7. That Effy and India smile.

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"But India!"
"Fuck off." I sneer, pushing past the annoying girl with pigtails.
I stop in my tracks as I hear her sobbing.
I turn around.
"Oh come on then." I roll my eyes and let Panda walk  with me to college.
She held her head low the whole journey. We walked in silence. 
She randomly hugged me before strutting into her form, which thankfully - I wasn't in.
I miserably walk to my locker, then notice Cook at the end of the Corridor. He noticed me too, he stopped for a second, as if he was going to walk over
to me, but he shook his head and walked the other way. I slam my locker shut and strut to my form.

Effy wasn't at home last night, I had knocked on her wall but she didn't reply, so I had hoped to see her at form.
I pushed the door open to see her seat empty chair, but a friendly face smiling at me, Freddie.  I smile back at him, thankful that I had a friend here.
I sit in my chair and pull out my phone to text effy.

   where tf r u bitch?

pub. meet me after please, buy me some fags yeah?x

I roll my eyes and put my phone in my bag.

Cook didn't show up to form today. Or any lessons that we had shared, but Naomi had told me that he went to sociology...which I didn't take.
"Naomes?" I say, carefully thinking about what I was going to say next.
"Mhm?" She said, not looking up from the book she was writing in.
"Y'know...you can tell me if you're...gay." I say. I regret saying this instantly and wished that I had minded my business, but I wanted to be a supportive friend. Naomi stopped writing in her book instantly.
"You were the one that came upstairs, weren't you? I knew it, I told her...you won't tell anyone, will you? please don't I-I." She panicked.
"Don't be silly, I won't tell anyone, Katie noticed you  guys weren't there and I told her you two went to the shop, I'm not like that." I say.
She hugged me, and then the bell rang. Meaning it was the end of the day.

I walked home with Panda, as much as I wanted to hate her I couldn't. She had given me a speech about how sorry she was and that she just wanted to feel sexy. I believed her, I knew she was too stupid to be malicious. Though I had decided that I was going to continue being cold until I deemed it appropriate to forgive her properly...perhaps after Thomas confronts her, I figure she'll need a friend.

I quickly get dressed before going to meet Eff. I put on a tight black lace top that did my boobs justice. I then pulled on a short burgundy skirt that stopped just below my bum. I frantically looked around for some nice shoes I had sworn I bought not long ago but gave up thinking that perhaps effy had stolen them. I pull on some fishnets, then my usual boots and an oversized black jacket that I had stolen from my year 9 boyfriend. I even went as far as to put red lipstick on which made me look sexy, I must admit.
I had wondered why I had made such an effort, but I realised that it was because I'd hoped that I'd bump into Cook. I slam my bedroom door behind me and the thought of my stupidity.

I go into my kitchen and force my fridge door open, gulping down some orange juice that was in there. I'd guessed my mom was off her diet.
I walk into the living room to say goodbye to my mother but I realised she was sobbing. I was about to just leave. But I thought I ought to see what's wrong.
"Mum...what's...what's up?" I say awkwardly.
She wailed.
"It's your boyfriend isn't it?" I say, sitting next to her on the sofa. 
She nodded, sobbing loudly now.
I awkwardly pat her shoulder, trying to be comforting to the woman who had given away my siblings for her bloody boyfriends.
"Oh, India! He told me I- I...HAVE WRINKLES!" She bellowed. "Do you think I'm old?"
"No mum." I said through gritted teeth.
She looked at me.
"Oh darling, you look stunning!" She said.
"Please let me fix your lipstick though," She said.
I roll my eyes and scoff.
She rummaged in her bag and pulled out a makeup bag.
She dabbed and stroked at my face with various brushes and applicators, even daring to pamper my hair.
"Done." She said after ten minutes.
I took up to look in the mirror on our mantle piece, expecting to look like an awful barbie doll...but I looked quite nice. Nice.
"Thanks, mum." I say, hugging her.
She yanked at the strings at the back of my top and I felt my boobs move upwards.
"You ought to show off their boobs more girl." She said.
I smile at this. I guess she isn't that bad.
"Bye mum." I say.
"Love you!" She called after me as I walked out the door.
I scramble off.
When I got to the pub I could see two people snogging as if they were going to eat each other's faces. gross. As I got closer I realised who the girl was, Effy.
"Effy what the fuck ew?" I say, tapping her.
She laughed.
The guy looked at me, he was just a random dude who looked like 21.
Effy pushed him away and sashayed into the pub. I followed after her, telling the guy not to bother following us - then blowing him a kiss as I shut the door in his face.

"You look fucking fit." Effy said.
"I know." I reply. Then we give each other that smile. The Effy and India smile.

This meant trouble

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This meant trouble.
We did 10 shots each.
A group of good-looking boys walked in. I immediately walk over, wanting to perhaps forget about Cook. Effy followed. 
"Wait no, but Freddie-" Before I could finish what I was saying, I could see Effy start up her chat-up routine. As I was about to stop her I heard someone speak to me.
"Hey." A voice that I didn't recognise said.
I turn around and see a tall brunette boy with blue-green eyes standing behind me.
"Hi," I say back.
I bite my lip.
He watched me, intrigued.
I walk over to the table that me and Effy were sat at before, he followed and sat next to me.
We spoke and drank for hours before we (Me, the boy, Effy and the boy she pulled) went to the club.
I was that drunk I couldn't remember his name, but he was interesting. He was handsome, but truthfully I wasn't interested, just wanted to get my mind off...things.
A good Rihanna song burst out through the club speakers. I began to dance on the boy I had pulled, letting go and swaying my hips to the rhythm as his hands traced up and down my body.

That's when I saw him.
He was glaring at the boy who I was dancing with.

A girl was dancing on Cook but he took no notice

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A girl was dancing on Cook but he took no notice.
Cook pushed her to one side. He stormed over towards me...

Shit happens ✧ *:✧・゚* Skins gen 2 • James Cook • Effy Stonem • Freddie McClair Where stories live. Discover now