This was the only thing I've been able to say the whole time.
She nodded again.
"What you wearing then?" I said.
She sighed and stood up. "Well, I've still got a baby bump so I don't fit in some stuff yet."
She sighed.
I pulled a black ribbed dress and a grey cardigan out of her wardrobe.
She smiled and put it on.
"What's it like living with Cook?" I asked her.
"Pfff, fucking weird, we're 17 and 18 and we've lived like 40 year olds for like a month in this house, having had a whole miscarriage, feels too much sometimes, I wish I could go back to the beginning when our relationship was new, you know what I mean?" She said, looking at herself in the mirror.
I don't say anything. I just nod and stare at the picture of her and Cook next to her baby scan picture on her bedside table.
"Is Freddie coming tomorrow?" India said. I shot a look at her.
"What?" She said. Drowning herself in perfume.
"Too soon." I replied.
"No it isn't, he didn't like Katie 'bitch' anyway, he was fucking her to make you jealous." She said.
I roll my eyes at her. "I'll probably hurt him." I said.
"Fuck off Effy, this isn't the y/nification of Effy Stonem, Ms. I'm not like other girls." She mocked.
I laughed at her stupid jokes.
"I'm serious India." I finally said after laughing.
She looked at me.
"You won't know until you try, Freddie is a nice boy and you know it, stop being a pussy Eff." India stated.
India is the only person you knows me fully, no other person could get away with calling me a pussy. I don't talk much around other people, but India can't get me to shut the fuck up. She was my first friend. I recognised her at my first day of nursery as the girl next door who also didn't talk much. I went up to her and said hello and she told me to fuck off aged four, I looked at her and smirked then called her a bitch. Since that say we've been best friends, sisters at this point.

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now